
34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

author:Hong Kong film nostalgia

The lively European Championship soon came to an end, with Italy and England fighting for the title.

When it comes to football-themed movies, most people's first reaction is "Shaolin Football", after all, the film has been played on the European Championship and World Cup stadiums, and has a great influence in the world.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

"Shaolin Soccer" failed to be released in the mainland that year, but fans have already seen it many times, and the lines are even more familiar: if you don't have a dream, what is the difference between that and salted fish! Earth is dangerous, you still have to go back to Mars! The ball, it's not like that.

In the process of creating "Shaolin Football", Stephen Chow referred to two films, "Bo Niu" starring Yuan Biao in 1983 and "Kyoto Ball Man" starring Zhang Fengyi in 1987.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

"Bo Niu" has been introduced to you before, and the fusion of broken legs, match-fixing, stadium violence, martial arts and football in the film influenced the later Shaolin Football.

As for "Kyoto Ball Man", young fans may not be familiar with it, but it was also a hit that year, and it is said that the number of copies sold to the third place of the year.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

01, the birth of the script

In 1985, the leaders of Emei Film Studio gave the book of "Kyoto Ball Man" to the director Xie Hong and asked him to make a movie.

Although Xie Hong was only assigned to Eying and did not direct films independently, he was well-known and was a screenwriter for films such as "The Mysterious Buddha" and "Wulin Zhi", and had rich life experience.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

He took over the book of "Kyoto Ball Man" and felt that the content was not sufficient and needed to be revised.

It happened that not long after the 519 incident in Chinese football, he decided to integrate this piece into it, triggering the reflection of the Chinese people and making a really shocking black comedy.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

It is necessary to popularize the 519 incident, in 1985, in the World Cup qualifiers, the Chinese team attacked the World Cup for the third time, in the qualifiers, the first few games played well, as long as in the last game and Hong Kong team to draw can qualify, into the second stage of the game.

But in the game, the Chinese team made the mistake of light opponents, and finally lost 1:2, losing the opportunity to enter the 1986 World Cup in Mexico.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

That day was May 19th, and tens of thousands of fans were disappointed by the game, and they wept bitterly, which led to a series of conflicts that eventually led to a big mistake, and May 19 became an unforgettable day for fans.

Not only that, director Xie Hong also invited Zeng Xuelin, the national football coach who was dismissed from this incident, as a film consultant, zeng Xuelin once said: "5.19 is a nightmare for me, the heaviest lesson and blow in my life, and I have never coached the team since." ”

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

02, superficial comedy, core tragedy

The story of the film takes place in the last year of the Qing Dynasty, telling the story of Zhou Tian, in order to save his national self-esteem, looking for all the masters in Beijing, and forming a decisive battle between the Qinglong team and the Western team to play football.

Except for Sunday, no one else on the team has ever touched football, but like several division brothers in "Shaolin Soccer", each with a special skill.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

In the game, some people put snakes to scare people, some people use screams to grab people, some people use monkeys to grab the ball, and the most important thing is that some people use qigong to directly send the ball into the goal.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

In the end, the low-level team won the game 10:9, but sadly, they won the game, but they were ordered to be beheaded by the eunuch leader, and the film ended with the desolate and heroic song "Ball Man's Song", which was a tragic ending.

"Kyoto Ball Man" looks hilarious, but in the end it is a tragedy cloaked in comedy, the film has humorous dialogue, breathtaking action, and amusing details, but it feels a little sad at the same time.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

The decay and servility of the officials of the Qing Dynasty, the ignorance and insensitivity of the common people, the various ugly appearances of the Royal Forest Army team, and the indiscriminate killing of the members of the Green Dragon Team who won glory for the country by the eunuchs really made people cry and laugh.

On the contrary, this group of people who have won glory for the country are all people, thieves who sell art in the rivers and lakes, thieves with unclean hands and feet, those who have made trouble with the Boxers, those who have watched the brothels, and those who have committed crimes and labor reforms, really respond to that sentence: The three-rate nine religions are strange people, every time they slaughter dogs, small people can also do great things, and grassroots are also heroes.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

Why this group of people will stand up, because we Chinese is like this, no matter how heavy the burden on the body, how difficult it is, in the end they can stand up.

03, actor collocation

"Kyoto Ball Man" is a film that mixes action, comedy, drama, and stunts, so the actors hired by the director are also various.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

The male protagonist Zhou Tian plays Zhang Fengyi, who has always acted in the right drama, has long been famous with Camel Xiangzi, and is also the thief in Seongnam Old Things who was asked by Ying Zi You are here to.

Chen Peisi starred in it as the thief Zhao Fox, usually his hands and feet are not clean, but he is very righteous, and he and the monkey are the laughing points of this film.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

At first, he did not want to act in this film, after all, he acted in many comedies and went to the Spring Festival Gala during that period, and then he could not resist the director's warm invitation and promised that he would definitely win the award, so he agreed to come down.

"Lame Fly" is known as Kyoto's first righteous man, at first he and Zhou Tian were responsible for leading, but in the end he ignored his friends and stole his life, often the most radical people, at the critical moment is also the most easily shaken.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

"Crippled Fly" actor Sun Min, a first-class actor, has been nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor for "Evening Bell" and "Anju", and has also starred in classics such as "Orphan Tears" and "Smart Escape".

The sister of "Lame Zifei", Eryou, was in love with Zhou Tian, and the actor Wang Ji was not very famous at the time, but a few years later, with the role of Ah Chun in "Beijingers in New York", she became popular all over the country.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

Cross-talk master Jiang Kun and his partners Tang Jiezhong, "Zhu Yuanzhang" Gao Qiang, "Jia Baoyu" Ouyang Fenqiang, lao opera bone Guan Zongxiang, Liu Jiang, Li Po, Yu Shaokang also participated in the film.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute
34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

04, a number of actors died

The heroine Jenny is played by Paulina Lafang, in the movie, she helps the "Green Dragon" team find a venue, and finally in order to protect Zhou Tian, she kisses Zhou Tian in public, saying that he is her fiancé.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

In reality, Paulina Lafang loves China, has a strong interest in using chopsticks and tasting food during filming, and likes to ride a bicycle to visit small alleys.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

Regrettably, the year after the release of "Kyoto Ball Man", that is, in 1988, he died unexpectedly at the age of 25, which made people feel infinitely sad.

Hao Leopard's actor Yu Shaokang, a move of qigong is invincible, even the stone can be cracked, which is also a point that many people suspect, if it is so powerful, why was it caught.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

Yu Shaokang is an old actor, the district captain in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", the grandfather in "Xiyingmen", and also has a good performance in "Beida Wild Man", "Haixia", "Xizhao Street", but unfortunately it is gone in 1994.

Two Qing court officials, Tang Jiezhong and Li Po, and the "eunuch" Liu Jiang, were also gone.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

Liu Jiang, a well-known villain actor in Chinese movies, Tang Ling in "Tunnel Warfare", is high, really high; Hu Hansan in "Shining Red Star", "I Hu Hansan is back", at the same time, the old man is also the Yan King of the "Journey to the West" series.

Tang Jiezhong, a famous cross-talk artist, the best praise, and Jiang Kun were the best partners, but unfortunately, from then on, "Tiger Mouth Reverie" only left reverie, "Elevator Adventure" has no adventure.

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

Li Po, an old actor, has participated in many red classics such as "Sea Eagle", "Lin Hai Snow Field", "Hero Tiger Guts" and so on in the early days, but many people are most familiar with Dong Zhuo in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". It is worth mentioning that Li Po is also a voice actor who has voiced the Eight Commandments of Pigs in "Journey to the West".

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

In addition, gao Baocheng, the actor of "Chang Second Master", is also gone, he is Zhang Zhongfa in "Shangganling", Ge Zhenlin in "The Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain", and Song Dapa in "Shining Red Star".

Today, 34 years later, domestic comedies are getting worse and weaker, and atmospheric works like "Kyoto Ball Man" are afraid to be filmed again, and now we can only feel the beauty of the past in our memories. (Author: 11)

34 years ago, Chen Peisi's comedy was full of stars, and Zhou Xingchi once paid tribute

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