
Bob the Stray Cat: Redemption in Winter

author:Fun movie circle

[Floating Clouds]

Movie life is full of flavors, fun is right!

Editor: HUI with image: Weibo official website, Baidu

No portability!

Foreword: Before I met you, I was wandering.

The weather has begun to slowly cool down, who can refuse to curl up on the soft sofa in their spare time with a cup of their favorite hot drink to open a warm, healing movie; today's recommended movie "Stray Cat Bob" describes the story of one person and one cat warming and healing each other.

Bob the Stray Cat: Redemption in Winter

The breakdown of the family caused James to suffer a huge blow and began to give up on himself, and even contracted a drug addiction to become a penniless street seller, Val is a doctor in charge of James's drug rehabilitation center, with her help James finally has a sheltered home, Val believes that James can overcome the addiction by his own will.

One day, a turmeric stray cat broke into James's home, James adopted it and named it "Bob" Whenever James set out to sell art on the streets, Bob followed him step by step, and soon, this combination of one person and one cat attracted people's attention, and James's life was greatly improved;

Meanwhile, James meets Betty, the woman who lives next door, and in Betty, James rekindles his desire for love, which makes him more determined to change himself.

Bob the Stray Cat: Redemption in Winter

Although the film is defined as a comedy, it will still be frequently moving during the viewing process, not only with a warm, helpless funny plot or a work that can make people think deeply;

The human nature, the evil of the world, and the cruelty of society shown in the film are lamentable, and many clips make people feel powerless, helpless, and desperate, and let people sink in a moment of warmth;

As an addict, James does not steal or rob, does not once cross the bottom line of law and morality, and Bob's arrival makes him feel that he is not only trying to live, Bob's company gives him the meaning of living well, he is kind, loving, believes in the beautiful side of human nature, even if there is little money left on his body, he will first solve the problem of food and clothing for Bob.

Bob the Stray Cat: Redemption in Winter

Bob's intrusion makes them snuggle up to each other and warm each other with their hearts, in some ways Bob is the epitome of James, and James is also like Bob, the encounter of one person and one cat ends each other's wandering.

There is an episode in the movie "Satellite Moment" that I understand as each of us is like a satellite wandering, when we meet other satellites we will change the trajectory or collide, the next second will be completely different, Bob is the "Satellite Moment" that James met;

《Satellite Moment》:

Are you chasing every sun light Will you chase every inch of sunshine

Are you facing every fear You will face every fear

Are you reaching even higher whether you get better or not

When your dreams all disappear when your dreams can't be touched

Cause all our lives are juste satellites because all life like me is just satellites

Here and gone like satellite is and used to be like satellites

Satellite moment that light up the sky when the satellites meet to light up the entire sky.

Bob the Stray Cat: Redemption in Winter

"Everyone needs a turning point in their lives, everyone can have the opportunity to be born again, and Bob and I seized it" — James writes in his book.

I hope that each of us can meet the "Bob" or "Satellite Moment" in our own lives to stop wandering, stop wandering, let ourselves shine, and run to a place full of sunshine.

[Floating Clouds]

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