
Shanghai Film Festival 丨 National Comics Series Sharing Meeting, witnessing the sea of stars of National Comics

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Xia Yining

The 2020 Shanghai International Film Festival is in full swing. With the rise of national comics, more and more national comic works have appeared on the stage of international film festivals and exhibitions together with movies and TV series, and a series of classic IP circles have countless fans.

Shanghai Film Festival 丨 National Comics Series Sharing Meeting, witnessing the sea of stars of National Comics

On July 27, the Shanghai Terminus of the Central Radio and Television Corporation held a series of sharing meetings on "Breaking Through the Dimension and The BoundlessNess of National Comics". Tencent Animation debuted with several major IPs of "Fox Demon Little Red Lady", "Qin Xia" and "Song of the Final Key", and a number of main creators chatted with the audience about the behind-the-scenes stories, and were simultaneously broadcast online by the CCTV News New Media Platform.

The animated drama "Little Red Lady of the Fox Demon", adapted from the manga of the same name, is a rare evergreen work in the field of national comics. On the same day, three voice actors from the 729 sound workshop, Ajie, Yang Tianxiang and Crooked, not only answered the funny questions of netizens, but also brought a fox demon dubbing show on the spot, so that everyone saw the strength of China's top voice actors.

Shanghai Film Festival 丨 National Comics Series Sharing Meeting, witnessing the sea of stars of National Comics

From left: Moderator, Ajie, Yang Tianxiang, Crooked

For Yang Tianxiang and Crooked, "Little Red Lady of the Fox Demon" is undoubtedly an important work of the dubbing career milestone. Through the experience and accumulation of the role of Bai Yuechu, Yang Tianxiang has grown from a voice actor to a dubbing director, and Crooked has achieved a huge leap from the group to the unit male protagonist Yang Contempt.

In Ajay's view, the difference between a voice actor and a voice director is not only reflected in the technology of voice performance, but also in the ability to control the whole scene, "When the voice actor is recording in the studio, the consideration will be more subjective, and the director outside the studio must be more controlling and able to give dubbing guidance from other angles." Yang Tianxiang also said seriously: "Since I sit in the position of director, I must tell the truth, otherwise I am sorry for the weight of this position." ”

Crooked said that when he was still an anime fan, he was chasing "Fox Demon Little Red Lady", and just entered the dubbing industry and got the opportunity to participate in the "Southern Kingdom Chapter", even if he only played some small monsters, he was very excited. This time, in order to play Yang Contempt with a dual personality, he carefully pondered the psychology of the characters and designed different voice lines for Yang Contempt in different shape states, which won the unanimous praise of the audience.

In the face of interesting questions from netizens, several voice actors also recalled interesting things in the recording studio. Yang Tianxiang came to the scene with a food broadcast voiceover without physical performance: "Animation needs exaggerated sound effects, if the mouth is really eating when dubbing, it is not so cute." Ajay laughed and said that in the past, eating noodles and apples in the shed was the norm, "with the fragment of eating, the more you match, the more hungry you are!" ”

Tencent Animation's original project "Qin Xia", which is being incubated, is full of Chinese charm. In the animation, there is not only the inheritance of the Mo family's philosophical concept, but also reflects the continuation of traditional culture in the creation of national comics.

Shanghai Film Festival 丨 National Comics Series Sharing Meeting, witnessing the sea of stars of National Comics

Fuji Shin and Li Qingyang

Voice director Fuji Shin introduced that in the past, when he watched American comics, he often thought about when China could also have animations that talked about his own superheroes. "When I saw 'Qin Xia', I thought, isn't this our 'Terracotta Warrior'?" We finally have our own superheroes too. ”

Li Qingyang revealed that as soon as the approachable Fuji Shin entered the studio, he became very strict, "He would help us cut the emotions of each line and ask us to perform as much as possible." In order to reduce the deliberate sense of chewing words, Fujin Xin not only asked Li Qingyang to understand the meaning of the lines, but also transformed into an examiner at any time to ask questions. Therefore, the year of recording "Qin Xia" also made Li Qingyang grow up at a high speed.

When it comes to how to discover and cultivate new talents, Ajie and Fujishin have a lot of feelings. Fuji shin pointed out that many people often have a misunderstanding, that is, to be a voice actor, you must first have a clear and good voice, "In fact, dubbing for animation is also a kind of performance, we not only have to look at the voice conditions, but also pay more attention to whether the other party has the talent and potential to perform." Ajay adds that recording a group of people is also an important part of examining whether the newcomer has the ability to understand the character and match the performance to the character. If there are newcomers who stand out in the group, the seniors will be happy to give them the opportunity to pick up the girder when they encounter similar roles.

As an open co-creation large-scale science fiction IP planned and created by Tencent Animation, "The Song of the Final Key" imagines the thousand-year history of mankind from 2000 to 3100, and the avant-garde theme and novel creative mode are eye-catching. The PV sci-fi played on the spot is full of sense, and the IP debut single "Final Key Prelude" combines pop and bel canto singing, which is magnificent.

Shanghai Film Festival 丨 National Comics Series Sharing Meeting, witnessing the sea of stars of National Comics

The creative team of "The Song of the Final Key"

At the sharing meeting, Li Xiaoting, director of Tencent Animation IP Development Center, and Chen Qifan, a well-known science fiction writer, shared their creative concepts and future development directions with netizens as the main creative representatives of "Song of the Final Key".

Li Xiaoting introduced that an IP from creation to be known to the public often needs a long incubation cycle, the selection of "Song of the Final Key", it is precisely because it is a project with advanced consciousness and long-term perception of users. Chen Yongfan introduced that "The Song of the Final Key" will be a grand epic masterpiece, incubating the story of different media forms under a plurality of open worldviews, so the creator also invited more than 100 fans to join the polishing of the world view of the work, hoping to finally present a science fiction world full of oriental philosophical concepts and full of possibilities.

In the future, "Song of the Final Key" will be built into a diversified IP that includes novels, comics, animation, music, movies and games, and the single "Final Key Prelude" is only the prelude to the music story line, and At the end of the year, Tencent Animation will also launch a series of animation and novel content.

Whether it is "Little Red Lady of the Fox Demon" and "Qin Xia" created on the basis of traditional Chinese culture, or "Song of the Final Key" based on science fiction elements, Tencent Animation has always been on the road of IP exploration of national comics. In the future, Tencent Animation will also carry out industrial and systematic planning for more IP, continue to innovate, and develop more animation works that have both market potential and are loved by the audience, and witness the star sea of national comics with the audience.

Editor-in-Charge: Xu Liyi