
Nong is good! A transnational romance written in a passionate tango

author:Chinese new things
Nong is good! A transnational romance written in a passionate tango

【Argentinian Chinese Story Album】

The Exotic Relationship between China and Argentina (III)

Nong is good! A transnational romance written in a passionate tango

She: Shelly Hou, from Shanghai, China. After working in a trading company for 10 years before coming to Argentina, he accidentally fell in love with tango and came to Argentina without hesitation, and is currently studying tango wholeheartedly.

He: Poblo, from Buenos Aires. He used to be a computer engineer and a tango teacher. Lived in Israel for 20 years and later in the United States for 10 years.

Chinese Headlines: Tell me how you met!

Shelly: We met at a tango school in early 2013 and we've been dancing together a lot since. There was nothing special about meeting him for the first time.

Pablo: At the time, I thought it was relatively new to meet Asian women who danced tango, and I admired her love of tango.

Chinese Headlines: When did you feel like the other party?

Pablo: At the time I felt like the two of us had a lot in common and a lot of common topics, and we both loved dancing. I found that she is a very hard worker, and when she has a goal, she will move forward firmly towards this goal until it is completed. This is also not quite the same as the Argentines.

Shelly: It should have started with that time he helped me move. I was getting ready to move, and he said he was going to come and help, but the day before we got into a fight and I thought he wouldn't be here the next day. But then he showed up on my doorstep early in the morning, and I thought the man was pretty reliable, unlike other Argentinians. And later, when I got along, I felt that he was a very interesting person who knew life, which made me feel that he could be trusted.

Nong is good! A transnational romance written in a passionate tango

Chinese Headline: What's the difference between falling in love with an Argentinian?

Shelley: I think it's very different, for me Chinese feelings are less revealing, we are more introverted and conservative than the Argentines. But Argentine men are especially good at talking, so I think girls are still very popular when I just met Argentines, but after a long time you know that they are the same trick for every girl. [Laughs]

Pablo: We come from two countries with different cultural backgrounds, and conflict is inevitable, I think this is a process that needs to communicate and run into each other, maybe in this process we all need to make some changes, and if we love each other, we should also accept each other's culture and traditions.

Chinese Headlines: Have you ever been to China together?

Shelley: Yes, we've been to China twice, and we just got back to Argentina in March.

Chinese Headlines: Pablo What is your feeling about China?

Pablo: I was used to a lot of things when I went for the second time. When I first went, I was surprised by so many things. For example, it is very common to see motorcycles driving on the sidewalk, and there are people walking on the street in pajamas, but the second time I have adapted. There is also that I also know a lot of Chinese women, I found that they are like recruiting when choosing a mate, for example, they have their own list of requirements, when they meet a boy, they will decide whether to become a couple according to whether the man meets their requirements, but Argentine women may value feelings more, I am not saying which one is worse but I think it is very different.

Chinese Headlines: What do you like most about China?

Pablo: I love Chinese food, and I love her family, they're all very kind to me. But what I like the most is China's price stability! I went to China twice and the prices didn't change much, but every time I went back to Argentina I felt like I was not going back to the wrong place, it felt like I was in another country.

Chinese Headlines: Did anything interesting happen in China?

Pablo: The first time I went to massage, it was very painful, I was given a massage by a little girl, I really don't understand how she has so much strength, I am a big man who screams in pain, but then I am addicted to especially like massage.

Shelly: Another time I remembered that when we went to the big bath together, it was the first time he went so I helped him book a full body scrub, which was very new to him, but when he came out he stared at me with strange eyes, haha.

Chinese Headlines: You have been together for almost three years, have you ever encountered any major twists and turns?

Shelly: This time in China, we broke up. At that time, because it was mainly a cultural conflict, I thought he was still An argentine after all, and we Chinese thought that we should work hard and seriously, but they didn't understand why they did it. For example, in the case of dancing, I would repeat and repeat every movement to try to achieve the best, but he didn't understand why I was doing this. So we often have contradictions because of this. At that time, I may have overspoken, so he ran away from home, anyway, when he came to China, his guts were fat and his wings were hard, so he moved to a friend's house for a few days, and then ran back to apologize to me and we reconciled.

Chinese Headlines: Do you have any plans for the future?

Nong is good! A transnational romance written in a passionate tango

Shelly: I'm going to go back to China in another year.

Pablo: I should go back with her, we intend to teach tango in China.

Author: Chinese headline reporter Bin

Source: Chinese Headlines

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