
Health tea is only healthy when you drink it right

author:Shangguan News

Because of its convenience and ease of doing, health tea is deeply liked by health enthusiasts of all ages. However, these health teas brewed with Traditional Chinese medicine have the efficacy and bias of Traditional Chinese medicine, so it must be dialectical before drinking, and drinking the wrong one will be harmful to the body. So, how should health tea be drunk?

Health tea is only healthy when you drink it right

Drinking health tea incorrectly also hurts the body

The public drinking health tea should be mixed according to the specific symptoms and their own physical characteristics.

Goji berry chrysanthemum tea

Goji berry chrysanthemum tea is sweet and refreshing, into the liver meridian, can be blinding. Chrysanthemums are slightly cold and have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification. Goji berries are medicinal and peaceful, nourishing the liver and eyesight. The two have a good effect of clearing the leader and dispelling the fire, and have a certain therapeutic effect on insomnia and headache caused by wind fever and cold, high blood pressure. However, due to the cold nature of chrysanthemums, people with spleen and stomach deficiency, yang deficiency, and heavy humidity should not drink, and menstruating women and people with colds and colds should not drink.

Rose tea

Rose tea has the effect of soothing liver and qi, invigorating blood and relieving pain, beauty and beauty, and is more suitable for women to take. However, rose tea contains more tannic acid, and combines with proteins in food to produce tannic acid proteins that are not easy to digest and absorb, which will lead to constipation, so people with constipation should not drink. In addition, rose tea belongs to the warm herbal drink. For those who are weak and hot, do not drink, drinking too much can easily lead to the aggravation of yin fire.

Guiyuan red date tea

Red dates are warm and sweet, replenishing the qi, nourishing the blood and calming the spirit. It is used for adjuvant treatment of spleen and stomach weakness, anemia and cold deficiency, loss of appetite, palpitations and insomnia. Guiyuan is warm, replenishes blood and calms the nerves, nourishes the heart and spleen, and has a relatively good effect on insomnia, palpitations, neurasthenia, anemia, etc. However, the cinnamon round meat is warm, it is easy to get on fire when eating, it is recommended that when brewing tea, you can break the cinnamon round shell and brew it together, which can neutralize the fire brought by eating cinnamon meat. In addition, guiyuan red date tea, containing high natural sugar, is not suitable for bloating, stomach acid, diabetic patients, and should also be avoided when inflamed.

Honeysuckle tea

Honeysuckle is cold, sweet, has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and evacuating wind and heat. Because honeysuckle tea is relatively cold, in addition to people whose liver fire is relatively strong and often on fire, people with other physiques are not recommended to drink it for a long time. Patients with dysmenorrhea and patients with lack of physical weakness should avoid taking it as much as possible. In addition, patients with sore throat are mostly virtual fires, and honeysuckle is mainly used to treat real fire, so such patients are recommended to drink with raw licorice soaked water instead.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint is cool, spicy, has the effect of cooling wind and heat dissipation, and clearing the head. Indications for the treatment of wind fever and colds, headaches, red eyes, sore throat and so on. Peppermint is generally not recommended for use alone, and needs to be used in combination with other medicinal herbs. In addition, yin deficiency and hyperyang, dry blood and body weakness and sweating are contraindicated.

Drink the tea right to maintain health

Drinking tea should pay attention to physique and methods, only by drinking it correctly, tea can play a real health role. About drinking tea, do you know the following common sense?

When drinking tea, be careful not to be too high in water temperature. The water temperature of drinking tea is crucial, and the temperature of tea should be between 56 ° C and 60 ° C, which is more beneficial to health. The water temperature is too high, the esophageal mucosa is susceptible to chronic heat damage, especially those who love to smoke and drink, if they drink hot tea (above 65 ° C), it will damage the ability of the esophagus to resist alcohol and nicotine toxins, and the risk of cancer is higher.

The amount of tea used daily should be controlled at about 12 grams. Generally speaking, for healthy people with tea drinking habits, it is more appropriate to use tea daily at about 12 grams, and it is more appropriate to brew it in 3 to 4 times. Pregnant women, children, and people with neurasthenia and tachycardia should drink less or no tea.

Drinking tea varies from person to person and from time to time. People with different physiques drink different teas. Unfermented tea (green tea such as Longjing, Biluochun, Maojian, etc.) has the effect of clearing heat, diuresis, shengjin, etc., but because of the cold, cold stomach or people with chronic stomach disease should not drink. And semi-fermented tea (green tea such as Tieguanyin, oolong tea, etc.), fully fermented tea (black tea) and post-fermented aged tea (black tea, Pu'er tea) have the effect of eliminating food stagnation, aiding digestion, refreshing and so on, these teas have a peaceful taste and are more suitable for most people.

Of course, what kind of tea to drink depends on the physique, but also on the habits. Even if the physique is not suitable, if you like to drink a certain kind of tea, you can also drink a small amount and appropriately.