
Huangpi's "fourth-level model" walked into the Party History Museum in Zhupu Village to visit and study

author:Yangtze River Daily
Huangpi's "fourth-level model" walked into the Party History Museum in Zhupu Village to visit and study

Changjiang Daily-Yangtze River Network, February 28 (Reporter Liu Na Correspondent Qiu Shu) "Here is a turning point in the history of the party, which records the evolution of the 'party emblem'..." On the afternoon of the 26th, at the Party History Education Center in Zhupu Village, Huangpi, Zhu Jungang, secretary of the village party branch, pointed to the pictures on the wall and told the party's historical story.

On the same day, the Propaganda Department of the Huangpi District CPC Committee organized representatives of advanced models of the whole country, such as moral models and models of the times, to visit and study the Zhupu Village Party History Education Center and hold a forum. National moral model Sun Donglin, Hubei provincial moral model Ge Tiancai and other representatives exchanged in-depth discussions around the overall requirements of "building a good base, making a brand sound, and forming a demonstration".

Huangpi's "fourth-level model" walked into the Party History Museum in Zhupu Village to visit and study

The advanced deputies visited the Zhupu Village Party History Museum. Photo courtesy of correspondent Jing Di

The Party History Education Hall in front of the villagers' homes

Vivid and vivid is easier to get into the mind

"In the past, when visiting the Party History Museum, I had to go to other places by boat and car, but now that there is a Party History Museum in front of my home, the villagers can come and go around at any time, which is really good." Sun Donglin, a national moral model and "Brother of Xinyi," walked out of the Party History Museum with both excitement and pride.

Sun Donglin, a native of Li Ji, learned that a party history education hall had been built in Zhupu Village, and organized party members and employees of the company to come to study at the first time. "I have visited many times, I feel very kind, every time I see these revolutionary histories, I look in the mirror, I will think about my daily words and deeds, whether I have achieved the standard of party members, whether I have played a pioneering and exemplary leading role, and whether I have a good impact on the people around me." Every time you learn, you are an improvement on yourself. ”

"Villagers have a good place to study party history, and precious historical pictures and historical objects are living textbooks, vivid and vivid, and easier to get into the mind." Hu Zhongyu, chairman of the Huangpi District Qu Art Association, sighed while visiting.

"Cultural revitalization is an important part of rural revitalization, and once the economy is revitalized, spiritual culture cannot be delayed." Du Youyuan, former director of the Changxuanling Street Cultural Station, praised one after another, "Zhupu Village, whether it is the people's big stage or the village-level party history museum, is a place to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers, and the villagers not only have their pockets bulging, but also their heads are rich." ”

Yang Zhiwen, a model of the Wuhan Times and deputy director of the Second Taxation Office of the Huangpi District Taxation Bureau, said that visiting the Party History Museum reminded him of the new crown epidemic last year, "Under the leadership of the party, the national epidemic prevention and control campaign has achieved major strategic results, and these valuable experience methods are an important reference for us to cope with risks and meet tests." ”

Pei Gaocai, a member of the China Writers Association, said: "Liji Street is a moral highland, and it is necessary to make full use of local cultural resources, strengthen red cultural education, and unite people's hearts to promote rural revitalization." ”

Grassroots party organizations are the backbone of the masses

Only when party members are strong can they become a "bridge between the heart" between the party and the masses After visiting the party history museum, the advanced deputies and their party held an on-site exchange meeting; Zhu Jungang served as the secretary of the village party branch for 5 years, and the work of building strong grass-roots party organizations such as grasping the work style of village cadres, grasping the education of party members, and grasping the building of village party organizations has become the focus of everyone's discussion.

"Rural work is full of problems, and village cadres must implement it, and village cadres must first strengthen themselves in order to become a 'bridge connecting the hearts' between the party and the masses, which is the mission of rural cadres." Ge Tiancai, the first secretary of Dutang Village in Yaojiaji Street, was deeply touched.

"Grassroots party organizations are the masses' reliance, grassroots work must be grounded, and grassroots party members and cadres must take the initiative to serve the masses." Gong Weiping, secretary of the party branch of Shengtian Village in Wangjiahe Subdistrict, Huangpi District, said, "Secretary Zhu is good at mobilizing the strength of village cadres, party members, and the masses. Grassroots party organizations are the 'backbone' of rural construction, but rural revitalization is not done by one person, nor by the "two committees" of the village, but by party members and cadres leading the broad masses together. ”

Liu Liangjuan, who is the third model of helping others in Huangpi District and is currently a member of the Huangpi Mulan Township Government Organization Committee, once served as a college student village official for 8 years and has a deep understanding of rural work, she said: "Village-level affairs are far from enough to rely on the strength of only a few village cadres, and it is necessary to truly unite the party member team, stimulate the enthusiasm of party members, and drive the villagers to smoothly promote the implementation of various rural work." ”

"In rural governance, we must first grasp party members, who serve the people and are also a bridge between the masses." Gong Bosheng, the former secretary of the party branch of Fenghuangzhai Village on Caijiaju Street, was inspired, and under his convocation, Fenghuangzhai Village set up a village party member volunteer service team to serve the villagers with members of the "two committees" of the village and party members in the village as the backbone. After the establishment of the team, "party members took the initiative to help villagers solve living problems and carry out home cleaning activities, which played an important role in rural governance." ”

【Editor: Deng Laxiu Fu Hao】