
Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

author:Wow clicks on the best

Goose is a herbivore, and goose meat is an ideal nutritious and healthy food with high protein, low fat and low cholesterol. Goose meat is not only low in fat content, but also good quality, high content of unsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid content is higher than other meats, which is beneficial to human health. The melting point of goose fat is also very low, the texture is soft, and it is easily digested and absorbed by the human body.

Today for everyone to sort out and recommend the big goose ingredients can make food, like can be collected and forwarded.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Fried scallops with foie gras sauce

【Features】The materials and craftsmanship are matched, showing an elegant dish appearance, which melts in the mouth and tastes extremely delicious

【Ingredients】 3 slices of French foie gras. 6 fresh dried scallops. 6 asparagus. 100 g onion. Carrot 30 g. 20 grams of onion, sliced and sautéed with salt and twisted into a puree sauce. Seasoning: Salt. sugar. cornstarch

【Preparation process】 1. Fresh shellfish slightly soaked in water, that is, soaked in ice water to cool rapidly, take out and cut half deep on the side, add green onion, ginger, salt, wine for about 10 minutes, and then fry until both sides are yellow, serve. 2. Take the part of the flower bud from the asparagus, blanch it in salt water, and decorate it as a plate. 3. Remove the foie gras sauce, fry slightly, place on the fresh scallops, drizzle with the sauce, decorate the asparagus and serve.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Fried goose with tangerine peel

【Features】Crisp and fragrant, fat but not greasy, promote appetite

【Ingredients】 Goose meat 600 grams, 2 eggs, 50 grams of flour, 500 grams of soybean oil (50 grams of actual consumption), 100 grams of bread residue, 100 grams of potatoes, 50 grams of yellow carrots, 50 grams of tangerine peel, 25 grams of spicy sauce, 50 grams of peas, 10 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 2 grams of pepper noodles, 25 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of cooking wine, 15 grams of sugar, 25 grams of vinegar, 5 grams of sesame oil

【Production process】 1, stir-fry spoon into a little oil, after heating, put the green onion, ginger slices, tangerine peel pieces, sauté the aroma, put 300 grams of goose meat pieces, then put cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, water, cover with high heat, simmer for 20 minutes, then use high heat, simmer slowly, until cooked 2, the remaining 300 grams of goose meat pieces, sprinkle salt, pepper, roll the flour, dip the egg liquid, dip in bread residue, fry with soybean oil until golden brown, cook thoroughly, put on the plate, put on the side, next to the spicy sauce 3, potatoes cut into slices, Fry yellow sprinkle salt into salty mouth, yellow carrots with boiling water, add some vinegar and sugar to make a sweet and sour mouth, after the peas are cooked, put in the middle of the plate 4, simmer 300 grams of goose pieces over low heat, drizzle with sesame oil, put on the other side of the plate, you can.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Double flavor gooseneck

【Features】It is golden sauce red and two-color, meat and vegetarian double flavor, crispy and tender

【Ingredients】 1 gooseneck, 200 grams of soybean sprouts, 150 grams of sugar, 3 pieces of tofu coat, 1000 grams of peanut oil (75 grams of actual consumption), 25 grams of minced celery, 25 grams of carrot slices, 5 grams of salt, 50 grams of coriander segments, 15 grams of white wine, 15 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of allspice powder, 15 grams of chili sauce, 250 ml of chicken broth, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 25 grams of sesame oil.

【Production process】 1, gooseneck washed, chopped, marinated with celery, carrot slices, salt, MSG for 1 hour 2, stir-fry spoon heat, put a little oil, 30% hot put sugar, soybean flour stirred for 1 hour 3, tofu clothes cut into 12 cm long, 7 cm wide rectangle, and then put the filling on the tofu coat, wrapped into 10 goose head neck shape 4, fry the pan hot, put in 1000 grams of peanut oil, burn to 50% heat, put the "goose neck" together into the frying, and use an iron spoon to gently stir, fry into a golden brown, fish out, drain the oil, put on the side of the country Sprinkle sesame salt 5, fry the frying pan pour out the frying oil, leave a little oil, burn 60% hot, put in the slices of onion and ginger, simmer out the aroma, and then put the pickled gooseneck sautéing, wait until the gooseneck skin is tightened, gray and white, put in the white wine, soy sauce, sugar, five-spice powder, chili sauce, chicken soup, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer over low heat, put MSG, tighten the marinade, put it on the other side of the plate 6, put the coriander segments in the middle of the plate, you can.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Fragrant goose breast

【Features】This dish is crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, and the hemp aroma is rich

【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 400 grams of pure goose meat, 50 grams of white sesame seeds, 1 egg. Seasoning: 5 slices of ginger, 3 green onions, 0.5 tablespoons each of rice wine and dry starch, 2.5 teaspoons of refined salt, 1000 grams of peanut oil.

【Preparation process】 1. The goose slices are about 4 cm long and 3 cm wide, engraved with tic-tac-toe patterns horizontally, and marinated with ginger slices, green onions, and fine salt. 2. Before frying, remove the ginger slices and green onion, add eggs and dry starch and mix well, and then each piece of goose breast is dipped in white sesame seeds. 3. After putting peanut oil in the frying pan, pour the oil into the oil tank, and then arrange the goose breasts in the pan piece by piece, fry over medium heat until golden brown, add oil while frying, and drain the oil from the colander after cooking on both sides, and then put the plate and arrange it.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Yellow braised goose

【Features】This dish is light red in color, soft and rotten goose meat, and has a strong flavor.

【Raw materials】 Goose bones (bones) one pound; rice wine two dollars; tender ginger five dollars; refined salt three points; one green onion; two points of monosodium glutamate; five dollars of garlic cloves; two dollars of wet starch; three dollars of soy sauce; one or two dollars of cooking oil; one dollar of sugar

【Preparation process】 1. Chop the goose into eight square pieces; wash and peel the young ginger, cut into slices; and cut the green onion into white sections (knotted green onion leaves). 2. Put the pot on the stove, add cooking oil to heat, first add ginger slices and fry slightly, then add duck pieces and sauté until

When the skin and meat are tightened, add sugar and sauté until the color is yellow, add rice wine, soy sauce, green onion knots, water to an appropriate amount, boil and cover the pot, switch to low heat and grill for about 15 minutes, add garlic cloves, white onion segments, continue to simmer until soft and rotten.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Curry goose paw

【Features】This dish is golden in color, crisp and smooth in goose paws, and has a strong flavor.

【Ingredients】 Eight goose paws; three cents of sugar; one onion; one point of monosodium glutamate; one dollar of curry oil (powder); two dollars of wet starch; two points of refined salt; one or two dollars of cooking oil and two dollars of yellow wine.

【Production process】 1. First tear off the outer layer of white clothes and wash the goose paws, put them in a pot and cook them, soak them in cold water, remove the bones, and cut into long pieces. Peel off the outer skin of the onion and cut into slices. 2. Put the pot on the stove, put in the cooking oil to heat, put in the onion slices and sauté until the color is golden and the aroma is emitted, put in the goose paw and stir-fry a few times, add the original soup (four twos), curry oil, rice wine, sugar, fine salt, boil a few times, and then use wet starch and water to mix well.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Braised goose

【Features】This dish is golden red in color, fresh and delicious.

【Ingredients】 A goose (about three catties); soy sauce 225 dollars; refined salt 1 dollar; garlic cloves 1 or 2; sugar 2 dollars; green onion 3 dollars; rice wine 5 dollars; ginger 3 dollars; cooking oil 2 or two.

【Production process】 1. Slaughter the goose, shed all the blood, blanch the hair, tear off the skin of the mouth and claws, cut it from the abdomen, take out the internal organs, wash and drain the water, and chop it into one-inch square blocks. 2. Put the pot on the stove, add cooking oil to heat and put in the goose

Sauté until the meat changes color, add sugar, soy sauce, rice wine, green onion (knotted), ginger (pat loose) and water (flat with goose nuggets), bring to a boil for about five minutes, cover the pot and simmer over low heat.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Pillar Hou Koshiki fat goose

【Features】This dish is rotten with rotten skin and salty taste

【Raw materials】 Ingredients: goose 2000 grams, lychee 1000 grams. Seasoning: 200 grams of Zhuhou sauce (Foshan famous products), 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of dark soy sauce, 0.5 tablespoons of wet starch, minced garlic, minced ginger, 0.5 tablespoons of shao wine, 3 teaspoons of five-spice powder and monosodium glutamate, 0.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 cup of soup, 2 spoons of refined salt.

【Production process】 1. Wash the goose and put the four-column bone on the cutting board. 2. Mix the sauce, sugar, ginger, garlic and five-spice powder together, put it into the goose belly, sew it with an iron needle, and then use the water grass to be solid, and cook it for 1 hour to cook (when the goose falls on the pot, the goose should turn its back to the bottom), take it out, color it with dark soy sauce while it is hot, untie the iron needle, retrieve the original juice, and chop the pieces and plate it. 3. Put the wok on the high heat, cook the wine after heating, add the soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, boil and push the juice, add 0.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, drizzle on the goose meat, And put the lipu taro on the side of the goose.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Brine goose wing

【Ingredients】 5 pairs of goose wings, 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil, 3 slices of ginger, 2 green onions, 2 garlic heads, 1 tablespoon of coarse salt. Seasoning: 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1.5 tablespoons dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon crushed rock sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 4 cups water. Brine ingredients: 2 star anise, 1/2 tablespoon each of cumin and peppercorns, 4 cinnamon, 2 grass fruits, 4 licorices, 5 slices of sand ginger, 1/4 orange peel.

【Production process】 1, scrub the goose wings with coarse salt, remove the goose feathers, wash with water and set aside. 2: Boil 5 cups of water, cook ginger, green onion and goose wings for about 10 minutes, pour out and rinse under the water pipe for 5 minutes, drain and set aside.

3. Wash the brine material with water and put it in the cloth bag, tie the mouth of the bag tightly and set aside. 4: Boil 2 tablespoons of oil with a wok, sauté the pesto, bring to a boil under the seasoning, boil the brine and goose wings over medium heat for about 20 minutes (do not cover).

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】White goose lays eggs

【Ingredients】 Fresh goose, lamb filling, rice, green onion, ginger and garlic, honey.

【Production process】 1. 1 fresh goose is dehaired, opened, washed and soaked in salt water for 30 minutes. 2. Beat the lamb filling, rice with green onion, ginger and garlic to form balls. 3. Put the balls in the goose chamber (wrapped in egg whites). 4. Brush the skin of the goose with a layer of honey and oil. 5. Bake on high microwave for 10 minutes, turn to low heat and bake for 10 minutes. 6. Remove and place in an oval or square dish. When eating, use chopsticks to knock on the goose fart, and each knock will drop a ball.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Chaozhou roast goose goose

【Features】The color is red and purple, the skin is crisp and tender, and the sweet flavor is strong.

【Ingredients】 1 goose (about 2000 grams), 5 grams of cinnamon, star anise and licorice, 50 grams of southern ginger (Chaoshan specialties), 25 grams of coriander, 150 grams of sour beets, 10 grams of pepper, 5 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of cooked lard, 60 grams of refined salt, 250 grams of dark soy sauce, 50 grams of sugar, 50 grams of cooking wine, 30 grams of wet starch, 1500 grams of vegetable oil (consumption of 100 grams).

【Preparation process】 1. Pepper, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, lard mix well into pepper oil, set aside. 2. Cinnamon, star anise, licorice into a small cloth bag into the mouth into the wok, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, rice wine, water 3000 grams, boil over medium heat and then switch to low heat, put in the fat goose roll (氽) for about 10 minutes, pour out the soup in the goose cavity, and then put it back into the pot, while rolling and turning, about 30 minutes to cook (chopsticks inserted into the chest meat without blood water for the degree). 3. Take out the goose to cool, cut off the goose meat on both sides, remove the four-column bone; chop the goose backbone into cubes, mix well with 10 grams of wet starch; and coat the goose skin with 20 grams of wet starch. 4. Heat the frying pan over medium heat, heat the oil until slightly boiling, first put the goose bones and then put the goose meat (skin up), soak the end from the fire, fry while turning, fry for about 7 minutes and then bring it back to the stove, continue to fry until the bone is hard, the skin is crisp, and it is golden brown. 5. Put the goose bones into a dish, cut the goose meat diagonally into 6 cm long, 4 cm wide and 5 mm thick pieces, and cover the bone. Sour beets and coriander are served on the side of the dish, and pepper oil is drizzled over the goose meat, accompanied by a tidal sweet sauce.

Want to eat goose meat and can't do it? Today teaches you a delicacy made with goose meat ingredients

【Dish name】Stewed goose in an iron pot

【Ingredients】1 fresh goose, 100g of soy sauce, 5g of salt, 5g of sugar, 5g of chicken essence, appropriate amount of green onion, 1 piece of ginger, 2 star anise, appropriate amount of peppercorns, and appropriate amount of cooking wine.

【Production process】1 goose washed and chopped into hob pieces, goose oil set aside for later. 2 Put the goose oil in the pot and add a little salt to refine the goose oil, put the refined goose oil into a bowl, leaving a little low oil. Cut the green onion, pat the ginger, peppercorns, star anise, add the pot and stir-fry, pour the goose meat and fry until the blood is broken, add cooking wine, soy sauce and sugar and stir-fry through the fragrant. 3 Add boiling water to the pan and skim off the floating mince, simmer over low heat for 1 hour. 4 Simmer until the goose meat is cooked and sprinkled with chicken essence into the pot.

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