
After seeing the 3 truths of the class reunion, I never participated again

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food


Remember that song "You at the Same Table"?

"Will you remember tomorrow, the diary you wrote yesterday; tomorrow will you still remember, you who once loved to cry the most..."

Twenty years ago, we walked out of high school and have been going our separate ways ever since.

When we were leaving, many people cried. With the same window for many years, who can be ruthless. At that moment, all the enmity was put down. Only the sadness of parting, surging in the heart, how unwilling.

In the graduation commemorative book, the most common sentence is "Don't forget me".

Looking forward to the stars, hoping for the moon, and finally looking forward to the class reunion, just one weekend last September.

Time flies, what have become of the students? Have you ever been married, have you mixed up with a head and a face? I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Of the 48 students in the class, 41 came, which is basically complete.

Everyone sat together nostalgically, counting the time of old age together. There is a look of laughter, which closes the distance between the heart and the heart.

At the party, everyone also had a group, grabbed red envelopes in the group, sent a group photo, and it was not lively.

In fact, the truth of the class reunion is very heart-wrenching. I confessed that I would never attend a class reunion again.

After seeing the 3 truths of the class reunion, I never participated again


First, the people who organize classmate gatherings are not so simple.

Have you ever wondered who would organize a class reunion? Why do they organize gatherings?

When you know the reasons behind it, you will find that the class reunion is not so simple, there are always some people, in the use of this platform, do something, his purpose, is often not very simple.

I carefully combed through the fact that most of the people who organize the party are these kinds of people: the former old squad leader, or other class cadres; people who have a head and a face outside, hoping to show themselves through the party; people who want to relive old dreams with their first love; people who want to make money through the party; people who have nothing to do, idle, want to find hilarity.

There are a few words on the Internet: "It is better to open a classmate association and break up a pair; bold people go to open a room, and timid people are crazy." ”

Because of the class reunion, there are really many cases where chickens and dogs jump at home.

At the class reunion last September, Ah Bin was one of the organizers. Ah Bin is a supervisor of a company in Dongguan and also serves as the manager of the personnel department, which is also a person with a head and a face.

However, Ah Bin's marriage has not been smooth. Married, divorced again. After the divorce, the children belonged to the woman. Single, he tried everything he could to contact his first love, Ame.

At the party, Ah Bin and Ah Mei have been chatting privately. After the party, Ah Mei betrays the family and is with Ah Bin.

For this relationship, we have no way of knowing what will end, but let me see the dirty side behind the class reunion.

Of course, what is infuriating is that when the party was held, everyone paid more than six hundred yuan, and several people who organized the party secretly divided more than a thousand yuan. It is hard to imagine that a party can also bring wealth, not simply AA to eat and travel.

If it is not for profit, who will desperately try to win over classmates and then eat and drink together? Behind the happiness, there is inevitably a matter of interest.

After seeing the 3 truths of the class reunion, I never participated again


Second, after many years, the friendship between classmates cannot stand the test.

As the saying goes, "The boat of friendship, when it is turned over, it will be overturned." ”

Before the party, I heard two sentences like this - the classmate party, all the rich people come, and those who do not have money are invited to come; the really excellent people have faded out of the classmate association.

I got to know the people who didn't come to the party and they really went to extremes. Either poor enough to be scummy, or already famous, "look down" on the class reunion.

My classmate Ah Zhen, after graduating from high school, went to Dongguan to work. Later, because his father was ill for many years, he quit his job and went home, and he wanted to set up a pig farm to get rich, but because he had no technology, he repeatedly failed, resulting in heavy debt.

I called Ah Zhen and he told me, "No face to see anyone." ”

I can understand Ah Zhen's mood. Of course, I was glad he didn't come to the party.

When everyone was eating together, a few classmates who had no money had been quiet and seemed to have no face. Only those students who mixed well, one of themselves was praising themselves, and they were also touted by everyone.

Over time, the students were washed and infected by society many times. There are always people who are infected with the bad habits of society - flattery, mercenary, and kind and dark.

There are fewer simple people, and students get together to become "interest groups", and people at the same level can talk and laugh and have common topics. High-level people don't want to talk to low-level people.

Invisibly, the students in a class were also divided into "three, six, nine, and so on."

Human nature cannot withstand the test, and the human heart cannot withstand "perspective.".

Li Ka-shing once said: "If you want to have a perfect friendship, you may not find friends for a lifetime." ”

It's true that you go to a party and think about finding your original friendship, and most of the results are disappointed. Simple people, in school, not in society.

After seeing the 3 truths of the class reunion, I never participated again


Third, it is better to see each other than to miss each other, and it is better to do so.

Writer Wang Meng said: "Friendship does not need to touch a cup, friendship does not need gifts, friendship is just that we will not forget." ”

After many years, if you want to look for the picture of memory, you are disappointed; if you have been attending the party, your memory has always stayed in the beginning, and you can feel the good feelings between your classmates.

The old ancestor left such a sentence: "The wind comes to thin the bamboo, the wind passes and the bamboo does not leave a sound; the geese are cold in the pool, and the geese go but the pond does not leave a shadow." Therefore, when a gentleman comes, his heart begins to appear, and when things go, his heart goes with emptiness. ”

The wind blew and everything fell silent; the geese flew by, and the shadows were gone. Noble people, when things have passed, have returned to emptiness and calm.

Time has passed, and all the beauty has either passed away with the wind or stayed in the heart and become a faint memory.

Walking out of the school gate, everyone forgot about the rivers and lakes, whether there is contact or not, they all follow the fate.

If you want anyone, then make a phone greeting, invite three or five good classmates, get together, drink a glass of wine, please a cup of tea, just fine.


Of course, whether or not to attend a class reunion is a personal choice. You can't say that if you don't go, you will stop all the people and don't go.

In the face of classmate gatherings, you should make three plans: one is to directly refuse to participate and stay away from classmates; second, if you go, don't have emotions, care more about your classmates, and don't get too close to people who are contaminated with social bad habits; third, don't have any utilitarianism, and don't have economic and emotional entanglements with your classmates.

If you and I can maintain a simple, then the class reunion will be very warm, I often think so.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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