
Can you believe that this is the hands of a glorious king?

author:Dr. Huang Dongliang with sweaty hands

Xiao Peng, 20 years old, is a college student at a college in Nanjing. Keen on playing games, he has to play mobile games for several hours every night, the most frequent of which is the national game king "pesticide". He loved to play and played, and later he also once played the position of the glory king. However, it was in front of this "Glory King", in front of the game, there was always a threshold that could not be passed, which made him have a headache.

This "sill" is not a strange thing, it is the problem of his damp hand sweat. I believe that many gamers have also had such an experience, the game has been played for a long time or excited moments, the palm unconsciously sweated a little, always have to wipe it to not affect the operation. Maybe ordinary people only occasionally have to wipe twice intermittently, but Xiao Peng's hand sweat is a bit exaggerated, his hand is wet 24 hours a day, it has always been like it was just fished out of the water, and even when it is serious, you can see beads of sweat falling from the palm of your hand.

Can you believe that this is the hands of a glorious king?

Such a serious hand sweat can also be imagined, Xiao Peng often played unstable when playing, and even at the critical moment of the game such as team battles, he often dropped the chain. In this way, it is okay to make two mistakes occasionally, and it is often fatal. In the virtual network environment, everyone is easy to become a "keyboard man" behind the computer, it is easy to vent emotions in the game, and Xiao Peng has undoubtedly become a victim. There are words of suffering that are still powerless to refute, and sometimes they are even angry enough to drop their mobile phones.

In fact, in daily life, Xiao Peng is often plagued by hand sweat, and there are often various inconveniences in learning and socializing, and he has always endured in silence. However, thinking that he can't even play a game now, Xiao Peng can be said to have a pool of bitter water in his heart. Finally, after consulting with his family, Xiao Peng came to the hand sweat special clinic of Nanjing Taikang Xianlin Drum Tower Hospital. After receiving the consultation, through the introduction of the receiving doctor, it turned out that his condition was a disease called "hand sweating".

Can you believe that this is the hands of a glorious king?

Through the introduction of the doctor, Xiao Peng learned that hand sweating is actually a relatively common congenital disease, which is caused by the abnormal hyperactivity of the sympathetic nerve in the patient's chest cavity that controls sweat, as long as a minimally invasive treatment of the sympathetic nerve can completely solve the life troubles that plague his daily life. Therefore, Xiao Peng made up his mind to treat hand sweat, and after the examination, he underwent minimally invasive surgery for sympathetic ETS in the hospital.

The treatment was very smooth, Xiao Peng woke up after the operation to find that his hand sweat really disappeared, and he was successfully discharged from the hospital after checking unharmed the next day. When he was discharged from the hospital, Xiao Peng excitedly said, "This is good, and I will not put the super god in the future!" ”

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