
What does vaccination do, and does it protect against the Delta strain?

author:Dr. Shu Long

Let's first look at a set of data: the National Health Commission authoritatively released that as of July 7, 2021, China has reported a total of 1,342,381,000 doses of the new crown virus vaccine. On the same day, the World Health Organization announced that the cumulative number of deaths from COVID-19 worldwide has exceeded 4 million, and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that some countries will also experience an increase in new deaths due to the spread of the Delta strain and the "alarming inequality" in vaccine distribution. At this moment, you understand that the epidemic situation in the world is still very serious.

What does vaccination do, and does it protect against the Delta strain?

Delta strains belong to the mutation of the new crown virus, and the new crown virus belongs to a member of the virus family, and the strength of the pathogenicity of a virus depends on its invasiveness, virulence, quantity and variability. The new crown virus not only spreads quickly and has strong invasiveness, but also is prone to mutation, because its genetic structure is unstable and easy to mutate, and the human body lacks immunity to the mutated Delta strain, so it has caused a widespread epidemic of the Delta strain. At this moment, you understand that the Delta strain is very contagious and pathogenic, and it should not be underestimated.

What does vaccination do, and does it protect against the Delta strain?

Because many viral diseases currently lack specific drugs and have the characteristics of contagiousness, they cause a widespread epidemic or pandemic, just like the current new crown virus, the infection rate and mortality rate are high, and the sequelae are also serious. Effective measures to deal with it are to control the source of infection, cut off the route of transmission, and protect susceptible populations. In terms of controlling the source of infection, it is early detection and early diagnosis, isolating and treating patients and closely monitoring virus carriers; cutting off the transmission route is to wash hands frequently, wear masks, and maintain environmental hygiene and ventilation; protect susceptible people is to vaccinate the new crown vaccine to improve population-specific immunity, and to strengthen nutrition and exercise every day and develop good hygiene habits. At this moment, you will understand that the measures we have taken in the face of the epidemic are scientific and effective.

What does vaccination do, and does it protect against the Delta strain?

The best way to prevent viral infections is to immunize them with vaccines. We eliminated smallpox virus worldwide in 1980 by vaccination, and also effectively controlled the occurrence and spread of measles, polio and other diseases through vaccination. Vaccination is a specific measure of immune prophylaxis, vaccine is the use of attenuated or inactivated pathogenic microorganisms or their components made of artificial active immunization preparations made of appropriate processes, through the appropriate way to vaccinate the vaccine in the human body, so that the human body has active or passive immunity, in order to prevent the occurrence and epidemic of diseases in the population. At this moment, you will understand that vaccination is the best preventive measure, and friends who meet the vaccination conditions have not been vaccinated, please quickly vaccinate.

What does vaccination do, and does it protect against the Delta strain?

A satisfactory vaccine must be safe and effective, live vaccines that are attenuated must be non-toxic or weakly toxic, have no serious vaccination consequences for anyone who is injected, do not have the characteristics of self-propagation to unoculated people, and must be heritary of the virulence of the vaccine virus stable. The dead vaccine must have a certain effectiveness and produce sufficient immunity to the human body. At present, the main types of vaccines are inactivated vaccines (dead vaccines), live attenuated vaccines, component vaccines, genetically engineered vaccines, synthetic vaccines and so on. At present, the COVID-19 vaccines we are vaccinated are mainly inactivated vaccines and genetically engineered vaccines. Inactivated vaccines are vaccines made by killing all the cultures of the virus in physical or chemical ways, and cannot reproduce and replicate in the human body, but can cause the body to produce an immune response to resist infection or disease. Genetically engineered vaccines are the use of bioengineering technology to produce a large number of viral antigens, and after vaccination, they stimulate the body to produce antibodies and play a protective role. At this moment, you will understand that the vaccine is safe and effective, please rest assured that bold and active vaccination.

What does vaccination do, and does it protect against the Delta strain?

Of course, the vaccine is not all people can be vaccinated, it is also like a drug, there are contraindications, such as acute diseases with obvious general discomfort such as high fever, immunodeficiency diseases, malignant tumors, people with serious adverse reactions after previous vaccinations, patients with nervous system diseases, pregnancies, people who are allergic to egg proteins and antibiotics in vaccines, etc., can not be vaccinated. After the vaccination of people who meet the vaccination conditions, individuals will also have local reactions or systemic reactions after vaccination, such as redness, swelling, heat, pain, induration, fever, dizziness, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea and other discomforts at the vaccination site, which are generally normal reactions after vaccination and can disappear in about 24 hours. At this moment, you will understand why contraindication screening is required before vaccination, and after vaccination, you should stay for about half an hour.

What does vaccination do, and does it protect against the Delta strain?

All vaccines used for vaccination must be scientifically evaluated for their preventive effect in order to make a final judgment on the effect of vaccines. The COVID-19 vaccine we have received has been evaluated by many authoritative authorities and is also safe and effective. At this moment, you will fully understand how resolute and effective our country's fight against the epidemic is, and how happy and healthy the people of our country are. #辟谣有态度 #

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