
Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

author:A zhang resident

After graduating from high school, in addition to adulthood and freedom, is depression, anxiety, and sadness always haunting?

At the graduation ball, looking at the boy who came to talk to his friend Rebecca, Inis had pride and dissatisfaction in his eyes, why he could be so indifferent, even if Inis emphasized his existence, he only exchanged a simple greeting. It may be that for some people, it is not necessarily possible to notice that all the people in their eyes, each other, have achieved the "Ghost World" described by the title.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

Each person's way of expression is different, and Inis's habit of conveying ideas through paintings has confined her to a narrow circle. The world was still wonderful in her eyes, and the joy she brought was unbearable, whether rebecca had brought her the opportunity to communicate, or if Rebecca had the privilege of sharing the joy that came from observation. The idleness that comes with graduation may be followed by those who are "strange" along the way, or "strange" people who follow more "strange" people.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

When Inis and Rebecca strolled along the side of the road, they could not hide the youth they exuded, and it may be inappropriate to describe the pair of young girls with fullness, but they can't find more suitable words. The topic of small talk is accurately driven on the throbbing track of youth, sacrificing chastity may not be so terrible, how to be addicted to it?

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

The best way to fill your life is to get in touch with the unknown, such as dating a strange man in the dating section, what could be more interesting than studying a middle-aged bachelor? Watching the decadent Seymour walk into the restaurant, Inis cautiously avoided it. But for Seymour, the girl of Inis's age is no different from a ghost, and they originally lived in two completely different worlds. Watching Seymour's lonely drinking milkshakes seemed incapable of satisfying Inis's curiosity, and stalking was a good idea.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

At Seymour's miniature flea market, Inis tries to buy the most grotesque music in her mind to see if Seymour is in the bizarre "aristocratic" class. At this point in the Adventures of the Strange Man, Rebecca was tired of the adventures she had begun out of curiosity and could not devote more energy, but Inis was still happy. Inis and Rebecca are looking for the grotesque and who are looking for life silly.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

Rebecca plays the role of a follower throughout the adventure, but she is always attracted to her, her eyes are beautiful, and perhaps the most impressive to the audience is her exuberant youth. It must not be because she joined the Avengers, but I'm not sure if it's out of a liking for Superbody.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

Inis's elaborate punk look is exchanged for cynicism. Being denied may be an opportunity to blend into another life, the familiar punk music has been unable to soothe Inis's manic heart, try Seymour's old vinyl record. The division of styles is not understood, that soothing rhythm with a different singing style, who else can you think of except the left small curse? The single loop has been unable to satisfy Inis, and she wants more and more. What's not sure is whether Inis wants to enjoy more of this kind of music or learn more about Seymour.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

Unbeknownst to Inis, when she called Rebecca to Seymour's party, the two men's ideas had begun to separate, friendship would not be affected, and getting along had become a problem. Inis is better suited to stay with the ghosts of society because they are so compatible with Inis that they are ignored.

An in-depth understanding of any group can sublimate the mind, and in the process of contact with Seymour, Inis learned to swim in the ocean of art. Works of art are never about showing phenomena, but about expressing ideas. Many people didn't say anything about the inner door, and Seymour's world opened a highway for Inis. We all understand that while galloping on this broad road, we will also be far away from the world that was once familiar and ordinary. Inis no longer found Norman sitting on the side of the road waiting for the car strange, or that any niche culture had become particularly striking in Inis's world.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

When Inis seemed to understand something when he was selling old things on the side of the road, why someone refused to sell them in the miniature jumping market, it was better to throw things away than to sell them to someone who didn't know how to appreciate. For Inis, the middle-aged Seymour is also an old thing, the price is negotiable, and it can be sent when you meet the right person. We often describe the things that we are reluctant to throw away when moving, seemingly looking for a good home for them, but in fact, they are two words "not for sale".

Seymour, who was originally just an experimental object, slowly became the protagonist of Inis's story. Inis also slowly understood that she did not have her own life, but had been messing into the lives of others, looking forward to finding herself in a new form. As people say, you can't understand life until you really know yourself. When he persuaded Norman to wait, Inis was sure that the train had been cancelled years ago, but Norman told her, "You don't know what you're talking about." ”

Do lovers eventually become dependents? Career boom boom? Bright future? None of this is the end, or none of this is for a young man who has graduated from high school. The unknown and uncertainty are their way forward, idleness and wandering are their lives, and seemingly grotesque and absurd behavior can help young people understand themselves. Because like Norman waiting for the car, if you don't know the direction of your heart, you can't go anywhere.

Everyone is around, and you can only feel the loneliness of "Ghost World"

The character of this double stick in the play is so eye-catching.

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