
Do you know Sherlock Holmes and why he never married for life?

author:Xiao Yang said that he loves to pickpocket

Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)

Do you know Sherlock Holmes and why he never married for life?

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January 6, 1854 – born?), male, a native of London, England, was the most famous and distinguished detective in the history of world literature.

Holmes claimed to be a forensic adviser, which meant that when other detectives or private investigators encountered difficulties, they often asked him for help. He is cool-headed, observant, and has outstanding reasoning skills, and is good at solving problems through observation and deductive reasoning and legal knowledge. Usually, he was leisurely in Room B at 221 Baker Street, smoking a pipe and waiting for the commission to come to the door, once he received the case, he would immediately become a hunting dog chasing prey, and began to lock on to the target, stripping away the whole incident and filtering it layer by layer, until the truth finally came out.

Do you know Sherlock Holmes and why he never married for life?

Holmes was alone all his life, not even a lover of the rendezvous. Because he had been living with his assistant Watson, there was a false legend that he was not human. But about his sex life is simply a mystery. It is said that he is not misogynistic, but he once said: "The emotion of love itself is the enemy of the destruction of calm reason and judgment." Therefore, I did not want to exhaust my reasoning ability, so I decided not to marry for the rest of my life. But when Watson got married, he said sarcastically, "I have to congratulate you."

Do you know Sherlock Holmes and why he never married for life?

Probably he has a cleanliness habit, extremely misogynistic and stepping into his private life. But he was never rude to women. When a female guest comes to visit, she is always warmly received with gentlemanly etiquette. In this way, many talented detectives in the East and west are bachelors. It seems that if you want to be a detective, you must exclude the interference of women.

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