
The latest announcement of Evergreen Shares: Net profit in the third quarter fell by 93.59% to 2.031 million yuan

author:Securities Star

Evergreen announced that in the third quarter of 2021, the company achieved operating income of 681 million yuan, an increase of 14.59% year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 2.031 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 93.59%; net loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was 1.2787 million yuan; basic earnings per share was 0.01 yuan per share.

According to the 2021 interim report of Evergreen Shares, the company's main revenue was 1.591 billion yuan, up 53.47% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the mother was 75.3019 million yuan, up 76.72% year-on-year; the deduction of non-net profit was 68.1046 million yuan, up 127.64% year-on-year; among them, in the second quarter of 2021, the company's single-quarter main revenue was 812 million yuan, up 32.97% year-on-year; the single-quarter net profit attributable to the mother was 40.7313 million yuan, down 8.29% year-on-year. In a single quarter, the non-net profit was 36.8087 million yuan, up 3.3% year-on-year; the debt ratio was 51.72%, the financial expense was 22.298 million yuan, and the gross profit margin was 15.87%.

The unit has not had an institutional rating in the last 90 days. The Securities Star Valuation Analysis Tool shows that Evergreen Shares (603768) has a good company rating of 2.5 stars, a good price rating of 2 stars, and a comprehensive valuation rating of 2 stars.

The chairman of the company is Wu Yinghong. Mr. Wu Yinghong: Born in 1968, Han ethnicity, Chinese nationality, former executive director of Evergreen Limited and other positions. He is currently the president of the Federation of Industry and Commerce (Chamber of Commerce) of Baohe District, Hefei City, and has won the honorary titles of Torch Relay of Hefei Station of The Beijing Olympic Torch Relay, the honorary title of "Excellent Entrepreneur" of Anhui Province, the Outstanding Representative of the 14th Hefei Municipal People's Congress, the Representative of the 10th Party Congress of Hefei City of the Communist Party of China, the Honorary Title of Model Worker of Anhui Province, and the Outstanding Private Entrepreneur of the Seventh National Care for Employees. He is currently the chairman of the board of directors of the Company, executive director of Hefei Changling, executive director of Beijing Hongting, executive director of Shiyan Changsen, executive director of Wuhu Changrui, executive director of Hefei Changmao, executive director of Yizheng Changzhong, executive director of Hefei Changsheng, executive director of Zhenjiang Changtai and other positions.

This article is compiled by the Securities Star Data Center based on publicly available data and does not constitute investment opinions or suggestions, if there are any problems in the text, please contact us.

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