
Why is "the big official is easy to see, but the little devil is difficult"?

author:Desert willows
Why is "the big official is easy to see, but the little devil is difficult"?

People are divided into large categories, which can be divided into ordinary people and non-ordinary people. Unusual people we are used to calling "people".

The so-called "character" is a person who has a certain social status or social influence.

But people who have some position and power generally do not think of themselves as ordinary people, hoping to find the feeling of being regarded as "characters" by others. The position is low, there is a lot of contact with ordinary people, and the advantages, disadvantages, character, and talents are well known to ordinary people, so ordinary people do not necessarily regard him as a "character", or jokingly call him a "small person". So he will use his public power or through some trouble to make you understand that he is also a character. If you meet this psychological need of him, your business may be easy to handle; if you do not meet this psychological need of him, he will make you understand through various means and make you surrender.

And a person with a high position, whether you generally recognize him as a "person" or not, and is a "big person", his social status and social influence are placed there, so there is no psychological need for social recognition, and naturally he will not do something difficult. And the image of being close to the people also helps to further enhance its social influence.

I think this may be one of the reasons why "big officials are good to see, little devils are difficult to get entangled"!

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