
The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

author:Odd-smell side plugs

There are many animals on the earth, distributed in different fields, and the skills of each animal determine which level they stand in the food chain, and today we take stock of the kings in different regions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >1 King of the Forest, Tiger</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

Strongest representative: Siberian tiger

The tiger, known as the king of the forest and the king of the hundred beasts, has a very powerful attack power, fierce to the extreme, and its strength is extremely great. Adult tigers can reach a length of 2-3.5 meters, a tail length of 1 meter, and weigh 200-400 kg. In addition to their large size and strong muscles, their most prominent feature is the black vertical stripe on their white or orange fur.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" >2 King of the Prairie , the Lion</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

Distribution area: African grassland, Asian India

Species classification: Congolese lion, Angolan lion, European lion, etc

Lions are known as steppe overlords, in addition to humans, there are almost no opponents, lions as a gregarious big cat, whether it is attack or combat effectiveness is very powerful, every year because of lions and killed and injured humans are also countless, their vision, hearing, smell are very developed, forefoot 5 toes, hind feet 4 toes; The claws are sharp and retractable, and the attack power should not be underestimated.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >3 King of the Seas , Killer Whales</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

Distribution area: All marine areas

Killer whales are large toothed whales with a slightly rounded head, an inconspicuous beak, a high and erect dorsal fin, a black and white body, a slender mouth, sharp teeth, a fierce temperament, and a carnivore. It is a highly social animal that is found in all marine areas.

Adult male killer whales can weigh more than 5.5 tons, females can also grow up to 4.8 tons, as mammals, killer whales are one of the most intelligent mammals in the ocean, killer whales have extremely high intelligence, will work collectively, have a separate language and even dialect, have a strong learning ability, master a more active sensory ability than the shark's sense of smell - sonar.

Even the Great White Shark has been at a disadvantage in its competition with killer whales.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="50" >4 King of the Deserts, the Black Mamba</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

Distribution area: Sub-Saharan Africa

A member of the cobra family, the black mamba is the longest and most feared venomous snake in Africa, the fastest crawling snake in the world, and the deadliest snake in the world. The average total length is 2 and 4 meters, and the maximum can reach 4 or 48 meters. The black mamba is adaptable and prefers to live in dry environments, often hiding in abandoned termite mounds, dead tree holes or crevices in rocks. Mostly active on the ground. Diurnal, preying on small mammals, birds, lizards, and other snakes. The word "black" in its name actually describes its black mouth rather than its gray or brown body.

The black mamba is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa and has been found in senegal in the far north and south to south-east South Africa. Symptoms of bites are usually syncope, dyspnea, uneven heartbeat, and in severe cases, heart-breathing failure. In addition, the venom of the black mamba snake can also cause paralysis. Death usually occurs when the respiratory muscles stop functioning. The black mamba is the longest, fastest and most aggressive killer of the world's venomous snakes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" >5 King of the Swamps - Crocodile</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

Distribution area: Present on all continents except Antarctica

Species classification: Yangtze crocodile, Siamese crocodile, Nile crocodile, Mississippi crocodile, etc

Crocodiles are the oldest reptiles of their time with dinosaurs more than 200 million years ago, and one of the most primitive animals that have survived so far, their sharp and destructive teeth cover the entire mouth, and their food is also huge, mainly eating fish, frogs, and deer. When he preys on large animals, he will lie quietly on the bank of the river, and when the animal is close to drinking water, he will open his blood basin and bite the prey with his sharp teeth, and continue to roll until the prey is torn apart by its huge rolling force and begin to enjoy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" >6 King of Freshwater, Amazon Catfish</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

Amazon catfish are a kind of untouchable freshwater fish that lives mainly in some of the rapidly turbulent tributaries hundreds of miles away from the main stream of the Amazon River. This is a kind of fish with divine power, and their pulling force is so great that it can be called a force to uproot a tree. The bite force of this fish is very amazing, although it does not jump out of the water, but it is really easy to provoke in the water.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" >7 King of Glaciers – Polar Bear</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

The polar bear is the world's largest land carnivore, its large size, extremely sensitive sense of smell, even 7 times that of canines, coupled with its super bite ability, it also created its position as a single king.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="55" >8 Kings of the Air , the Andean Condor</h1>

The king of the eight animals, the kings of various regions, and the wolf-eating birds 1 The King of the Forest - The Tiger 2 The King of the Steppe - The Lion 3 The King of the Sea - The Killer Whale 4 The King of the Desert - The Black Mamba 5 The King of the Swamp - The Crocodile 6 King of Freshwater - The King of the Amazon Catfish 7 Glaciers - The Polar Bear 8 King of the Air - The Andean Vulture

Excerpted from the mobile phone Sohu

The Andean condor, which lives between the cliffs of the Andes Insane Mountains of South America, can reach a length of up to 1.2 meters and has wings spreading up to 3 meters. It has a strong and hooked "iron beak" and sharp claws, specializing in eating live animals, not only eating small and medium-sized animals such as deer, sheep, rabbits, and even preying on large mammals such as mountain lions, so it is also called "bird eating lion" and "king of birds".

This is today's king of the eight animals, what comments you have can be discussed together in the comment area ah ~ give a thumbs up, Wishing you prosperity ~