
The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988

author:Tianjin Past
The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988

Xu Lili sang "Spring Beauty" at the 1986 Youth Song Contest

Recently, the complete video of Xu Lili, the champion of the 1986 CCTV Youth Song Contest, singing "Spring Beauty" was released on the Internet, and the song was psychic and melodious, bringing people back to thirty years ago. This song is a New Year's gift full of spring weather, and it is the most beautiful song of the year. Xu Lili recalled: "At that time, people were simple, simple, positive and full of positive energy. At that time, I sang because I liked and loved, not later crazy for fame, for money. ”

The first National Young Singers Television Grand Prix was held in November 1984, with the first prize for professional singers Liu Jie and the second prize being Fan Jingma and Guan Mucun in Tianjin. Guan Mucun later recalled: "She sang a song "Waves of Love" to express her infinite affection for nature, at that time the singers did not use microphones, and the bel canto, ethnic and popular singing methods in the competition were not separated, and everyone sang with their real voices. "It was the most real time, no beauty, no filters, no high reverberation, and no fake singing.

The second Youth Song Contest in 1986 pushed the influence of this competition to a new height. This session is divided into amateur and professional two parts, more than 180 singers in Tianjin participated in the preliminary competition, the jury consultants by "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China" songwriter Cao Mars, "Singing the Motherland" songwriter Wang Xin, Tianjin Conservatory of Music President Yang Jinhao, etc., members include Yu Shuzhen, Wan Weichen, Wu Shafei of the Mass Art Museum, Huang Kuizhong and Wang Jinbo of Tianjin Television Station. After six days of selection, the amateur group was selected by Feng Yunling, the bel canto singer Bi Junli, Zhao Shunli, and the popular singer Xu Lili and Wang Xiaoqing.

The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988
The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988

Returned to Tianjin after the game

On the evening of April 27, 1986, there was a dramatic scene in the final of the amateur group of the Second Youth Song Competition: after Xu Lili and Hubei player Zhao Gang scored the same score, Xu Lili sang "Spring Beauty" again, and finally won the first place with 9.38 points. Zhao Gang finished second, and another player from Tianjin, Wang Xiaoqing, finished third with 9.27 points. Bi Junli won the third place in the national singing method.

After the competition, Xu Lili was hired as a CCTV special actor when she was 22 years old. Tianjin Municipality held a celebration meeting for the winners, and Mayor Li Ruihuan proposed: "Popularizing the mass singing activities is also the need of the construction of the four modernizations; it is necessary to make the literary and artistic activities in Tianjin more active, so that the people of the whole city can work intensely and happily, and live a rich and colorful life." ”

Subsequently, Xu Lili joined the Tianjin Song and Dance Troupe and performed on the same stage with Luo Yusheng, Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong, Shi Shengjie, Yu Fusheng, Zhang Ke and so on many times. Tianjin Audio-Visual Company jointly recorded the "NiuHu Leopard" album tape for Xu Lili, Niu Hu and Niu Bao, which sold millions of copies, setting a record for the highest circulation at that time.

The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988

Go to the old mountain to offer condolences

Among all the performances, what impressed Xu Lili the most was that at the end of 1987, she participated in the "Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Culture to the Laoshan Frontline Literary and Art Condolence Group" to comfort the soldiers who insisted on sticking to the Laoshan Theater. This condolence group is composed of more than 20 performers from the Tianjin Song and Dance Troupe, the QuYi Troupe, and the Youth Peking Opera Troupe, including Xu Lili, Niu Bao, Qu Xiuzhen, Ma Zhiming, Xie Tianshun, and Liu Guijuan of the Youth Peking Opera Troupe. The song and dance troupe specially rehearsed the dance "Old Mountain Feelings".

At that time, from Tianjin to Laoshan, it took five days by train and car. The convoy arrived at the Yunnan Front Headquarters of the Chengdu Military Region, and the soldiers beat gongs, drums, and set off firecrackers to welcome them outside the military gate. These soldiers learned ten days ago that the Tianjin condolence group was coming, and many Tianjin soldiers ran after the car, shouting and greeting their relatives from their hometowns. Xu Lili and other actresses were moved to tears.

The head of the unit thanked the people of Tianjin for their deep affection, and the condolence group presented a pennant to the headquarters with the inscription "Haihe sings for you, and the times are a monument for you." A chief reported the war situation to the condolence group, and the heroic deeds touched all the members of the condolence group. That night was the New Year's Eve, the condolence group performed in the open square, celebrated the New Year's Day of 1988 with all the soldiers, and at 12 o'clock in the evening, and then made dumplings with the soldiers and ate Chinese New Year's Eve meal.

The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988
The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988

Xu Lili

The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988

Cow, Tiger and Leopard

On the morning of New Year's Day in 1988, a small motorcade broke through the silence on the winding road leading to Lao Shan near the Border between China and Vietnam. The car jolted and raised strands of yellow dust, and the driver looked nervous and silently told the people that this was a mountain road full of danger, and the enemy shells could bloom here at any time. Unbeknownst to Xu Lili and other actors, in order to protect their safety, dozens of observation posts in the front were monitoring the enemy army without blinking.

The convoy climbed the old mountain. A thunderous cannon sounded, and soldiers poured in from all directions to greet the condolence group, and on the mountainside in the distance, in the barracks, there were fighters waving to the condolence group everywhere. At the end of the performance, the actors invite the warriors to dance the disco, and the warriors revel in this happy time.

In the warmest scene, Xu Lili once again quietly shed tears, and the simple feelings of the soldiers and their dedication to the motherland shook her soul. Hundreds of soldiers were buried in the Martyrs' Cemetery, and Xu Lili and seven or eight young actors from the condolence group quietly came here with guitars, wanting to sing a song of their hearts for the martyrs, but looking at the graves all over the mountains and the dense grass on the graves, the piano did not move, and people could not cry.

The old mountain front line is a place where the mind can be purified. Xu Lili and the actors performed seventeen times free of charge, and Xu Lili sang red circles of excitement countless times. Hundreds of miles of war zones, everywhere left the song of the Tianjin condolence group. As Xu Lili said, it was an era full of positive energy, when singing was from the heart, so it could bring people touch and tears. That's the historical memory of the '80s. (Text: He Yuxin)

The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988
The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988
The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988
The most beautiful song of that year, Xu Lili, the champion of the Qingge Song Competition, performed on the front line of Laoshan in 1988

Xu Lili sang "Spring Beauty" at the 1986 Youth Song Contest

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