
The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

author:Han Zhou reads

Text/Seven Days

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father


Deeds, the ancestors of the Shang. Daddy Emperor, Mom Jane.

One day, Jandy went to the river to take a bath, picked up a swallow egg, and swallowed it in one bite.

Jane di was conceived and gave birth to a child named.

Daye, the ancestor of Qin. Daddy, mommy.

One day, the nun also picked up a swallow egg, and the food was a great cause.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Female Shu Manga

And Zhou Zhi's mother, Jiang Yan, stopped eating eggs and stepped on footprints instead.

One day, I met a big footprint in the wild, and I stepped on it in curiosity, hey, I was pregnant.

Liu of the Western Han Dynasty told the "Biography of the Daughters of Lie, The Abandoned Daughter Jiang Yan":

The one who abandoned his mother Jiang Concubine, the daughter of Tai Hou. When Yao is in the time, he sees the traces of the giants, and he does what he does, and returns to him.


When it comes to birth, Han Gaozu Liu Bang always feels very embarrassed.

Sima Qian loved gossip and recorded it in the Records of History:

His ancestor Liu Mi tasted the pit of Daze, dreaming and meeting with God. When the thunder and lightning were obscure, taigong looked up and saw the dragon on it. Already in the flesh, he gave birth to a high ancestor.

Jiaolong coiled, Liu Mi was conceived, and Liu Taigong really had nothing to do with it.

And this inappropriate scene for children made Liu Taigong look at him as a propagandist.


Emperor Liu Hu of Han'an, the old father was Liu Qing, the Prince of Qinghe, and his mother was called Zuo Xiao'e.

When Liu Hu was born——

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty": The emperor is in the first place, there are several divine light rooms, and there are red snakes coiled between the beds.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Liu Hu: So, I am a descendant of the snake.


When Emperor Cao Pi of Wei was born, the sky was full of clouds, like a car cover, and it was not scattered all day long.

Those who hope for qi all say, "The breath of an inhuman subject."

Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Book of Wei, Andi Wen:

There are clouds that are blue and round like a car cover, and when they are on it all day long, those who look forward to it think that it is the most precious proof, not the breath of a human subject.

Liu Bei: Speaking of car covers, it is a coincidence that there is a mulberry tree in the southeast corner of my house, which is five feet high, and the lushness looks like a car cover from a distance.

People passing by said that this tree is extraordinary, and this family is an emperor.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Liu Bei: I really have a mulberry tree in my house...

Romance of the Three Kingdoms:

The First Lord... There is a mulberry tree on the fence in the southeast corner of the house, which is more than five meters tall, and the children are seen from afar like a small car cover, and those who come and go blame this tree for being extraordinary, or being a nobleman.

Sun Quan: Your car cover, his car cover, listen to it is fake. When I was born, my ancestral grave was really smoking. Thick smoke billowed out, the light was strange, and hula spread for miles.

Fathers and fellow villagers all said that this smoke is extraordinary, and the Sun family will be bullish.

Remember, the idiom "bizarre" is copyrighted by mine.

"Book of Wu": There are light monsters on the tomb, clouds are five colors, the upper belongs to the heavens, and the manyan numbers. Everyone watched. Father and elderly are said to be extraordinary, and Sun Shi is prosperous.


Sima Rui, the Emperor of jin yuan, was also extremely magical when he was born.

A divine light entered the room, brilliant and bright, as if the grass on the cushion of a baby had just been cut.

The Sixth Book of the Jin Dynasty:

There is a difference in the light of God, a room is clear, and the one through which it is used is like the beginning.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Sima Chi, the emperor of Jinhuai, also had an aura of miracles: Jiahe (rice) appeared in Nanchang County, Yuzhang County.

Thick as a tree, one seedling and two ears, one ear produces rice, and more than a dozen strong men can't eat it.

(How bold are people, and how prolific is the land?) )

"General Theory of the Jin Dynasty":

At the beginning of Emperor Huai's reign, Jiahe was born in Nanchang. The one who hopes for qi is cloudy, and Yuzhang has the qi of heaven.


Xiao Yan, emperor of Southern Liang, was born with an imperial appearance.

It landed on the ground, and the small hands clasped tightly. When I opened it, the palm of my right hand was engraved with the word "Wu".

Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng: What is the word "Wu"? My mom took a nap, dreamed of it, and had it. As soon as I was born, I had the word "heaven" on my left toe.

Well, proper son of the sun.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Southern Chen Wudi Chen Baxian: What is the pregnancy on the dream day? I dreamed, and the sky opened wide. Four men dressed in red, carrying the sun, shoved it into my mouth. You can't eat without eating.

Chen Wendi Chen Xuan: No, at that time, there were two suns in the sky, one large and one small, and they were fighting every day. My uncle (Chen Baxian) ate one, the remaining one, snapped off the ground, I busily broke a large piece, into my arms.

This is the vision of the emperor, clearly pulling out the eyes and lifting the bar.

Tang Yaocha's History of Chen:

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the dream was two days of fighting, one big and one small, the big one fell to the ground, the color was yellow, and its size was as big as a bucket, and the ancestors were cherished because of one of the three points.


Gao Zhaorong, the daughter-in-law of Emperor Xiaowen Tuoba Hong, dreamed of being chased by the sun and had to hide under the bed.

Even so, the sun did not get used to her. Transforming into a dragon, he burrowed under the bed, circled left and right, and wrapped her around several times.

After waking up, the dragon fetus was already in the abdomen.

Tuoba Hong listened, and his head was full of green light: What is the matter with me?

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Wei Shu Di Ji VIII:

At first, the dream was driven away by the sun, and he hid under the bed. The sun turns into a dragon, counting turns around itself, and it is lonely and frightening, and it is also a concubine.


Empress Hu, the old mother of Gao Wei, the lord of Northern Qi, yes, could not stand the loneliness of the palace, and hooked up with her husband Gao Zhan's subordinate He Shikai.

One day, Empress Hu dreamed of sitting in a jade basin, floating in the vast ocean.

Drifting and drifting, the sun fell from the sky, whizzing, and burrowed into the bottom of her skirt.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Immediately afterward, Empress Hu became pregnant.

When the husband listened, he wiped his brain and laughed: Why does the sun always do this?


Tang Gaozu Li Yuan was born, no dragon, no day, no green light, but "the body has three breasts".

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

When his son Li Shimin of Tang Taizong was born, Long Caishan arrived——

Old Book of Tang, Benji II:

On the afternoon of December of the eighteenth year of the Kai Emperor, he was born in the Wugong Annex. Sometimes there are two dragon plays outside the door of the museum, and they go away in three days.


When Song Taizu and Song Taizong were born, they were full of fragrance and divine light.

Of course, there are also differences, Taizu is covered in gold and has not faded for three days.

Emperor Taizong Zhao Guangyi's mother dreamed that the immortals were sending the sun, so that they had a wife. When it comes to production, the red light rises like fire, and the streets and alleys are full of strange fragrances.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

According to research, the vision rate of the emperors of the Song Dynasty was as high as 68.8%.

Among them, Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun's father dreamed of a purple-clad and golden hat person visiting, and his daughter-in-law had a big belly;

Shenzong Zhao Was Born, the Divine Dragon Became a Rat, and "the rats spit out five colors of qi into clouds";

Emperor Xiaozong's mother actually dreamed that someone had given her a sheep and conceived her.

This brain hole is big enough, strange enough...


Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, there are very few miracles.


The birth of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang can be called a magic blockbuster:

"Ming Shi Honji No. 1":

Chen Shi, Fang Jiao, Dream God gives a pill, there is light in the palm of the hand, swallow it, it is fragrant. And the birth, the red light fills the room. Since there was light in the night, the neighbors saw it, thought it was a fire, and ran to the rescue, but there was nothing.

It is said that when the old mother Chen Shi was just pregnant, she dreamed that the immortal gave a pill and glittered in her hand. Under Zhang Oral Administration, he suddenly felt refreshed.

On the day of production, the room was filled with red light.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang

The neighbors thought they were on fire, and they all brought buckets to rescue them, but there was nothing.


Qing Taizu Nurhaci was born a bit out of the box.

Records of Emperor Taizu of the Great Qing Dynasty:

Empress Xuan (Hitara) was born thirteen months pregnant.

The ancient emperor was born, and basically there was nothing wrong with his father

Qing Taizu

In this vision, I know that one of the buddies is very real, and he specifically consulted obstetrics and gynecology experts.

Experts explain that we often say that we are pregnant in October and give birth once, but it is not so long. The longest is basically not more than 42 weeks, generally as long as the pregnancy is 37 weeks, that is, full term.

Therefore, the longest gestation time of the fetus is basically 294 days. Nurhaci can live in the womb for 390 days, which is really a god.

What happens if you are really pregnant for so long?

Fetal abnormalities.

This time you understand, our hero Xiao Nezha, why was he a ball when he was born?


In summary, the vision of the birth of the emperor basically has the following characteristics:

First, there must be light. Golden light god light multicolored light, even green light;

Second, there must be a different fragrance;

Third, be enough to be enough to be creepy and witty.

What line is not shocking?

Who dares to oppose, say that it is mysterious to fool people, chop.