
Longnan Tangchang: The love that runs all over the city under the epidemic is only so that stranded babies can eat milk powder

author:China Gansu Net
Longnan Tangchang: The love that runs all over the city under the epidemic is only so that stranded babies can eat milk powder

Reporter Song Fangke Correspondent Hou Xiaoxian He Jian

"Stranded visitors have a 4-month-old baby who has run out of formula! The child's parents are emotional. On the afternoon of October 22, Liu Huiyang, a police officer of the special police brigade of the Tangchang County Public Security Bureau, who was distributing supplementary anti-epidemic materials at various duty points, received feedback from the staff of the duty station.

After understanding the situation, he was impatient, and immediately rushed to the duty station to calm the mood of tourists, saying that he would definitely bring back the milk powder.

Affected by the epidemic, all stores have been temporarily closed. Liu Huiyang went from one store to another, checking the posted phone numbers one by one and calling for inquiries. He ran half the county and knocked on many baby shops. Knowing that the milk powder is drunk by the premature baby milk protein allergy child, many store staff have said that there is no milk powder. This made him very anxious and had a feeling of being cornered. The baby waiting to be fed is still waiting for him... What to do? He didn't think much of it and continued his search for a carpet-style store. Eventually, I learned in a nursery that there was this milk powder, just 3 cans ordered by others, and there was no excess for sale. Liu Huiyang told the person in charge of the baby shop what happened, and finally the person in charge of the baby shop was willing to transfer 1 can of milk powder to solve the urgent need.

Longnan Tangchang: The love that runs all over the city under the epidemic is only so that stranded babies can eat milk powder

After getting the milk powder, he immediately delivered the milk powder to the tourists. "The epidemic is merciless, and I also hope that my hometown is safe and sound, and what I bring you is not only frightened, but also hopes to leave you with the beauty and warmth of my hometown, in short, I hope that we are all safe and sound, and I wish the baby to grow up strongly!" In the midst of the great gratitude of the tourists, he did not forget to guide the tourists to stay anxious.

It is understood that at 5:00 a.m. on October 21, after receiving the epidemic prevention and control order, Liu Huiyang, as a member of the epidemic emergency response team of the special police brigade, while undertaking the police work of the county town, he distributed supplementary anti-epidemic materials at various frontline duty points day and night, and took the initiative to undertake tasks such as patrolling and evacuating and gathering the masses.

Liu Huiyang served in the Beijing Armed Police Force and is now a special police officer in the special police brigade of the Tangchang County Public Security Bureau. From military uniforms to police uniforms, what is changed is clothes, what remains unchanged is the original intention, "the first half of his life to defend the country, the second half of his life to defend his hometown" is his faith, but also his hope.