
Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

author:Utopia Ben U

According to a people's daily report, there have been cases cracked by the police showing that criminals have hidden pinhole cameras in hotel rooms, and then through sharing APP, the contents of pinhole cameras can be watched online by hundreds of people at the same time.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

It is not uncommon for hotels to have pinhole cameras, but there are up to a hundred people watching behind the cameras, and this bridge section is even afraid to write a novel.

What are the lewd faces hidden behind the little cameras? What is the motivation behind it?

There are many opinions that they, like tram idiots, are caused by sexual impulses.

As the famous psychologist Freud said, "All human motivations are derived from the sexual impulse." ”

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

Although this statement is indeed the motivation of many voyeurs, it seems to be a little thin as a whole reason.

If it is only out of sexual impulse, then why not choose a film that is more direct and more able to solve physiological needs, but run to see the hotel "live broadcast" that may not have stimulated the camera yet?

With such doubts, Xiao Wu began to find information, and sure enough, the psychological causes involved in voyeurism were indeed not simple. Here are 4 arguments.

1, voyeurism comes from people's need for self-extension, saying that people are wanting to experience the needs of different lives.

Don't rush to scold, I didn't say that wanting to experience different lives is equivalent to voyeurism. I'm just saying that voyeurs, like most people, start out just to experience a different life.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

And voyeurism is not only about sexual voyeurism, but also a lot of voyeurism that is just keen to peek at other people's privacy.

However, the content of voyeurism is not distinguished in the sentencing of the law, and it is dealt with according to the degree of illegality.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thinking can be reasonably and legally released by paying attention to entertainment industry gossip, watching TV series, biographies or novels, etc., without making a peeping degree.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

So what motivates them to risk their lives and do something wrong? This brings us to the following motivations.

2) Perverted desire for power and attention. It is likely that it is very much in need of attention, but has a long-term self-repressed personality.

Usually voyeurs have their psychological causes, mostly in the male group with psychological shadows in adolescence and childhood. Therefore, it is also said that voyeurism is summarized as a mental illness.

And voyeurism, which can fully grasp the private information of the other party without exposing oneself, also meets the needs of this kind of psychology.

Of course, this is by no means about associating voyeurism with this type of personality. It's just that in this state of self-pulling and difficult to vent, it is easier to form and erupt voyeuristic behavior.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

3, the distortion of the self-protection mechanism, voyeurism is likely to be extremely insecure, very uneasy about the living environment in which they live.

Seeing this, you may be as full of question marks as Xiao Wu at the beginning, but in fact, this is indeed a generally accepted view.

For if voyeurism is seen as a neurological condition, then Freud, one of the founders of psychoanalysis, had something to say:

Every neurotic person has an inferiority complex. ...... If he thinks he is weak, he will go into an environment that makes him feel strong and seek refuge, rather than trying to find a way to make himself strong... But no matter how much he deceives himself, his sense of inferiority is there. - "Inferiority and Transcendence"

Therefore, voyeurism is essentially a great uneasiness about the surrounding environment.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

When people face dangerous environments, their first reaction is to use their vision to obtain as much intelligence as possible. The same goes for voyeurs.

For them, being able to spy on the privacy intelligence of others proves both their "strength" and the safety of their environment, which acts as a placebo for their subconscious inferiority complex.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

4, the reverse psychology under strong repression, that is, "the more you don't show me, the more I want to see."

This cause is a universal psychosocial phenomenon. The reasons for this are more complex. According to Baidu's definition, it is as follows:

Refers to an individual or group of people in a certain situation, has a tendency to disobey the suggestions, demands or commands of others or society, and shows the opposite attitude or behavior. Also known as reverse psychology.

This should be the best to understand, everyone has had a period of resistance, right? Same as that psychology.

But from this point of view, we can draw a very interesting question for this case of "100 people peeping at pinhole cameras":

"Why do so many people like to look at the images in the pinhole cameras of hotels?"

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

If someone invites me as a woman to peek at the women's bathhouse, I must be interested in it, and maybe I will report the inviter with my backhand.

So why do people who peek into hotels have so many audiences? Is there such a mystery about staying in a hotel? Have they ever stayed in a hotel?

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

The truth is, there is such a mystery. The matter of staying in a hotel is generally a topic with a little color in the eyes of modern people.

So when those people clicked into the "hotel live room", I believe they all thought that there was bound to be some exciting scene.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

Not to mention that staying in a hotel is actually nothing to look at, even if there is really something exciting, I personally think there is nothing to see.

Isn't that what happened? Two people a kang, there is nothing to see. Only the less people understand, the more they want to see. For those who understand, even if people live next door, they do not have the slightest idea of understanding, and will only worry about the quality of sleep at night.

Behind the hotel pinhole camera, those swarms of voyeurs, what kind of psychology is it?

According to online sources, Freud also had this view:

Children's understanding of their own origins by snooping on their parents' privacy is a normal desire in the process of growing up. If a person cracks the entire emotional privacy of a parent during childhood, theoretically, the child will not be overly enthusiastic about other people's privacy when he grows up. Only those who are not sufficiently satisfied with childhood voyeurism will frantically snoop on other people's privacy in adulthood.

Therefore, the group voyeurism incident also proves the immaturity of the current sex education from the side, and I hope that after the reporting of such cases, it will awaken people of insight in China and accelerate the reform of sex education.

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