
The basic understanding of novice beekeepers - the cost of beehives

author:Dr. Bee

Before delving into beekeeping, it is necessary to understand the cost of beekeeping, one of the basic costs is the hive. Because there are many different types of hives, and the quality of the same type of hive varies, the price varies greatly. It's hard to have a uniform price for a beehive, but it also means we have more options on a limited budget.

Cheap beehives

Lang's live frame beehive has the largest number of sellers, and the price range is wider, which is suitable for novice beekeeping.

You can buy a combo package online that includes the nest frame, nest base and other basic components of the hive. Combination packages have different configurations, a full set of 8 boxes, 10 boxes, single layer, double layer can choose, 8 boxes single layer cost is lower.

At the beginning of beekeeping, there is no need to purchase too many double-layer boxes, depending on the breeding situation, and the boxes can also be purchased separately.

The price of a set of beehives is between 60 yuan and 120 yuan.

The basic understanding of novice beekeepers - the cost of beehives

Medium price beehives

Some people prefer the lattice box type in farming. The checkered beehive contains 3 or more enclosures.

The price of a set of lattice box boxes is about 30 yuan to 280 yuan, and the price difference depends on the beehive processing process, shape and number of boxes.

In addition, there are some medium-priced Lang's live-frame beehives, which are more expensive than the lower-priced live-frame beehives, because the combination package comes with additional supplies, such as bee coats, gloves, smoke sprayers, feeders, bee brushes, king cages, coverings, pushpins, bee cages, etc. Almost all of the beekeeping tools provide considerable convenience to novice beekeepers. Such a mid-priced beehive sells for 200 to 300 yuan. If you only buy one or two beehives, this purchase combination is undoubtedly the most convenient.

The basic understanding of novice beekeepers - the cost of beehives

Expensive beehives

For those who don't have a strict budget, there are prettier, more expensive beehives to choose from. For example, the self-flowing bee box, only the configuration of a single plastic nest spleen requires about 60 yuan, and the price of a set of artesian bee box is between 750 yuan and 1200 yuan. The artesian honey box changes the way honey is harvested, theoretically operating the movable nest board, connecting the honey guide tube, and the honey flows out automatically.

The basic understanding of novice beekeepers - the cost of beehives
The basic understanding of novice beekeepers - the cost of beehives

Nowadays, online shopping has changed our traditional way of shopping, there are many kinds of items on the online platform, the price range is wide, and because of this, careful selection under a limited budget will definitely be able to pick the beehive that we are satisfied with.

Article source: Dr. Bee APP

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