
Pinghu Science Popularization Day was held

author:Information News
Pinghu Science Popularization Day was held

Yesterday morning, Pinghu City held the 2021 National Science Popularization Day Pinghu Main Event and the Opening Ceremony of the Xincang Town Printing Exhibition Hall. He Miao, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the

The National Science Popularization Day activity is a large-scale mass science popularization publicity activity organized and carried out nationwide, and it is also an important carrier to vigorously create a popular science atmosphere, and has become a popular science brand with high public participation, wide coverage and great social influence. The theme of this year's Pinghu National Science Popularization Day is "Dream Chasing Science and Technology Self-Reliance and Self-Improvement, Courage to Be a Model of Common Prosperity", and will carry out more than 130 science popularization activities with rich content and diverse forms around promoting the spirit of science, promoting healthy life, bravely becoming common prosperity, preventing telecommunications fraud, and building a beautiful home.

Science popularization is the source of wisdom, the source of strength, the source of innovation, and the foundation and premise of scientific and technological innovation. In recent years, Pinghu City has always put science popularization work in an important position, highlighting the mass and interactive nature, and held a series of influential science popularization activities, and special brands such as "Science Popularization", "Aerospace Science Popularization" and "Little Science +" are well received by the masses. In the early stage, with the consent of the "National Evaluation and Commendation Work Coordination Group", the China Association for Science and Technology decided to start a new round of national science popularization demonstration counties (cities, districts) to create work. After active struggle, Pinghu City has been included in the second batch of the list of difference creation.

He Miao pointed out that the selection of the list is not only an affirmation by the superior of the past work of the Pinghu Association for Science and Technology and the work of science popularization, but also puts forward new and higher requirements for the future science popularization work of Pinghu. She hoped that Pinghu City would take the opportunity of the creation of this new round of national science popularization demonstration city to unite and cooperate, make courageous progress, and complete the creation task with high quality.

(Source: Pinghu Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】