
Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

When it comes to cooking with fruit, the first thing that comes to mind for many people is definitely salad. In fact, the fruit and meat are matched, the effect is also very good, or sweet, or sour, or refreshing, or smooth, the sense of attractiveness and the refreshing integration of the entrance, can be described as a unique flavor. Sister Amway today to give you this orange ribs is to use orange and crisp ribs with pairing, the unique aroma of ribs made is particularly fresh, different, then everyone will use this orange fragrant orange ribs to open the summer tired appetite.

By Sha Xiaoyuan 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


8 ribs

Orange (large) 2 pcs

Three slices of ginger

2 shallots

Cooking wine 10 ml

Salt to taste

Chicken essence to taste

10 g of very fresh soy sauce

Oyster sauce 10 g

Sugar to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

1. Prepare the ingredients.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

2: Cut the crispy ribs into small pieces for easy wrapping into orange slices. Cut the green onion into sections and slice the ginger.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

3: Put the ribs on a plate, add shallots and ginger, salt, chicken essence, very fresh soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, sugar.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

4: Mix well and marinate for 2 hours. (If you are not in a hurry to eat it, you can taste more overnight)

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

5: Squeeze in half an orange juice and mix well.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

6: Steam the marinated ribs in a pot for 30 minutes.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

7: Slice the orange.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

8: Take out the steamed ribs and wrap them on orange slices and fix them with a toothpick.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

9: Place the orange-wrapped ribs on a tray and put them into a dried fruit machine.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

10. Set the corresponding temperature and time of the dried fruit machine.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

11, dried ribs wrapped in the sweetness of oranges is simply a small freshness of the rib world!

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

12, go out to play with, both the appearance of the face and the unique taste, will definitely become the focus of the spring tour.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

13. Finished product.

Orange Ribs # Travel with snacks! #

14. Come to one?


1. Please follow the taste of each person when seasoning the sauce. 2. The ribs wrapped in oranges are fragrant but not greasy, and it is very delicious to eat the ribs and then eat oranges.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of ribs</h2>

1. Calcium supplementation

Pork ribs contain a lot of calcium phosphate, bone collagen, bone mucin, etc., which can provide calcium for young children and the elderly.

2. Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and moisten the dry;

Indications for the treatment of fever and injury, thirst quenching, weak kidney, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, yin, dryness, liver yin, moisturizing skin, two stools and quenching thirst.

3. Replenish the qi

Chinese medicine believes that ribs can replenish the qi, whether it is sauce ribs, or rib soup, whether it is braised, or stir-fried, ribs have the effect of tonifying the qi.

4. Nourishes the spleen and stomach

Ribs can nourish the spleen and stomach, reasonable consumption of ribs, can health care for spleen and stomach function.

5. Improves anemia

Ribs provide heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption, and can improve iron deficiency anemia.

6. Strengthens the bones and muscles

Ribs are rich in trace elements such as iron and zinc, which can strengthen the bones and muscles.

7. Increases stamina

Ribs are rich in sarcosine, which can enhance physical strength and make people energetic.

8. Supplement nutrition

Ribs are rich in protein and fat, providing humans with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids that can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body.

9. Nourish yin and aphrodisiac

Chinese medicine believes that ribs can nourish yin and aphrodisiac, and for female men, they are excellent therapeutic materials.

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