
The "First Black Boss" in Qujing, Yunnan Province: Committing the "Seven Deadly Sins", the citizens saw him as if they were seeing the plague god

author:Red Star News

Qujing Qilin District Xiaojiu River Nanguan area, because the hotels, bathing beaches, nightclubs fill the streets, was once jokingly called "Qujing Night Shanghai" by Qujing citizens, and Soho Bar is the "star" place here among hundreds of entertainment venues. Also known as "Entertainment Jianghu" is its shareholder Zhang Yuanfeng (also known as Zhang Guofeng).

Zhang Yuanfeng is a he

He was once known as Qujing's "First Black Boss"

At the mention of his name, the citizens are like the god of the plague


The "First Black Boss" in Qujing, Yunnan Province: Committing the "Seven Deadly Sins", the citizens saw him as if they were seeing the plague god

Zhang Yuanfeng and his gang members are terrified with their fierce hearts and domineering behavior. Ms. Wu, who runs an entertainment venue in Qujing, told reporters, "Zhang Yuanfeng is very fierce, simply a vicious wolf. ”

A person in charge of the Qujing City Anti-Gang Crime Office told reporters that in addition to being murderous, Zhang Yuanfeng was also particularly obsessed with "power" and "profit." The division of labor within the gang was strict and hierarchical, and everything had to be agreed to by him.

The Seven Deadly Sins:

● Crimes of organizing, leading, or participating in an organization of a mafia nature

● The crime of opening a casino

●The crime of unlawful confinement

● The crime of extortion

● The crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble

●Intentional injury

● Crime of illegal occupation of agricultural land

Take advantage of it

Formation of the "Largest Underworld Gang" in Qujing District

Zhang Yuanfeng has been active in the Nanguan area for a long time. Many years ago, he was imprisoned for intentional injury, and after his release, Zhang Yuanfeng did not change from evil to righteousness, but began to plot a hegemonic business, hoping to gain fame and profit through illegal acts.

Since 2008, Zhang Yuanfeng has obtained economic benefits by doing projects and using his personal influence to gather and co-opt social idlers, former criminals Yang Peng, Ba Yunbo, etc. in entertainment clubs, and cooperating with people to open gambling game rooms. After gradually gaining a foothold, Zhang Yuanfeng began to conquer entertainment venues and wanted to be the overlord of entertainment.

Zhang Yuanfeng continued to co-opt the idle people in the society to expand his own power, and organized his younger brother to "watch the scene" in many entertainment venues such as the Derun Hotel in the main urban area of Qujing.

"A lot of entertainment venues in the city gave him protection money, and then they started lending usury." According to insiders in the industry, from 2012 to 2015, in order to further amass money, Zhang Yuanfeng gathered defendants Zhang Chaokun, Chen Weipeng, Ba Yunbo and others to open casinos and lend usurious loans in Qilin City.

During this period, in order to demand debts, Zhang Yuanfeng and others illegally detained others, violently threatened others, and beat others at will, and most of the victims were afraid to report the case.

After seven or eight years of development and growth, Zhang Yuanfeng locked in Soho Bar and became one of the shareholders.

After that, it gradually formed with Zhang Yuanfeng as the leader; With Zhang Chaokun, Chen Weipeng, Wei Wei, Lin Yahong, and Ba Yunbo as active participants; An organization of triad nature with Miao Yinggui, Hei Jinpeng, Gao Dengjiu, and others as general participants.

In the early morning of September 12, 2016, a few hundred meters away from the Soho bar, at the entrance of the Phillips Bar, seven or eight men armed with long knives and sticks came to the door to cause trouble, and Wu Moumou, the owner of the Phillips Bar, also organized the small workers in the store to "meet the battle", the sound of fighting and shouting came and went, and a firefight broke the silence of the night.

The people who came to the door to make trouble came prepared, and the Philharmonic bar was outnumbered, and several people were beaten to the ground. The people who went to the door to cause trouble then rushed into the Philly Bar and cut people when they saw them, causing many people to be injured to varying degrees.

After receiving the police, the police arrived in time to control the situation, and it was understood that the gang came to the door to cause trouble at the behest of Zhang Yuanfeng, because Zhang Yuanfeng and his men saw that the business of Fei Qianshaoba was good, but did not pay them protection fees, so Zhang Yuanfeng planned this "requisition" of the sword and light sword shadow.

The police handling the case told reporters that Zhang Yuanfeng and his subordinates took violent conquest of their unsatisfactory peers, and soon they controlled large and small entertainment venues in the Nanguan area, which, although dissatisfied, could only obey orders, and no one dared to offend Zhang Yuanfeng and his subordinates.

After many robberies and robberies, Zhang Yuanfeng's mafia-type organization became more and more powerful and arrogant, and eventually became the first notorious triad criminal gang in Qujing District.

Zhang Yuanfeng's mafia-type organization expanded its power and territory, secretly controlling many surrounding entertainment venues, and at the same time, it also extended its hand to urban construction and greening projects.

Mention his name

The citizens of Qujing are like hiding from the plague god

The area around Nanguan outside the Nancheng Gate of Qujing City was once the noisiest and most prosperous night market in the city, and Zhang Yuanfeng's mafia-type organization had long been entrenched here.

One day, the boss of an evil force gang (which has been handled in a separate case) took the initiative to invite Zhang Yuanfeng to drink and eat and sing, in order to curry favor with Zhang Yuanfeng. During the meal, Zhang Yuanfeng allowed Dai to sit next to him.

During the period, because he stood up and walked around several times, Dai's nephew accidentally sat between Zhang Yuanfeng and Dai when he sat down, which made Zhang Yuanfeng, who valued the status of the jianghu, very annoyed, and he thought that the behavior of Dai's nephew was contempt for him, the boss of the jianghu, and he was very disrespectful to him. Zhang Yuanfeng did not listen to his explanation, but punched Dai's nephew. Zhang Yuanfeng's men also rushed up and beat all the people to the ground. Later, after Dai and his nephew apologized to Zhang Yuanfeng, Zhang Yuanfeng let go of Dai and his nephew.

Zhang Yuanfeng's majesty cannot be challenged by anyone. One day in July 2017, several men came to the Soho bar to consume, during which Zhang Yuanfeng sent a cigarette to a guest, Wang Mou, who did not know Zhang Yuanfeng because he was a foreigner, and took the cigarette casually. But this normal action angered Zhang Yuanfeng, who believed that Wang did not know each other and did not respectfully take the cigarette, so he rushed up to beat Wang in anger. Seeing Zhang Yuanfeng beating people with his hands, his men also rushed up and punched and kicked Wang, and finally Wang's eyes were blinded.

In 2018, the storm of sweeping away the evil forces struck, but Zhang Yuanfeng was still unscrupulous and continued to do evil.

On July 13, 2018, in the parking lot of Qujing Sunshine Community, Ms. Jiang, who came from Qujing from other provinces, was scraping with a vehicle driven by a woman who runs a Jiangdong abalone restaurant in Qujing City while parking. After that, a verbal altercation broke out between the two sides, and the situation gradually escalated. The woman who runs the restaurant called her husband and son, "Call Brother Feng over, I've been beaten." At that time, Zhang Yuanfeng, who was singing in a dance hall, received a call from the woman's husband and immediately took seven of his subordinates to drive two cars to the parking lot. After stopping, these people rushed out of the car, dragged Ms. Jiang's family out of the car and beat them violently without asking questions, and then went away.

Zhang Yuanfeng's arrogant and notorious cases are far more than these two. In those years, as long as Zhang Yuanfeng's name was mentioned, the citizens of Qujing quickly left as if they were avoiding the plague god.

Hug before and after hug

Everyone should be welcomed in line to enter and exit entertainment venues

Zhang Yuanfeng's mafia-type organization has strict organizational discipline, and it must not only be on call, but also obey Zhang Yuanfeng's command. Every time he went to a place, someone drove the car door for Zhang Yuanfeng, hugged him forward and backward to open the way for him to walk, and some people served tea and handed cigarettes at any time. When entering and leaving large and small entertainment venues, all the staff should be welcomed in line, and these entertainment venues are also proud of Zhang Yuanfeng's visit, and even become their capital to show off.

Zhang Yuanfeng, who is well-respected and full of style, has gradually reaped the fame and profit brought to him by the name of "jianghu boss", on the one hand, he enjoys this "admiration of ten thousand people"; On the other hand, he continued to expand his power and became the chair of Qujing's "first black boss".

Zhang Yuanfeng's car is a red pickup truck, and the citizens of Qujing are familiar with this car, and they also named the vehicle "Dabawang". Citizens driving on the road to see the "big bully", will avoid in advance, for fear of provoking the "black boss", can not eat and walk.

I feel that I can't escape the law

Zhang Yuanfeng walked into the police station and turned himself in

In 2018, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Notice on Launching a Special Struggle to Eliminate Organized Crime and Eliminate Evil Forces, and deployed a nationwide special struggle to eliminate criminal syndicates and evil forces. Qujing City started as scheduled in accordance with the deployment and made strong progress.

After receiving reports from the masses about Zhang Yuanfeng's criminal clues of a mafia-type organization, the anti-gang crime offices at the two levels in Qujing City and Qilin District quickly started a working mechanism.

"We adhere to the attitude of being responsible to the people, adhere to the concept of 'not letting go of one criminal syndicate and evil crime, and not one criminal syndicate and evil crime,' and strive to turn this case, which the masses have strongly reacted to, into an iron case." A responsible person of the Qujing City Anti-Organized Crime Office told this reporter that before receiving the report from the masses, the public security organs were already investigating Zhang Yuanfeng's case involving criminal syndicates, and in order to wipe out the gang members, the anti-gang crime office and the public security organs put a long line to catch big fish, collecting and fixing evidence while waiting for the best time to arrest them.

Under the powerful offensive of cracking down on high pressure, in mid-September 2018, with the idea that he could not escape legal punishment, voluntarily surrender himself, and strive for leniency, Zhang Yuanfeng walked into the Xiaoxiang Police Station of the Qilin District Public Security Bureau and surrendered himself.

Subsequently, 27 members of Zhang Yuanfeng's mafia-type organization were arrested one after another. Seeing that Qujing's "first black boss" was arrested, the remaining criminal and evil forces in Qujing's urban area also fell apart.

Upon learning that Zhang Yuanfeng had been arrested, Wang Mou, the victim who had been blinded by Zhang Yuanfeng and his gang, finally felt some relief, saying: "Justice will not be absent. Zhang Yuanfeng ruined one of my eyes and made me lose my light, and he will be severely punished by the law!"

After Zhang Yuanfeng and others were arrested, the Soho Bar also closed its doors.

Zhang Yuanfeng was sentenced to 25 years in prison in the first instance

It appealed

From November 25 to 28, 2019, the Qilin District People's Court of Qujing City held a public hearing in accordance with law on the case of Zhang Yuanfeng, the defendant indicted by the Qilin District People's Procuratorate of Qujing City, and 28 others who organized, led, and participated in a mafia-type organization, opened a casino, extorted money, illegally detained, picked quarrels and provoked trouble, defrauded, intentionally injured, and illegally occupied agricultural land.

The "First Black Boss" in Qujing, Yunnan Province: Committing the "Seven Deadly Sins", the citizens saw him as if they were seeing the plague god

The scene of the trial escort

This case is the first case of organized crime of a triad nature that has been heard in open court in Qilin District since the launch of the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces.

The Qilin District People's Procuratorate alleged that the organization headed by Zhang Yuanfeng had long co-opted fellow prisoners, ex-convicts, and idle members of society to jointly carry out illegal and criminal activities, and gradually formed an organizational discipline of hugging Zhang Yuanfeng before and after, walking and opening the road, and Zhang Yuanfeng's inevitable use of his younger brother.

Most of the gamblers or those who were infringed by Zhang Yuanfeng did not dare to report the case because they were afraid of Qu Jing's identity as the "first black boss". Zhang Yuanfeng wantonly acted arbitrarily and hegemonily in qilin urban areas, bullied and maimed the people, and sought illegal benefits, seriously undermining the normal local economic, production, and living order, and causing a major and bad social impact.

The court conducted a courtroom investigation into the criminal facts of the 28 defendants, the prosecution and defense conducted a full cross-examination and debate around the alleged facts and evidence, and the trial process was standardized and orderly, fully protecting the defendants' procedural rights. The trial lasted 4 days.

On April 30 this year, the Qilin District People's Court rendered a first-instance judgment on the case, convicting Zhang Yuanfeng of organizing, leading, and participating in a mafia-type organization, intentional injury, illegal detention, extortion, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, opening a casino, and illegally occupying agricultural land, and sentenced him to 25 years' imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for 3 years, and confiscation of all personal property.

After the first-instance judgment was pronounced, Zhang Yuanfeng and others appealed.

The appeal was rejected in the second instance

The original judgment was upheld

On August 4 this year, the Qujing Intermediate People's Court rendered a second-instance judgment on the case: the appeal was rejected and the original judgment of the first instance was upheld.

The "First Black Boss" in Qujing, Yunnan Province: Committing the "Seven Deadly Sins", the citizens saw him as if they were seeing the plague god

The scene of the trial

Ms. Wu, who runs entertainment venues in Qujing, told reporters: "Zhang Yuanfeng has been in the Nanguan area for more than 10 years, controlling the entertainment venues in this area, and everyone is afraid and hates him. Today, the court pronounced a second-instance judgment on Zhang Yuanfeng, he was punished by the law, and our future business has also relieved our worries, and we can do business and live with peace of mind! I really want to set off firecrackers to celebrate!"

(Yunnan Legal Daily)

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