
What is the relationship between the analytic scribe Xun Shuang and Xun Yu?

author:Interesting history

Xun Shuang's brief introduction to the mountain mentions that Xun Shuang was a native of Yingchuan Yingyin (present-day Xuchang, Henan), with the character Ciming, a tan, and a Shuo Ru. Born in 128 and died in 190, he was a scribe at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the sixth son of Xun Shu. Each of his eight brothers had talent and fame, and was known as the "Eight Dragons of the Xun Clan" by the world. However, at that time, there was a comment of "Xun's Eight Dragons, Ciming Is Unmatched", which shows that his talent is unmatched by several other brothers. When Emperor Wen of Wei was still a chancellor, the King of Wei made Xun Shuang and twenty-four others twenty-four sages.

What is the relationship between the analytic scribe Xun Shuang and Xun Yu?

Sou Sou Image

From an early age, he was intelligent and studious, devoted himself to the study of classics, and was very diligent and diligent. When he was only 12 years old, he could read the Spring and Autumn And the Analects, and even du qiao, a famous minister at the time, praised him after seeing him: "You can be a teacher." Therefore, Xun Shuang studied more assiduously, did not participate in the joy and funeral, and did not participate in the recruitment of the imperial court. Emperor Huan of Han yanxi for nine years, because of the recommendation of Zhao Dian, bailangzhong, and later abandoned the official. Because he avoided the scourge of the party, he retired to the Han Riverside for more than ten years, concentrating on writing books, successively writing "Rites", "Yi Chuan", "Poetry Biography", "Shang Shu Zhengjing", and "Spring and Autumn Regulations"; Later, he collected the successes and failures of the history of the Han Dynasty to warn future generations, and composed "Chinese"; He also wrote "Ram Question", "Discernment", and other treatises, entitled "New Book", which has more than 100 articles, but this book has been mutilated since then. Later, he saw that Dong Zhuo was cruel and unkind, and he must overthrow the country, so he plotted with Wang Yun to get rid of Dong Zhuo, but he died of illness before he was implemented, and there was only one daughter Xun Cai before he died.

Xun Shuang has studied poems, books, rites, spring and autumn, and Yi, and is especially proficient in Yi Xue. He emphasized etiquette and revered Confucianism. He attached great importance to the hierarchical relationship between the monarch and the father and the son, emphasizing filial piety, determining dignity and inferiority, and performing funeral rites. He also absorbed the ideas of the Yin and Yang family, paid attention to the symbiosis of the five elements, and applied his ideas to the development of various dynasties, constructing an easy-to-learn ideological system with Qiankun Yin and Yang as the skeleton. Among them, his most famous theory of Yixue is "Qiankun Kanli", which is the theory that he studied the relationship between gan, kan, kun and lili on the basis of the combination of the qiankun kanli four gua and the yin and yang concepts in the Zhou Yi.

Xun Shuang was Xun Yu's person

Xun Shuang was a minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty and a highly renowned scholar, he was very fond of learning from an early age, and he was very intelligent, often concentrating on studying the scriptures, very hardworking, once held the position of Lang Zhong, and also created articles such as "Li" and "Yi Chuan". Xun Yu, on the other hand, was born later than Xun Shuang, a very powerful politician and strategist, known as "Wang Zuo's Talent". It can be said that in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Xun Shuang and Xun Yu both had a very lofty status, and from the name and place of birth, there seems to be a blood connection between them, so who is Xun Shuang?

What is the relationship between the analytic scribe Xun Shuang and Xun Yu?

Xun Shuang picture

According to historical records, it can be known that Xun Shuang was Xun Yu's biological uncle, Xun Shuang's father Xun Shu was also a very famous celebrity sage, he once gave birth to eight sons, and these eight sons all had very outstanding talents, and the reputation was also very loud, at that time it was known as Xun Shi Eight Dragons, and Xun Shuang was the sixth in the ranks, among the other seven brothers, his second brother Xun Shu once served as the Minister of Jinan, and Xun Yu was his son. Therefore, Xun Shuang is Xun Yu's uncle.

Xun Yu's uncle Xun Shuang was born in 128, and Xun Yu was born in 168, there was a forty-year-old age difference between them, and in 166 Xun Shuang was given the title of Langzhong, but he soon resigned from this official position and began to concentrate on creating his own works, and Xun Yu was born during this time. Xun Yu was made a palace keeper in 189 and began to secretly fight against Dong Zhuo, while Xun Shuang died in 190, and xun Yu really became a famous figure some time after his death.

Xun Shuang and Dong Zhuo

Xun Shuang was a courtier at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and a well-known scribe, he was very intelligent from an early age, and he liked to study very much, and he had been concentrating on studying the scriptures, once becoming Langzhong in 166, but he left the official field soon after. In order to escape the chaotic situation at that time, and in order to be able to create works with peace of mind, he had lived in seclusion for more than ten years, but when he saw Dong Zhuo's cholera court, he wanted to kill him with others, so there was still a certain connection between Xun Shuang and Dong Zhuo.

What is the relationship between the analytic scribe Xun Shuang and Xun Yu?

Dong Zhuo picture

The connection between Xun Shuang and Dong Zhuo also begins in 189, when Xun Shuang was named a lieutenant general he jin, but He Jin was killed in this year, and the imperial court's original edict to Xun Shuang was temporarily interrupted. Dong Zhuo heard about Xun Shuang's deeds before, so he wanted to continue to recruit him to become an official of the imperial court, but Xun Shuang did not want to enter the court as an official at such a chaotic moment, and he did not want to do things for Dong Zhuo, but because the officials constantly urged him, Xun Shuang just wanted to escape and had no way, so he was named the Minister of State of the Plains, and then became Guanglu Xun.

In 190, Dong Zhuo moved the capital to the Chang'an area, but at that time, some officials tried to refute it, xun Shuang saw that Dong Zhuo was already very angry, afraid that the two officials would be killed, so he went forward to persuade Dong Zhuo, which made Dong Zhuo appreciate him even more, and soon let him move to the Chang'an area together. However, in fact, Xun Shuang was very disgusted with Dong Zhuo, thinking that he was too cruel and would definitely destroy the entire country, so he and some clever people were ready to fight him together, and secretly made plans, but before he could act, he died, and Dong Zhuo, who he was thinking of abolishing, was finally killed by his nephew Xun Yu and the people.

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