
Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

author:Breeze holding a cup of boiled wine up the West Building

African lion has always been a story full of animals, here is the king of the battle, there is a domineering lion king, but also full of a variety of different temperaments of the lion, some are very dramatic, in the Kruger National Park, there is such a male lion, a lifetime of countless allies, but always uphold the principle of "dead friends do not die poor road", learn from the famous wandering lion Solo, the school is more out of the blue and better than blue, completely inherit all the skills of soro, and there is a trend to carry forward, 它就是非洲狮子界著名的流浪大师,有狮子“外交家‬”的希尔达。

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.


Hilda, born in early 2013 in the Skukuza lion group, was born at the end of the year, and the female lions in the lion group were mostly old and in small numbers, and the father was one of three small male lions in Shahe. Hilda's mother, the last female of the lion group, left hilda when she was two years old, after which the Shahe male lion was also expelled by other male lions, and Hilda had to go on a wandering path alone. According to the tradition of the lion world, the male lion of this age is still in infancy, and wandering at this time means close to death, because it is not only unable to hunt, but in the face of the dangerous grassland, hyenas, wild dogs, leopards, and more importantly, many stray adult male lions and lions, which will become an obstacle to its survival, and the slightest carelessness will fall. Fortunately, Hilda met a righteous female lion, it is the famous female lion Aunt Char, the story of Aunt Char is a legend among many lions in Africa, in order to raise the orphan Char brothers who are not related to the lions, gave up childbirth after adulthood, until the Char brothers grew up and had their own lion group, she left alone, and gave birth to her only living cub tea egg brother.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Lion Alliance

When Hilda was two years old, she met Aunt Char during the wandering, a charitable lonely female lion who was now carrying two cubs less than a year old, and normally, the female lion would kill or expel the wandering male lion, but Aunt Char unusually took In Hilda (saying that it was unusual was actually compared to the normal female lion, but it was her good nature for Aunt Char). For more than two years, Aunt Char hunted alone to feed the three little male lions, and two years later, Aunt Char gradually weakened after being injured due to years of hunting alone, and finally never returned when she dragged her emaciated body to hunt once. Hilda then began her wandering career again, but unlike before, she was more than four years old, could hunt, could feed itself and had the opportunity to become a lion king, and for it needed a reliable ally, and its alliance began. However, it turns out that it has many allies in its life, but the most unreliable is itself, pit many allies, and today we will learn about Hilda's eight famous allies.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brother. </h1>

After Aunt Char's death, Hilda began wandering with her tea egg brothers. In April 2017, Hilda and the tea egg brothers left their original residence more than two months after Aunt Char disappeared, officially began their wandering career, the female tea egg brothers were less than three years old, although young, but barely able to hunt, they as a young group, need to undergo a huge test, and Hilda naturally became the leader of this group, the tea egg brothers although young, but the temperament is very tough, in the process of wandering the tea egg brothers lead the way, due to Hilda's cowardly personality, The action was cautious and cautious, but Zha San always walked in the middle of the team and played the role of a pioneer.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

The picture is hilda on the right, the picture is four on the left, and the third is in the picture

Even so, the Tea Egg Brothers always maintained hope and respect for Hilda, and they gradually adapted to the wandering life, and the gradual maturity of the Tea Egg Brothers gave them the courage to fight against other male lions, and at the end of July of that year, Hilda and the Tea Egg Brothers clashed with other lions for the first time, and they expelled and occupied the buffalo captured by the Sparda lions.

Just when this combination was being optimistic and promising to rise, a famous male lion entered Hilda's vision, and it was Solo. Its arrival caused Hilda to abandon the Tea Egg Brothers and led to the untimely death of the Tea Egg Brothers.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > second ally: Solo. </h1>

In early August of that year, Hilda and the tea egg brothers met a mighty and tall male lion in the process of wandering, it is the famous wandering male lion Solo, Solo has the name of Soro, because it has a mighty and abnormal lion king body, but it is always afraid to fight with other male lions, and several times abandoned his allies, resulting in his allies being besieged and killed by his opponents. However, because Solo is tall, many male lions are intimidated by its appearance and dare not easily provoke it, so it lives with ease and attracts many allies. Hilda is one of them, it is originally cowardly, at this time leading the two young male lions are also afraid, it does not want to be the leader, just want to find a new reliance, Solo's appearance makes it bright, it quickly and decisively follows Solo.

However, Solo is approaching the age of 13, and according to human age, is already a 70-year-old old lion, who accepts Hilda and provides him with psychological protection, and Hilda is responsible for hunting and taking what he needs. At this time, the tea egg brothers became their burden, they worked together to expel the tea egg brothers, let them plot another treatment, the tea egg brothers after the expulsion suffered more desolate, in August, the tea egg in the cha si because of the neck of the wire, in the process of being rescued by humans accidentally died, cha san disappeared.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Expelled tea egg little male lion

After following Solo, Hilda found his lion mentor, because Solo has always pursued the strategy of "if you can't fight, you can't be scared, you can't run", Hilda completely learned this survival strategy, and implemented it throughout. Soon after, Hilda decisively abandoned the elderly Solo and ran to a new ally.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > third ally: a friend of a meal, a nameless lion. </h1>

After leaving Solo, Hilda looked for new allies, he returned to the birthplace of skukuza camp, at the junction with the lion sands camp, Hilda met a wandering nameless male lion, they formed a brief alliance, together captured a buffalo, but this little male lion, like Hilda, is also a master of survival, while hunting buffalo, Hilda thought to herself: "Are all mature lions, what do you play with me", so after a meal, They tacitly parted ways.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Nameless little male lion

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > fourth ally: Jack The Lion Jr. </h1>

Little Jack Lion is a lone wandering male lion, it is more fierce, with the ambition of a lion king, it is seeking a tenacious ally, after meeting Hilda, they live together for a short time, but in several conflicts with other lions, the cowardly Hilda did not gain its trust, little Jack deeply felt that "the way is different is not conspiratorial". Soon after, it left alone. And Hilda did not want to follow it to live this life of fighting and killing, and left in the opposite direction.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Little Jack above, Hilda below

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > fifth ally: the small Matt baby-faced lion lion. </h1>

Hilda continued her wandering career, after which she met and separated from many male lions briefly, and a few months later, it met a small male lion, it is Matt's baby-faced male lion, don't look at its face is cute, but it has the true color of a lion king, but due to body size limitations, the strength is not good, and more importantly, its personality is very brave. Dare to go into the water to challenge crocodiles, but also dare to fight with other male lions, but lose more than win, which in Hilda's view is "a typical example of strength and ambition.". In order to avoid the disaster of innocence, Hilda quietly left after a few months together.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Hilda and the little man crossed the river

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > sixth ally: Caihua II. </h1>

In 2018, Hilda met the famous male lion Caihua II, the story of Caihua II is also quite legendary, it and his brother's combination of flower picking brothers is very famous, Caihua II is a lion with heavy love, in the early days of the wandering of the flower picking brothers, the brother of the flower picking II was seriously injured, the flower picking II did not abandon, carefully cared for and gave up the best food, and finally made the brother survive, although the final flower picking brother disappeared, but their story touched many people.

In July 2018, the ten-year-old Caihua II also came to the end of his career, he was experienced and rich in king style, Hilda allied with it for about three months, after which a male lion similar to his age and mighty and handsome lion Jack Appeared, Hilda resolutely left Caihua II.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Flower Picking II

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > seventh ally: another handsome little Jack lion. </h1>

This little Jack lion is related to the previous Jack lion, but it is stronger, the mane is thicker, especially similar to Hilda's age, are at the peak of the lion's career, they cooperate to hunt a giraffe, everything is moving towards the goal of becoming the lion king, but unfortunately, the little Jack lion injured the hind leg during a hunt, causing the hind leg to shrink, affecting the hunting ability, seeing the wind make the rudder Hilda choose to leave again.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Little Jack lion catches giraffes

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > eighth ally: four unrelated lone male lions form a watering hole alliance. </h1>

In September 2019, Hilda, who had been wandering alone for a long time, came to a watering hole, which was convenient for hunting, but also fiercely competitive, often expelled by lions, but also attracted many other wandering male lions, after which Hilda and Zaralla three-toothed male lions, golden-maned five-T male lions, and a scarred male lion formed a watering hole alliance. It was an alliance of four unrelated animals that together occupied the puddle area, expelled other lions, used the puddle as a base, and attracted female lions to join, and a new lion herd was under construction.

Kruger's first wandering lion, Hilda fooled eight allies, established the Watering Hole Alliance and enjoyed his first ally: the adoptive mother's cub tea egg brothers. Second Ally: Solo. Third ally: A friend of a meal, a nameless lion. Fourth ally: Little Jack Lion. Fifth Ally: The small Matt Baby-Faced Lion Lion. Sixth Ally: Flower Picking II. Seventh Ally: Another little Jack lion who is handsome and dashing. Eighth Ally: Four unrelated single male lions form a watering hole alliance.

Watering Hole Alliance

Hilda's life continues, she inherits the survival strategy of master Solo, always keeping herself in a safe situation, as a lion is really dazzling!

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