
Chen Gang: Thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on propaganda and ideological work Promote the high-quality development of trade union propaganda work in the new era Chen Gang pointed out during a survey by Workers' Daily

author:Workers Daily

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > Chen Gang pointed out in a survey by Workers' Daily</h1>

Thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on propaganda and ideological work Promote the high-quality development of trade union propaganda work in the new era

On the eve of the 22nd Journalists' Day, Chen Gang, secretary of the party leading group, vice chairman, and first secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to the Workers' Daily newspaper to investigate, visit the cadres and workers of the editorial office, extend festive greetings to everyone, and pay tribute to the old comrades who have contributed to the development of the newspaper for a long time. Chen Gang stressed that Workers' Daily should deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on propaganda and ideological work, adhere to the requirements of Comrade Wang Dongming, adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation, strengthen responsibility, give full play to the role of Workers' Daily as the main channel and main front of China's trade union news propaganda, and promote the high-quality development of trade union propaganda work in the new era.

Chen Gang: Thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on propaganda and ideological work Promote the high-quality development of trade union propaganda work in the new era Chen Gang pointed out during a survey by Workers' Daily

Chen Gang led the team to the Workers' Daily newspaper to investigate.

Chen Gang and his party went to the Workers' Daily Newspaper's platform for collecting, editing, reporting, and commanding the news, and broadcasting hall of the China Workers' Network to thoroughly investigate the development of media integration and development, the progress of the news and propaganda work of the online trade unions, walked into the photo and arrangement workshop, learned about the work processes such as editing and typesetting on the spot, and watched the special film on the history of the Workers' Daily newspaper, and listened to the work reports of the main responsible comrades of the newspaper. Chen Gang said that the Workers' Daily was born in the dawn of a new China, and developed and grew along with the growth of the republic. In recent years, Workers' Daily has continuously strengthened its characteristics, vigorously publicized Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, built the main position of public opinion propaganda of the "gong" brand around the center and key work of trade unions, and formed a three-dimensional development pattern with newspapers as the flagship and comprehensive and in-depth integration of newspapers, networks, terminals, micro-journals and periodicals. It is hoped that the cadres and workers of the newspaper company will continue to maintain the momentum of starting a business as an official, carry forward the fine traditions, work tirelessly and indignately and strive to be strong, and make greater contributions to singing the main melody, strengthening positive energy, and boosting the spirit.

Chen Gang: Thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on propaganda and ideological work Promote the high-quality development of trade union propaganda work in the new era Chen Gang pointed out during a survey by Workers' Daily

Chen Gang had a discussion with representatives of editorial technicians.

During a discussion with representatives of the editorial and technical personnel, Chen Gang pointed out that all cadres and workers of the Workers' Daily newspaper should take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on propaganda and ideological work and the important expositions on the work of the working class and trade unions as fundamental guidelines, conscientiously implement the spirit of the national trade union propaganda work conference and the central news media (website) trade union news propaganda forum, firmly grasp the correct political direction, continuously enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", and keep in mind the "great power of the country". It has always maintained a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideology, politics and action.

Chen Gang: Thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on propaganda and ideological work Promote the high-quality development of trade union propaganda work in the new era Chen Gang pointed out during a survey by Workers' Daily

Sun Dehong, secretary of the party leading group and director of the Workers' Daily newspaper, reported on his work.

Chen Gang stressed: It is necessary to strengthen the ideological and political guidance of staff and workers, and constantly enhance the dissemination, guidance, and influence of trade union propaganda work. It is necessary to grasp the law of communication, innovate work ideas, strengthen the awareness of reform, attach importance to technology-driven, promote the integration and development of the media, and publicize the key work of trade unions in a three-dimensional and multi-angle manner. It is necessary to innovate ways and methods to adapt to the way of thinking and acceptance habits of the masses of workers and staff, to the trend of differentiation and differentiation, and to better reflect the vivid practice of the production and life of staff and workers and the work of trade unions. It is necessary to focus more on the publicity perspective on the grass-roots frontline and labor model workers, especially to promote the protection of the rights and interests of key groups such as workers in new employment forms, and launch more high-quality works that are "steaming, sweating, and sticking to the soil".

Chen Gang: Thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on propaganda and ideological work Promote the high-quality development of trade union propaganda work in the new era Chen Gang pointed out during a survey by Workers' Daily

Representatives of young journalists made statements.

Chen Gang said: To promote the party's great cause and realize the aspirations of the masses of workers and staff for a better life, we need to work hard for a long time and diligently. It is necessary to do a good job in building the contingent of qualified personnel, implement the spirit of the central talent work conference, carry out in-depth "four forces" education, attach importance to "passing on help and leading the way," and lay a solid foundation for basic skills. It is necessary to implement the responsibility system for the ideological work of trade unions, firmly grasp the initiative of the leading power, dare to speak out with the sword, and implement the "five resolute" requirements in a down-to-earth manner. Trade unions at all levels should attach great importance to and vigorously support the distribution of workers' daily newspapers, and continuously expand the coverage of newspapers, networks, terminals, micro-journals, and periodicals in trade union organizations and enterprises, so that the voice of trade unions can be spread more widely and more loudly among workers.

Wei Dichun, vice chairman of the ACFTU and secretary of the Secretariat, and Zou Zhen, member of the ACFTU party group, participated in the investigation.

Source: Workers Daily Workers Daily reporter Zheng Li Photo: Workers Daily reporter Yang Dengfeng Wang Weiwei

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