
Running up can get rid of all troubles

author:Read at ten o'clock

The gap between people is opened in small things.

For example, this autumn, some people are busy pasting autumn fat, and some people seize the best sports season to strengthen their bodies.

When you are hiding in the bed and brushing your mobile phone, people who love running have already run five kilometers.

Over time, the difference in your physical and lifestyle will be like running, getting bigger and bigger.

On the rock wall on the bank of the Alpheus River in Olympia, Greece, there is still an ancient Greek motto inscribed:

"If you want to be smart, run;

If you want to be strong, run;

If you want to be healthy, run. ”

Running is the first sport of human beings, does not require complicated skills, every healthy person will run;

The equipment is simple and does not require a special venue;

Not limited by number of people, time, rules.

Autumn should be the most suitable season for running, the temperature is not hot or cold, the climate is not wet or dry, the leaves are red and yellow, go out of the house to run for a while, along the way to see the endless scenery, the speed becomes faster unconsciously.

Why is running obviously tiring, but it can bring happiness to people?

The Running Bible mentions that in ancient times, hunters and gatherers ran on the grasslands, they got more food and energy, and nature would reward runners with happy hormones such as serotonin and endorphins.

Running up can get rid of all troubles

There is an aunt Zhang Jing, who was born in 1953 and is nearly 70 years old, with a well-proportioned figure and clear muscle lines, making her look completely old at this age.

When he was young, because of his long-term study and work, Zhang Jing suffered from a lot of problems:

Cervical hyperplasia, lumbar muscle strain, arthritis of both knees and shoulders...

At the age of 51, he was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent two consecutive surgeries.

After the operation, Zhang Jing could not stand up straight, her legs could not walk, and her whole body hurt everywhere, and she found that this was the price of hard work, which was called a life.

Life has reached the second half, it is time to end the nine-to-five life state, Zhang Jing is determined to leave more time to go to the gym, to see the world, to spend with his family.

After that, she began to work out, swim, do strength yoga, and eat low-carbon water and high-protein vegetarian food.

Half a year later, her body changed:

The pain disappeared, the muscles and strength increased, and the young man who had hoeed down to the ground and was full of strength was back.

With plenty of physical strength and plenty of time, Zhang Jing is also constantly trying new sports:

Sampan, yoga, surfing, highland trekking, scuba diving...

Even the way to bring a grandson is different from the average old man, she will take the child to do yoga and climb the mountain.

Running up can get rid of all troubles

Zhang Jing, 68, took his granddaughter to climb the mountain

Zhang Jing said:

"In recent years, some of us after the 50s have been sick and dead, and I feel that we should put our bodies and mentalities first in life."

There is no age limit in sports, and the world's oldest marathon runner is a 103-year-old grandfather in India, and a 92-year-old grandmother in the United States ran the San Diego marathon in 7 hours, 24 minutes and 36 seconds.

Why do others run as light as a swallow, but you are breathless?

How can I run to avoid the injuries caused by sports?

Are you suitable for running? How fast is it best for you to run?

The Running Bible is regarded as a classic by runners.

Its author, Herbert Stefani, is a well-known German long-distance runner and coach who has won the German Marathon 16 times and many other long-distance running competitions, and won the European Marathon in 1986.

In 2003, Stilfani, who was over 50 years old, competed in the 10-kilometer race in Germany and broke the German record.

At the same time, as an excellent running coach, he has trained many excellent German runners and world champions.

Running up can get rid of all troubles

Achieving long-term health requires a complete and systematic running plan that adjusts to changes in the body over time.

The author mentions:

For every 1 kilometer of jogging or brisk walking, how many kilograms of people weigh will consume how many kilowatts of calories.

For example, if your weight is 60 kilograms, for every 1 kilometer of jogging or brisk walking, you will consume 60 kcal.

You may say that the purpose of my running is to lose weight, and how many pounds of weight I lose is enough;

Or for the sake of good health, you can reduce your blood sugar and lower your blood pressure.

Whatever the purpose, whenever it comes to training, there needs to be a complete and systematic training plan.

Blind exercise is not only difficult to achieve the goal, but also very easy to cause physical injury.

Only through planning can we continuously improve the level of training and ultimately achieve the goal efficiently.

Running up can get rid of all troubles

A complete and systematic exercise program needs to follow eight guidelines:

One is effective training stimulation.

That is to say, the amount of exercise must reach a certain standard, slightly exceeding the current critical value of physical fitness, in order to play an effective role in stimulating and promoting.

The second is to gradually increase the training load.

For example, if you run 500 meters at the beginning, you will not be able to exhaust yourself, and it is not difficult to slowly run 1000 meters, so the next training intensity must also be adjusted accordingly.

The third is to change the training load.

A single form of exercise will make people tired and tired, and physical growth will slow down, so look for different training stimuli to improve the enthusiasm of exercise.

For example, try to run at variable speed today, prepare for endurance running tomorrow, and improve the stimulation of exercise through the transformation of speed, time and venue in training.

The fourth is the best combination of load and rest.

After the training, be sure to give the body enough rest to move on to the next training.

The fifth is review and durability.

In order to stabilize the exercise effect, the training stimulation must be repeated many times to gradually adapt to the body.

The sixth is staging and circulation.

Exercise is a long-term process, it needs to be implemented in stages according to individual conditions, do not achieve overnight, but also pay attention to the cycle of training, in order to ensure that the training effect is long-term and stable.

Seventh, it is suitable for different individuals and age groups.

The development of exercise plans is more inclined to individuality, according to different individual circumstances to make plans, in addition to paying attention to the precautions of different age groups.

The eighth is to enhance professionalism.

In order to enhance physical fitness and reduce the risk of sports injuries, professional exercise is the only way to go.

Running up can get rid of all troubles

Herbert Stefani lists a set of standards, systems and detailed training plans based on years of practical experience, from rookie to runner, we need to go through three stages:

The first stage begins with walking to improve the health of the body.

The authors recommend sticking to it for 6 weeks, training 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time, and maintaining a heart rate of 65%-70% of the maximum heart rate.

Maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your current age from 220.

The second stage is from walking to jogging.

It is recommended to run for 10 weeks, 3 times a week, and add a period of jogging to the daily walk.

The third stage goes from jogging to runners in good shape.

The recommended duration is 12 weeks, 3 times a week, and the heart rate should not exceed 90% of the maximum heart rate when running fast, generally 80%-85%, which feels relaxed and effortless.

According to this plan, you can enter a good running state in almost 7-8 months.

Running up can get rid of all troubles

"Grain Brain" said that scientific diet, adequate sleep and exercise are the three magic weapons of health.

In scientific running, we constantly adjust ourselves, constantly go out of the comfort zone, find the most suitable training method for ourselves, not only to get physical satisfaction, but also to surpass ourselves and achieve the improvement and satisfaction of the spiritual world.

In running again and again, we get not only a healthier body, a more awake brain, but more importantly, a sense of control over the body.

If you can control the body, you can control life.

Author | Kale, write other people's stories well, live your own life.

Image | Visual China, Network (if there is infringement, please contact to delete)