
The influence of the original family on oneself

author:Temperament righteous thief happy

A family of origin is a family of parents, you, and your siblings

The famous family therapy master Ms. Satya once said: "A person has countless connections with his native family, and this connection may affect his life." Haylinger, the founder of family arrangements, said something similar. He said that "a person's contact with his parents is his connection to the world". It can be seen that the relationship between parents in the primitive family and the relationship between parents and children have a comprehensive and far-reaching impact on a person. In the primitive family, each of us has formed a set of "primitive procedures". Without acquired learning and awareness, in a way, each of us has a certain amount of life. Local family issues involve our personality formation, intimate relationships, interpersonal interactions, family education, spiritual strength, etc

Different people have different views of native families. The pessimistic view is that what parents do may not be enough and may create so-called "impressions". The optimistic view is that the original family also has a good part, which makes you less of a detour without realizing it. In addition, you are born with a certain ability to heal yourself. Where there are cracks, it is also where light comes in. Some pain is also a motivation for a person to grow and move toward self-awareness and perfection. It is important that you learn to recognize and have the ability to correct mistakes. We learn and understand that Indigenous families are not trying to make excuses for themselves to blame their parents' ignorance, but to repair the wounds of our Indigenous families with love and responsibility, to build a better Indigenous family for our children, and to live a responsible life for ourselves. Here are some key words for growth: awareness, acceptance, forgiveness, reflection, gratitude, learning, and continuous growth

The article ends with a quote from Rogers, a master of humanistic psychology: "A good life is a process, not a state, a direction, not an end." "May you meet a better version of yourself on the way to growth."