
Corn heart leaf tightening? Hurry up and deal with it, if it is not processed in time, the output will only be greatly reduced

author:Pesticide jack-of-all-trades

Generally, summer is the time of the outbreak of corn thrips in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, and thrips have become the main pests that need to be controlled in summer corn. In general, China's thrips species are mainly rice tube thrips, corn yellow thrips, grass thrips, three folds are taeoptera, corn thrips mainly occur in the second generation, adult insects eat corn to cause damage.

What are the symptoms of corn thrips?

Corn heart leaf tightening? Hurry up and deal with it, if it is not processed in time, the output will only be greatly reduced

Thrips are mainly harmful to the corn heart leaves, releasing mucus, so that the heart leaves can not be developed normally, with the growth of corn, corn heart leaves form a "whip", if you can not take measures in time, and finally even cause a harvest.

Adult worms are very slow to move, generally on the opposite side of the hazard, resulting in discontinuous silver-white lines, the front will correspond to the yellow stripes, adult worms in your feeding and laying eggs, on the light perspective can see the small white dots.

Does thrips harm have anything to do with the climate?

Corn heart leaf tightening? Hurry up and deal with it, if it is not processed in time, the output will only be greatly reduced

In general, in the corn field, in the ditch and in the dry place of roadside ventilation, the amount of thrips in corn is relatively large, and the amount of thrips in the supermarket is relatively small, so the corn near the weeds on the edge of the ground has a large amount of insects and will be more seriously damaged.

How to control thrips

Corn heart leaf tightening? Hurry up and deal with it, if it is not processed in time, the output will only be greatly reduced

In the inter-seedling, fixed seedlings, pay attention to pull out the insect seedlings with insect pests so that it can effectively reduce the spread of thrips, if the corn heart leaves have shown a "whip-shaped", you can use an awl from the base to penetrate, from the middle to pull open, so as to restore the normal growth of the heart leaves. In general, the occurrence of thrips during drought is more serious, and the harm is relatively light when the humidity is large, so we must pay attention to irrigation during the drought period.

Generally, after the emergence of corn seedlings, it is necessary to spray insecticides as soon as possible, and it is necessary to pay attention to the spraying of agents into the heart leaves of corn, which can use imidacloprid, acetamidine, high-efficiency cypermethrin, etc., to see the effect quickly, the effect period is long, but we must pay attention to the production of drug resistance.


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