
The families of Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin of our school won the title of "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" in Sichuan Province in 2021

author:Nine Schools of Education

What is it like to be a like-minded, supportive, and growing family together for 22 years?

The families of Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin of our school won the title of "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" in Sichuan Province in 2021

Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin gave the best answers.

The families of Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin of our school won the title of "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" in Sichuan Province in 2021

Recently, the list of the top ten "most beautiful workers' families" in Sichuan Province in 2021 was released, and the families of Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin of our school stood out from the 100 "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" and won this honor, becoming the only award-winning family in the Sichuan education system.

Tian Ling, born in 1981, and Zhou Yimin in 1980 are the standard "80", both of whom studied in the School of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and achieved a good story of campus love and finally becoming a family.

During the study period, the two of them in the same class of the university supported each other and made progress together, spent unforgettable youth years in Chengdian, and also achieved fruitful academic results, along the way, from undergraduate and master's degree to doctoral graduation, until both stayed on campus to teach.

In the course of work, the husband and wife encouraged each other and bravely climbed the peak, Tian Ling grew into a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, and her research results were widely used in the relevant units of our army, making contributions to the national defense cause of the country. Zhou Yimin serves as the head of the Department of Software and Theory in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, and is the chief professor of the college.

Fourteen years ago, the crystallization of the love between the two - a healthy and lively baby boy fell to the ground, Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin specially chose the word "Kai" when naming it, hoping that the child would be like "good iron", the more polished, the more useful. Under the influence of mutual respect, mutual assistance, democracy and love of the family atmosphere, Zhou Chengkai has grown strongly, and is now a sunshine boy in the third grade of Chengdu Jiaxiang Foreign Chinese School (Pidu Campus), not only independent and autonomous, but also achieved excellent results, and has won many honors such as "District Three Good", "School Three Good", "Xiping Scholarship" and so on.

The families of Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin of our school won the title of "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" in Sichuan Province in 2021

At the beginning of 2020, taking advantage of the rare winter vacation gap, Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin, who are busy with scientific research and studies on weekdays, are traveling to Kenya according to their original plans, during which they learned that the new crown pneumonia epidemic has suddenly struck and there is a shortage of domestic anti-epidemic materials. The family's first thought was to abandon their travel plans, urgently go to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to purchase more than 20,000 masks at their own expense, and finally consign them back to China overcame many difficulties and donate them to the West China Hospital of Sichuan University and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Hospital, which were plagued by the shortage of anti-epidemic materials at that time, and made their own contributions to the fight against the epidemic.

In the summer of 2020, Zhou Yimin invited Miao to participate in the Youth Pioneer Camp of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and went to Cengong County, Guizhou Province, the counterpart of the University of Electronic Science and Technology, to study and discuss poverty alleviation, dedicate his ability to the country's poverty alleviation work, and actively make personal efforts for rural revitalization.

The families of Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin of our school won the title of "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" in Sichuan Province in 2021

Whether in class or at work, Tian Ling loves to smile, there are two beautiful dimples on a smiley face, spilling the warmth of the teacher into the hearts of the students, and also shining the sun into her own small home; at this time, Zhou Yimin, who is also a teacher, always looks at his wife tenderly, and a smile can't help but appear on his face.

"Sunshine is positive, love each other, mutual support, warmth and harmony" is the portrait of their family, but also the real family life scene, they with their own dedication, the courage to forge ahead of the spirit, in the new era engraved hard look, their family embodies the full of positive energy, is constantly inspiring and influencing the people around them, imperceptibly played a role in promoting social civilization with family civilization.

For the title of the top ten "most beautiful workers' families" in Sichuan Province, Tian Ling still laughed and said that "I am sorry and passed the prize", and the happy family she and Zhou Yimin built is like a pearl, emitting its own unique light and charm, and becoming the focus of the female staff committee of the provincial federation of trade unions in vigorously promoting the core values of socialism and solidly promoting the construction of workers' family civilization.

Sincerely wish this happy family, continue to practice family virtues on the way forward, create a good family style, and love each other forever.

Related links: 2021 Sichuan Province "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" activity selection

Since August 2021, the Women's Vocational Committee of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has organized the search for the "Most Beautiful Workers' Families" in Sichuan Province in 2021 in trade unions at all levels in the province, aiming to conscientiously implement the spirit of the theme practice activities of the Women's Vocational Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions on the theme of "Cultivating a Good Family Style - Female Employees in Action", solidly promote the construction of family civilization, carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese virtues, and promote the socialist core values to take root in the families of workers.

Since the launch of the activity, the federation of trade unions of various cities (states), provincial industries (bureaus), and enterprise groups (companies) has actively participated in the recommendation, and actively explored and displayed the advanced deeds and touching stories of the families of workers. The trade union of our school actively responded to the work arrangements of the provincial education, science, culture and health trade union, held a meeting of the school's female worker working committee on the basis of the recommendation of each branch trade union (directly under the trade union group), and recommended Tian Ling's family to report after research and decision. After layers of expert review, the families of Tian Ling and Zhou Yimin were finally selected as the top ten "most beautiful workers' families" in Sichuan Province.

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