
Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

author:Kaiqi Parenting Studio

With the gradual increase in temperature, for many small partners, in addition to eating watermelon cold drinks, swimming has become the best choice for everyone.

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

However, swimming is cool for a while, and it is not pleasant to be found by "swimming disease"! So what is "swimming sickness"? However, it is not a disease, but a collective term for diseases caused by swimming pools.

I've heard the saying:

Pool water = water + disinfectant water + saliva + cosmetics + urine + eye feces + ear feces + snot + a small amount of big aunt + dead skin + hair + all kinds of bacteria + flying bugs + .....

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > source of pool disease</h1>

Although pools have certain hygiene standards and disinfection strategies, certain uncivilized behaviors can increase the risk of pool disease. According to a survey of 1,436 people in China Youth Daily, the most common uncivilized behaviors include:

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

Swimmers should always pay attention to the health and safety hazards in swimming places, and strictly prevent "pool disease" from getting infected.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > swimming pool can infect many diseases</h1>

▌ Skin diseases

Most of them are fungal skin diseases, such as tinea pedis, molluscum contagiosum, etc., most of which are transmitted by injuring the soles of the feet through foot pads, or using shared items such as unsterilized slippers and towels. Do not go into the water if there is a wound on the skin.

▌ Eye and ear diseases

Pink eye can occur throughout the year, but is more common in summer and more contagious, mainly through common objects. Eye pain, red itching, lacrimation, photophobia, hyperemia, edema and other common conjunctivitis diseases, the most common of which is pink eye. It is recommended not to swim with contact lenses...

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

Ears: Many people who swim regularly have suffered from otitis media, most of which are children, because after choking on water, the pool water enters the middle ear through the nasopharynx, which is easy to cause otitis media. Most patients with otitis media have perforations in the eardrum, and dirty water can easily enter the middle ear, causing infection and inflammation.

▌ Gynecological diseases

Swim as little as possible during ovulation and before and after menstruation, and the ability to resist bacteria during ovulation will be low, which will increase the chance of vaginitis infection.

▌ Diseases of the digestive tract

Swimming water may be dormant with bacteria that cause diarrhea, including Cryptosporidium, Giardia lanalis, Shigella and E. coli.

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

▌ Allergic diseases

In order to prevent infectious diseases, swimming pool staff will generally throw "bleach powder" into the pool.

This is a common allergen, and many patients are prone to allergies to sodium hypochlorite, which can cause allergic diseases such as rhinitis, asthma and papular urticaria.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > swimming pool can infect STDs, AIDS? </h1>

▌ St. LD

Syphilis, mainly caused by treponema pallidum, it is not easy to survive after leaving the human body, and dry, high temperature, daylight, soapy water and ordinary disinfectants can quickly kill it, so as long as the swimming pool undergoes regular disinfection treatment, it generally does not cause syphilis infection. The same is true of gonorrhea.

▌ Hepatitis B

It is generally impossible to be contagious. Chlorine-containing disinfectants, as well as common oxidants, can destroy their infectivity. The water in the pool has been treated with chlorine disinfectant at least twice, and some are disinfected with hydrogen peroxide, and the water that has been treated in this way has often lost the ability of hepatitis B virus to spread.

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?


Not contagious. HIV and hepatitis C are much more fragile than hepatitis B viruses, survive in vitro for a shorter time, and are equally sensitive to these disinfectants, so there is no need to worry about swimming hive and hepatitis C.

In most cases, the female vagina is in a tightly closed state, and the water is not so easy to enter, even if you accidentally enter a little water while swimming. People with normal immunity don't have to worry.

how to swim scientifically (cleanly) < h1 toutiao-origin="h1" >? </h1>

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

When a swimming pool enters many people like dumplings, and there is no effective water circulation, then the urine and disinfectant in the pool will produce disinfection by-products, which can easily cause eye diseases, upper respiratory tract diseases and asthma. Moreover, the poop in the pool water will also promote the growth and reproduction of E. coli.

Therefore, the water in the swimming pool is actually an indescribable mixture of soup mixed with many substances. Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, it is better to be. All we can do is swim as cleanly as possible and splash cleanly.

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

Here are four reminders:

Before swimming, drop some commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs into the eyes, and it is best to bring swimming goggles when swimming, which can effectively prevent pink eye, trachoma and so on.

It is best to rinse with warm water before entering the pool, which will flush out dandruff, makeup, sweat, etc. The skin and hair absorb tap water, and after entering the pool, they will reduce the amount of chlorine adsorbed in the pool water, which is beneficial to the body.

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

After playing with the water, be sure to take a bath with a bath so that you can clean up the bacteria, viruses, dirt, etc. that may be contaminated.

It is best to bring earplugs when swimming, which can effectively prevent otitis media.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > how to scientifically find a clean pool? </h1>

If a swimmer drinks water contaminated with Cryptosporidium, diarrhea occurs frequently for a long time. Therefore, it is best not to choke on the water when playing in the pool. However, we can guarantee that we will not take the initiative to drink the water in the pool, but we cannot guarantee that we will not be choked! Finding a clean swimming pool is especially important. So the question is, how to find a clean pool?

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

1. Look at four

1) Look at the pool water. It is necessary to see whether there are particles floating on the surface of the water, whether there is sediment at the bottom of the pool, and whether the foam of the pool water can dissipate within 15 seconds. Take the 8 swimming pools as an example, stand on the side of the pool and cross the water to see the fourth and fifth lane lines, if you can't see it, the water quality is not good.

2) Look at the documents. See if the health permit, employee health certificate, health knowledge training certificate and other information are publicized next to the swimming pool, and whether the water quality of the day is publicized, including water temperature, PH value, residual chlorine concentration, disinfectant release, number of circulating water or new injected water.

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

3) Look at the bottom of the pool. Look at the bottom of the pool, or the outlet next to the pool, to see if there is a steady stream of water coming in and out. If there is, it means that its water circulation disinfection device is operating normally, and it can swim in the water with confidence.

4) Look at the facilities. Regular swimming pools must be accessed through mandatory showers and foot-soaking disinfection pools containing higher residual chlorine after changing.

2. Smell it

After approaching the pool water, first smell whether there is a bleach powder in the pool water; if there is a heavy pungent smell, the disinfectant may be excessive, and the excessive disinfectant has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the human body.

Swimming for a while is cool, by the "swimming disease" to find can not be unhappy pool disease source pool can be infected with a lot of diseases swimming pool will be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS? How to swim scientifically (cleanly)? How to scientifically find a clean pool?

3. Touch it

Feel the water in the pool with your hands whether there is skin discomfort, people who swim regularly can feel the softness and hardness of the water, if you feel that the water is hard and astringent, and even have the feeling of itching and pain, the water quality may be poor.

4. Take a test

Conditionally, the pH of pool water can be measured by test strips or water quality testing instruments, and the pH of a standard pool should be 7.2 to 7.8.

Swimming is a healthy sport, many parents like to let their children learn to swim, because swimming can make children stronger, but on the other hand, every summer children drowning incidents are endless, cool water surface hidden killing machine. Drowning is the "number one killer" of unnatural deaths of children.

A few days ago, the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Quanzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Children's Hospital successfully rescued 3 drowning children in succession, 2 of whom could swim and 1 who had just learned to swim on the first day. Doctors remind parents that when swimming with their children, they must not let their children leave their sight, even if it is for a few seconds, accidents may occur.

Boys lose consciousness of drowning

First-time CPR

"Thanks to the timely rescue, the child can break through the ghost gate, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable." Shen Meili, attending physician in the Department of Critical Care Medicine at Children's Hospital, recalls the critical condition of 7-year-old Xiaobin (pseudonym) being taken to the hospital.

On the evening of July 21, Xiao Bin, accompanied by his family, went to a swimming pool in the city, and Xiao Bin, who already knew how to swim, accidentally drowned. After the security officers at the scene found out, they urgently rescued Xiaobin, but Xiaobin was unconscious at this time.

In an emergency, the safety officer immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Xiaobin, and after 5 minutes, Xiaobin regained a little consciousness. At this time, the ambulance arrived, Xiao Bin was immediately sent to the car, in the car, the unconscious Xiao Bin can also shout "Mother"...

At about 22:00, Xiao Bin was sent to the intensive care department for emergency endotracheal intubation and other rescue. The next day after being sent to the hospital, Xiao Bin suffered serious lung injuries and continued to have a high fever, and further rescued him with blood purification, and then turned the crisis into safety.

Dr. Shen said that after Xiao Bin lost consciousness of drowning, he was rescued by cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the first time and sought medical treatment in time, and has now been transferred to the general ward for further treatment, and can be discharged in a few days.

The girl learned to swim and drowned for the first time

Frightened, he said he never wanted to learn again

On July 13, 7-year-old girl Xiaoya (pseudonym) was also taken to children's hospital for rescue due to drowning. Doctors understand that Xiao Ya drowned on the day or the first time to go to a swimming pool in the city to learn to swim, after drowning appeared confusion, fortunately got the first time CPR rescue, and then urgently sent to the hospital for rescue, after treatment gradually recovered, 3 days later safely discharged. Just frightened Xiao Ya said that she never wanted to learn to swim again.

A pair of sisters also drowned at the beach. On the 24th, 10-year-old Xiaomei (pseudonym) and 12-year-old sister, accompanied by their families, accidentally drowned when they went swimming in a sea area in the city, and then the sisters were rescued. Among them, the sister was transferred to the intensive care department of the Children's Hospital for rescue on the evening of the 24th because of her critical condition, and after rescue, she turned the crisis into safety and is still undergoing further treatment.

When children swim or splash in the water

Parents must be cared for at all times

Dr. Shen introduced that fortunately, the 3 children underwent timely CPR after drowning and won the opportunity for rescue.

Dr. Shen reminded that the child's summer safety should not only beware of wild swimming, but also be vigilant against swimming pool drowning. In recent years, most of the drowning children accepted by hospitals are drowning in swimming pools and homes.

Since the summer, many parents are keen to take their children to learn to swim and play, the first prevention of children drowning is to take effective care at all times, parents do not care about playing with their mobile phones or doing other things, because drowning may occur at any time. At the same time, it is also necessary to improve the child's safety awareness, tell the child not to jump and dive, and not to fight with each other, so as to avoid misinking and drowning.

[These misunderstandings should be careful]

Myth 1: When a drowning child is found, it is necessary to control the water upside down

Once the child is found drowning, you should quickly rescue, and check whether the consciousness is clear, the head is as far to the side as possible, to prevent the child from sucking the water in the mouth and nose into the trachea, if the child is found to be not breathing, heartbeat at this time, immediately perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and dial the 120 emergency number at the same time.

Myth two: inflatable swimming rings can provide protection

This is a false perception. Inflatable plastic water toys and swimming rings are not professional floating equipment, but only an auxiliary tool to help children temporarily float on the surface of the water, when the water flow changes, or the child himself does not catch the situation, the child may drown.

Myth 3: Pool guardians can take care of all children

The main responsibility of the pool guardian is to maintain the orderly nature of the entire pool, so that swimmers can swim safely in the pool. At the same time, when an accident occurs, he can give the first rescue. For this reason, he could not keep an eye on each child swimming all the time.

Myth 4: When a child drowns, he will desperately tap the water or shout

When a child drowns, he may not actually be able to desperately tap or shout, but is silent, and may even stand still, or bow his head and not move under the water, and the parent may think that he is practicing holding his breath.

Take the kids to the communal swimming pool and water park

What should parents pay attention to?

Come and see ↓↓↓


What are the sites where children are more likely to drown?

Duan Leilei, director and researcher of the Department of Injury Prevention and Mental Health of the Chronic Disease Center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

The high risk of drowning in children of different ages is different, and the high incidence of drowning in children under 4 years of age is mainly for home water storage containers, such as indoor washbasins, water tanks and bathtubs. Slightly older, high drowning sites for children aged 5-9 years may involve outdoors such as canals, ponds and reservoirs. Children over the age of 10 have a larger range of activities, mainly ponds, lakes and rivers. Some mismanaged swimming pools and water play venues are also high incidence of drowning among children.


What should parents do to prevent drowning in children?

Duan Leilei:

■ The first measure to prevent drowning in children is to take effective care at all times, we have been emphasizing effective care, and the core three points of effective care are to be attentive, uninterrupted and close, which must be remembered. Especially when children are in or around the water, whether in the pool, in the bathtub, or in the open bath, parents should pay attention to the care of the child and not be distracted from doing other things. For example, reading a book, playing with the mobile phone, answering the phone, chatting with others, etc., such tragic cases abound, because the process of drowning is very fast and can happen at any time. Once it happens, the result is often fatal, so the close emphasis is that parents should keep an arm's length from their children, so that in the event of danger, parents can take timely measures and rescue.

■ In addition, the care of children must be supervised by an adult, not to an adult. If there are many people caring for or accompanying children together, the caregivers must specify who is responsible for whom, otherwise they may think that others are caring for each other, but in fact no one is responsible.

■ Finally, no measure can replace effective care, and effective care is again emphasized here. Parents cannot leave young children alone in toilets and bathrooms, or in pools or by open water sources.


Take your children to public swimming pools, water parks, what should parents pay attention to?

Chen Zechi, head coach and deputy inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Red Cross Society Water Rescue Team:

All the corresponding precautions for drowning prevention in different water casinos: First, educate and warn children not to swim or play alone or with others without authorization; not to swim or play in water anywhere without protective measures and lifeguards. When swimming in the pool, also pay attention to the following:

■ Understand the pool: Adults should lead children to swim in a qualified swimming pool. Read the pool rules carefully before swimming and follow them at all times while swimming. Learn the location and depth of deep and shallow water areas within a swimming place, and learn where lifeguards are.

● Know the child: Know the child's swimming ability and whether the flotation device is required. Find out how your child is on water safety. In particular, pay attention to the fact that you should not go into the water after fasting, fullness, and strenuous exercise. Warm-up exercises should be done before launching.

■ Teach children: do not fight in the water, do not do dangerous behavior, such as running, do not push people into the water. If you are unwell, go ashore immediately. Swim in the prescribed area, not in the deep water. Do not eat in the water.

● Prepare yourself: Parents should learn the skills of rescue and CPR. If you use a flotation device, you need to use a professional flotation device, such as a life jacket, back drift, etc. Parents should keep in mind that no measure can replace caregiving.

Swim in the public baths. Especially when swimming in public baths, in addition to the above swimming precautions, you should also pay attention to:

■ Determine in the specified area and time: take the child to swim in a qualified, swimtable area, pay attention to identify the bath open sign.

■ Make sure there is a rescue team: make sure there are lifeguards or emergency rescue teams near the beach. Swimming in areas supervised by lifeguards is recommended.

■ Be sure to understand the tides of the day: pay attention to the tides, when the tide rises and falls, it is not recommended to go into the water.

■ Make sure to understand the weather and water temperature in public places: Understand the local weather and water temperature if it is not suitable for swimming, you should not go into the water.

■ Determine the safety signal flag about the swimming pool.

■ Swimming in the pool does not mean that you can swim safely in the sea, and children should be helped to understand the difference between swimming in the sea and swimming in the pool.

■ If a life jacket or other floating device is used, a life jacket that meets the standards and a suitable safety life-saving device should be used according to the child's age and weight.

■ Parents should keep in mind that in the water, your child should be effectively cared for and kept an arm's length away from him.

embarkation. When taking a boat, you should pay attention to:

■ When riding a boat, wear a life jacket safely.

■ According to the age and weight of the child, use a life jacket that meets the standards and a suitable safety life-saving device.

■ Abide by the rules, do not fight on the boat, etc.


How can I save my child from drowning?

Chen Zechi:

Drowning occurs very suddenly and very briefly, so children should be taught in advance how to help themselves, including:

■ First of all, do not panic, adjust your breathing, and after the mouth and nose are exposed to the water, quickly raise your hand to call for help, this action will often attract the attention of professional lifeguards, so as to be saved.

■ If you encounter a foot cramp, you can stretch the muscles of the "cramp" area in the opposite direction to allow them to stretch or relax.

■ Pay attention to catching floating objects or wooden planks in the water.

■ Hold your breath as much as possible, tilt your head back, expose your nose, and breathe through your mouth.

■ When the rescuer appears, do not panic and grab the rescuer, but obey the rescuer's command and let him swim ashore.

Source | Healthy China, legal perspective, suqin health steward

Edit: Yu Shan

Review: Cui Ying

Producer: Kaiqi