
The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

author:Music inside the door

From the first day of its birth, rock 'n' roll has undeniably been accompanied by anger, defiance, cynicism, drugs, alcoholism, violence and sex — even if they are a form of total rebellion against established rules.

But if rock and roll had been nothing more than that, it would not have come to this day, and it would still be the way of life and spiritual beliefs of generations of people. It destroys and gives birth to new life; it gives anger and deep love.

All deviant are rock 'n' roll guests. And when real rock men and women collide, the energy stirred up will even swallow themselves up.

They are rock lovers, and even if they fall, they will leave a long-lasting dazzling light.

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Sid Vicious & Nancy Spungen

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

This is the poster for the movie Sid and Nancy. Nancy leaned back against a dumpster on the street and greeted Sid with a kiss she leaned on. At this time, garbage slowly drifted from the air around them, like strange flowers. It's the warmest, calmest scene of the film, a moment that makes people almost forget that they are punks, more like the hippies of the early days, the lovers hiding in the trash can.

Sid Vissers, best known as the bassist of the Sex Pistols of the English punk band. Sid has become today the essence and aesthetic standard of the punk spirit—anarchism, extreme violence, questioning everything, social hatred, drugs and sex, dangerous romance, and the art of self-destruction.

He was the band's most loyal supporter in its early days, and when he joined Sex Pistols in 1977, he was already known for his tyranny, which seemed to be the reason why sex pistols needed him. It was also the year he met Nancy.

Nancy Pongan was born into a middle-class Jewish family in the United States, but at the age of 17, she ran away from home and left for New York. There, she became a flesh and blood skin, and at the age of 15 she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She has followed Aerosmiths, the New York Dolls, the Ramones and other bands. Later, she went to London, where she met Sid.

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

People often refer to this as the punk version of Romeo and Juliet, but Sid and Nancy are not rebelling against their parents or social resistance in pursuit of true love and a better life, they are mixed together, and no one has time to take care of their business. Sid and Nancy are like two reptiles at the bottom of society who voluntarily and humiliatingly, self-destructing step by step. They, like Bonnie and Clyde, have no tomorrow.

It didn't take long for Nancy and her drugs to overwhelm Sid, and his teammates couldn't do anything about him. During their trip to the United States, in San Francisco, Sid smashed the head of an audience member of the audience with a bass; in Dallas, he scribbled "Gimme A Fix" on his front chest and cut himself so scarred that blood flowed from his face and chest to his black jeans, he lifted the bandages on his arm and threw it at the audience, making the original wound deeper while smiling contentedly; on the way to San Francisco, a truck driver pressed a lit cigarette butt on his hand to provoke him. Sid cut his hand with a knife while calmly continuing to eat lunch.

In the days with Nancy, Sid's character oscillated back and forth between the gentleman and the beast. When Nancy was sick, he fed her like a nanny and reported her health to her mother every day. Nancy's mother recalled that Sid appeared polite and shy on the phone. When the two of them visited the Spongen family's philadelphia home, Sid was easygoing and childlike. At other times, however, Sid would abuse and beat Nancy, and Nancy admitted to her mother that the injuries were caused by Sid.

After the band disbanded in January 1978, Sid came to the United States, and Nancy arranged for him to do solo performances in Kansas and Philadelphia, setting a personal development plan for him, but due to Sid's own lack of confidence, he eventually failed. By then, Sid's personal success would have been "My Way," a song recorded in Paris with former teammate Steve Jones, whose every move was under Nancy's control, and who became Sid's protector, who depended on her like a mother. By the end of 1978, the drug-dependent relationship between the unhappy lovers had become increasingly unstable and dangerous, but at least they were still in love.

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

On October 12, 1978, Nancy was found dead at the Chelsea Hotel in Manhattan, New York, and Sid was jailed for murdering his girlfriend.

In a letter to Nancy's mother, Sid wrote: "We always knew we were going to die in the same place, we wanted to die in each other's arms, and I couldn't help but cry whenever I thought of that." I swore to her that I wouldn't live if she had an accident, and she swore the same oath. This is my last promise of love to me. ”

Sid's friends speculate that the drug dealer killed Nancy for money — 2 drug dealers went into their room that night — but looking back, Nancy had tried to kill herself many times, and her mother could easily imagine the scene, and Nancy most likely provoked Sid to kill her in order to end her pain and prove his love for her. At one point, Sid also said, "I killed her because I'm a dirty dog."

On February 1, 1979, the friends had a party celebrating his bail release, and Sid took some heroin from his mother, and the next morning he was found to have died of a drug overdose. Sid and Nancy died at the age of 22 and 20, respectively.

Sid wrote this poem called Nancy after Nancy's death:

You were my little baby girl

And I knew all your fears

Such joy to hold you in my arms

And kiss away your tears

But now you're gone

There's only pain and nothing I can do

And I don't want to live this life

If I can't live for you

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Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

After Nirvana officially signed with Geffen, the band moved to Los Angeles to record a new album. They stayed in the Oak Mansion, where Curt met the woman he had been obsessed with, love and hate, and had been with him, Courteney Love.

Born in San Francisco on July 9, 1965, Courtney's parents divorced when she was 3 years old. At the age of 13, Courtney was sent back to a juvenile correctional home. It was here that an intern gave her three tapes: Pretender, Squeeze, and Sex Pistols. Since then, punk has become a pillar of her soul.

Freed from the correctional home, Courtney traveled extensively, working as a stripper in Japan and Taiwan, as well as in England, where she fought fiercely with punks. In 1989, she formed the band Hole in Los Angeles and began to make a name for herself in the underground music scene.

Courtney had seen Nirvana perform at a club in Portland back in 1989. After the performance that day, Curt parted the crowd as usual and went offstage to rest, he sat right next to Courtney, picked up her beer bottle and poured himself a glass, and glanced at her hard, and Courtney also gave him a wink. Curt recalled: "I thought she was a bit like Nancy, she was a typical punk girl, I didn't think she was very attractive to me, I just wanted to practice with her at night." But then she left. Before she left, Curt chatted with her for a while and gave her a few self-made Nirvana sticker logos with a portrait of his cloth monkey "Golden Gold." Courtney later threw the stickers into the trunk, not because she didn't particularly like Nirvana, but she had a little affection for Curt.

In 1990, Courtney mingled with Dave, who had entrusted Daph with a heart-shaped box containing a small seashell, a pine cones, a small teacup, and a small rag doll.

Later, when courtney was asked why she liked Curt, she showed a rare shyness and stuttered: "I don't know." I think it's embarrassing. I just think he's really good-looking, he's really cool, he has a very nice pair of hands, he's really beautiful. I can't explain. "Their love fire began to spread. Curt sees her as the savior of her dull life: "I've never seen someone so candid and charismatic. She's like a magnet that sparks all sorts of funny things..."

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

At that time, Courtney's band was about to release their debut album "Prettyonthelnside", and this Daniel Zhang album that dared to face the dark side of loneliness, fear, gender disputes, psychological trauma and so on, and Courtney's big grin and indifference were becoming the center of many media attention. So, although many people at the time (especially today) thought that Courtney was eyeing Curt as a future cash cow, It was unlikely that Courtney had such a foresight at the time, she thought that Curt could at best be a top person in the non-mainstream music scene, and "I think I will be much more famous than Curt, which is very clear to me." ”

While in London, Curt boasted to Courtney: "I'm going to be a rock star soon." Courtney said, "You can't make it." Curt said more forcefully, "I can make it." I'm going to be a rock star. ”

When Nirvana toured Europe, the Cave also began its own European tour, so Curt and Courtney began their telephone romance again. Curt said: "That's what we really fell in love with — on the phone. We talked on the phone almost every night, and during the day we sent electricity every day. My phone bill is $3,000. Courtney even canceled one of the band's performances in order to go to Amsterdam to meet Curt.

Curt is a man who hates to tour step by step, he longs for a more exciting journey, he also wants to start a more exciting life, so he thinks Courtney is the best choice, I know that no one in the 'Nirvana' has this ability, because they are all dull. Their lives are too monotonous and I don't want to say that, but it's really how I feel."

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

To everyone's surprise, Curt and Courtney not only did not play with their relationship like other rock dew ducks, but also decided to get married.

It was December 5, 1991, when they were both lying in bed in a hotel in Rennes, France, realizing that they could not survive without each other, a decision that was extremely difficult for Both Curt and Courtney to make, because their family history, their emotional trauma and the punk creed on which they depended for their livelihood were at odds with the decision.

But they still made this decision, and finally put it into practice, which is really an intriguing move. It can only be interpreted as the entangled contradictions and confusion in Curt's heart once again surfaced, like his other contradictions in art and life pursuits, and Curt will be forever entangled in this emotional contradiction until he decides to "nirvana".

In August 1992, their child, Frances Bean Cobain, was born.

On April 5, 1994, Curt, 27 years old, left a suicide note to shoot himself in his Seattle home because he could not bear stomach pain, medication and the pressure of success.

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"John Lennon & Yoko Ono"

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

There is a theory that Lennon and Yoko met at an exhibition of works in London, and Yoko handed Lennon a note with only two words: "Breathe."

Lennon once laughed at himself: "As the saying goes, there is always a great woman behind every idiot." ”

"At least I have someone who understands me." Yoko said.

On March 20, 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono were married in Gibraltar, announcing that two souls that were in harmony were forever together, and on December 11, 1970, John Lennon and Yoko Ono formed the plastic ono band and released the album of the same name, weaving the hearts of the two of them over the years into strange music, in which the heartfelt shouts still ring in your ears today.

When the two honeymooned in Montreal, they had the famous Bed-in-For Peace operation. One of the most classic works in the history of performance art was created for the war against the United States against Vietnam. Yoko Ono and Lennon spent seven days in bed in a hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, getting interviews and taking pictures. It was also from that time that the couple clearly integrated anti-war and peace-promoting ideas into their artistic creations.

However, the artist's good intentions were not understood by everyone, and their alternative way of expression was accused by some of them of being offensive, while more blame was directed at Yoko, and many former Beatles fans even believed that this grotesque oriental woman had brought John badly. Faced with the pressure of public opinion at the time, Yoko said: "When we were accused, we were surprised because we thought people would like it, and then John said, 'This is too bad' because he is an idealist. ”

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

On October 9, 1975, Yoko Ono, who had suffered three miscarriages and a brief separation from Lennon, gave birth to her only son, Sean Lennon, and Lennon, who had been forced to separate from Yoko due to various visa and residency issues, had previously been annulled from his deportation. Lennon, who decided to devote himself to the care of his wife and children, became meek and kind, and for five years he barely ventured into the music world.

Just as Lennon was about to re-enter the stage in 1980, John Lennon, who had just celebrated his fortieth birthday, collapsed in front of his apartment. On December 8, 1980, Mark Chapman was in New York and shot and killed Beatles lead singer John Lennon, who was subsequently sentenced to 27 years in prison.

After John left, Yoko announced to the world and his fans: "I will continue John's work and launch a john's work every year, I said at the time for ten years, but now that it's been 24 years, I'm still working." In addition, Yoko also actively participated in many activities to commemorate John, and felt that she was still mentally with her lover.

"I miss John day and night, and I try to restrain myself." Yoko said.

The rock and roll celebrity in the eyes of the world, the perfect lover in the eyes of the other party

On September 21, 2009, in conjunction with John Lennon's son, Sean Lennon, Yoko Ono re-presented the "Plastic Ono Band", an album called "Between My Head and the Sky", like the band's self-titled album from forty years ago, full of grotesque emotions and heartfelt chirps. The cooperation with his son was equally handy, and the feeling that did not die with Lennon's death seemed to be enduring in the new sound combination.

Love is a bullet of happiness that will not only pierce their hearts, but also your and mine' hearts.

The love in rock and roll has given them the romance of the world, but also given them eternal harm, these pairs of rock lovers from blooming to falling, leaving countless world sighs.

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