
The North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day

author:New Fujian

Fujian Daily APP-New Fujian, September 10 (Correspondent Chen Chen Chen Qiang) On the morning of September 9, the North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day, collectively commending and rewarding the advanced models emerging on the education front in the whole region. Lin Xiulan, secretary of the Party Working Committee, attended and spoke, and Yu Xiaodong, director of the Management Committee, presided over the meeting. Attending the meeting were district leaders Weng Liangda, Huang Fuquan, and Xie Shaohua; principal responsible persons of departments directly under the district; principal party and government leaders of various towns and leaders in charge of education; and leaders of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, as well as recipients of commendations.

The North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day

At the meeting, Lin Xiulan, on behalf of the district party working committee and management committee, extended festive greetings and lofty respect to the teachers and educators who worked hard throughout the district, and expressed warm congratulations to the commended model individuals. Lin Xiulan pointed out that the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee attach great importance to the development of education, always put education in a strategic position of priority development, continue to deepen educational reform, effectively improve the quality of education, improve the education system day by day, continuously improve the conditions for running schools, deepen the development of teaching connotations, continuously optimize the teaching team, and achieve new results in the high-quality development of education in the whole region.

The North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day

Lin Xiulan stressed that teachers should have self-respect and self-love for their profession. In our work, we must pursue the loftiness of being a man, adhere to the bottom line of those who are teachers, be willing to be poor, be able to keep poor, teach by virtue, achieve self-respect, self-love, self-reliance, and self-improvement, learn from high school as a teacher, and take integrity as a model; we must take the sowing of the seeds of love as the first virtue of the profession. Combine teaching with educating people, teach people first, then preach, teach, and solve puzzles, water the hearts of students with love, and guide students to form a good world outlook, outlook on life, and values; they must bear responsibility for society. Education is a cause oriented to the future, and it is necessary to carry forward and inherit the national spirit well, and strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors who can develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically, and labor in an all-round way.

The North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day

Lin Xiulan demanded that education carry the hope of the development of the north shore and the expectations of the people of the whole region, promote the development of education, have a lofty mission and have a heavy responsibility. The vast number of teachers and educators in the whole region should keep in mind the mission, live up to the heavy trust, do a good job in education in a down-to-earth manner, strive to create a new glory in the north shore education cause, write a new chapter in the development of education on the north bank, and provide strong talent guarantee and intellectual support for the construction of "international transit port, modern high-tech zone, health and wellness area, and future wisdom city".

The North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day

The Conference read out the decision and list of commendations. Chen Luan and other 8 "Outstanding Principals" were awarded the title, Lin Saiyang and other 18 "Advanced Teachers" titles, Guo Guihua and other 13 "Excellent Class Teacher" titles, Li Peng and other 3 "District Education and Teaching Quality Management Award" title, Tang Zhigang and other 3 "District Education Teaching Progress Award" title, Xiao Shuanghong and other 5 "District Education Quality Excellence Award" title. Lin Xiulan and other district leaders presented awards to the commended recipients. Representatives of the recipients made statements.

The North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day
The North Shore Economic Development Zone held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 37th Teachers' Day

Source: Fujian Daily client