
"Ride the Wind and Waves" killed Qiao Shan Yang Zishan joined hands to write the entrepreneurial legend of the 80s

author:Beiqing hot spot

"Riding the Wind and Waves", which lasted 135 days and told the story of entrepreneurship in the early days of reform and opening up in the 1980s and 1990s, was successfully completed in Huludao yesterday (27th). The drama party then exposed the concept poster and the informative special edition, the fresh actors such as Qiao Shan and Yang Zishan, as well as the warm and warm, optimistic and struggling era texture created in the play, which filled the audience's expectations.

"Ride the Wind and Waves" killed Qiao Shan Yang Zishan joined hands to write the entrepreneurial legend of the 80s

Real scene construction restores the texture of the era The struggle story flashes true feelings

Written by Xu Zhengchao and directed by Zhang Silin, the era entrepreneurship comedy "Riding the Wind and Waves" has been low-key filming since the start of the film. With an accordion accompaniment and the popular 80s hit song "Young Friends Come to Meet", the special edition of the qingqing special is used as a cushion music, which suddenly enters the era of "rolling up the sleeves" in the early days of reform and opening up.

"Ride the Wind and Waves" killed Qiao Shan Yang Zishan joined hands to write the entrepreneurial legend of the 80s

"Riding the Wind and Waves" tells the story of The Xingcheng swimwear people represented by Peng Jinxi (played by Qiao Shan) and Luo Hong (played by Yang Zishan) and their husband and wife who successfully started a business by riding the east wind of reform. Through the journey of two small characters from solving food and clothing to becoming a million yuan household and then becoming a representative of local entrepreneurs, the drama restores the key nodes of the development wave of the times one by one, and shows the history of reform and opening up in a small way. In order to truly restore the texture of the era, the crew specially selected the filming location in Xingcheng, where the story takes place, and built the main scene and street on more than 10,000 square meters of open space, and the shooting scenes were all real scenes and real scene transformations. Producer Chai Jingjie said that the drama adopts a realistic light and shadow style, and 90% of the costumes use real objects from that year. The strict control of details reflects the ingenuity of the team behind the scenes.

"Ride the Wind and Waves" killed Qiao Shan Yang Zishan joined hands to write the entrepreneurial legend of the 80s

Swimsuit elements show northeast humor Comedy character interpretation close to life

In the play, Peng Jinxi and Luo Hong have worked hard to drive a poor county in northeast China to become a "Chinese swimwear city" that leads the world in swimwear fashion. The duo's "barbaric growth" of the fight across generations resonates with the current audience, and the swimwear elements in it also provide the soil for the simple humor of the northeast people. In order to get close to the role, the play invited a number of well-known film and television actors, including Qiao Shan, who has many comedy masterpieces such as "Sewing Machine Band" and "Hello, Li Huanying", Yang Zishan, who has outstanding performances in "To the Youth We Will Eventually Pass Away" and "Antarctic Love", Liu Jia, the "National Mother", Tang Jianjun, who shaped the classic role of "Xie Guangkun", Yu Yang, a well-known host and comedian, as well as Zhang Ruihan, Han Yunyun, Feng Man, Liu Qiushi, Jia Jinjin and other starring actors. They used the comedy of life to reproduce the story of the struggle of the first batch of rich people in the early days of reform and opening up. The fresh combination of qiao shan and Yang Zishan is even more surprising and eye-catching. The filming scenes with rich era texture and the actors' close to life interpretation will evoke the public's emotions and memories of the 1980s and 1990s.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yang Wenjie

Editor/Bow Lifang

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