
Why is Jia Xu, a famous strategist of Cao Wei, called "poisoner"? Jia Xu, a wise man who did not talk much, proposed to take Chang'an and Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu had a tragic end

author:Zhuge History Book

Heaven and time do not do anything, and personnel do not do anything.

Why is Jia Xu, a famous strategist of Cao Wei, called "poisoner"? Jia Xu, a wise man who did not talk much, proposed to take Chang'an and Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu had a tragic end

Jia Xu was an excellent military strategist, and he was also the founding hero of Cao Wei, he had a very flexible mind, and a full of military strategies to learn, and he was also very handy in handling things.

He was an out-and-out talent in the last years of the Han Dynasty, but why he was called a "poisoner", what is this all about, let's take a look at it together.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > Jia Xu proposed to take Chang'an</h1>

Although Jia Xu is full of talent, he is not a righteous and awe-inspiring person, and he always puts his own interests first. Jia Xu turned out to be Dong Zhuo's adviser, and he had been helping Dong Zhuo with his advice.

Why is Jia Xu, a famous strategist of Cao Wei, called "poisoner"? Jia Xu, a wise man who did not talk much, proposed to take Chang'an and Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu had a tragic end

However, one day, Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu, and Jia Xu immediately felt bad, so he fled with Dong Zhuo's men. In the process of fleeing, Jia Xu thought that a few of them would be caught sooner or later, so he told the others, instead of running away, we should bribe the officers and soldiers to directly capture Chang'an City.

The other strategists also agreed with Jia Xu's words, and they successfully bribed the officers and soldiers and occupied Chang'an, and Jia Xu's plan successfully saved his and several strategists' lives. However, it has harmed thousands of innocent people, who have been displaced in the war and lost their own families, and Jia Xu has disregarded the safety of others for his own life, which has also been criticized by everyone.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao</h1>

During the Battle of Guandu, Zhang Xiu did not know what to do with his position when he faced the solicitation, and at this time Jia Xu defected to Zhang Xiu's men.

Why is Jia Xu, a famous strategist of Cao Wei, called "poisoner"? Jia Xu, a wise man who did not talk much, proposed to take Chang'an and Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu had a tragic end

He used various methods to persuade Zhang Xiu to be with Cao Cao, but the situation was not as good as Jia Xu said, and Zhang Xiu listened to Jia Xu's words and turned to Cao Cao.

Jia Xu's ultimate goal was actually for himself, he wanted to defect to Cao Cao's men, but he did not dare to go alone, so he pulled the powerful Zhang Xiu to go with him, Jia Xu's mind can be described as deep, and in the end he did anything for his own selfish interests.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > embroidery ended miserably</h1>

After defecting to Cao Cao's men, Jia Xu became a famous strategist, he helped Cao Cao handle various government affairs, and finally became Cao Pi's teacher, which shows the depth of Jia Xu's mind, and he did not hesitate to pull Zhang Xiu as his stepping stone for his own interests.

Why is Jia Xu, a famous strategist of Cao Wei, called "poisoner"? Jia Xu, a wise man who did not talk much, proposed to take Chang'an and Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu had a tragic end

After defecting to Cao Cao's men, Jia Xu exerted his great talents and helped Cao Cao to fight in the east and the west, making a lot of merits, which also allowed Cao Cao to see Jia Xu's ability and attach great importance to him.

And Zhang Xiu's situation was not as good as Jia Xu's, he became a tool under Cao Cao, and finally was forced to die by Cao Cao's son Cao Pi, and finally tired of his family, Zhang Xiu's encounter was really regrettable.

Zhang Xiu should have had his own good years, but after listening to Jia Xu's rumors, he ended up in a very tragic end. From Jia Xu's behavior, we can also see that Jia Xu is a very vicious person, who can disregard the safety of others for his own selfish interests.

Why is Jia Xu, a famous strategist of Cao Wei, called "poisoner"? Jia Xu, a wise man who did not talk much, proposed to take Chang'an and Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu had a tragic end

But Jia Xu in that era of war and chaos, such an approach also has his own reason, Jia Xu did everything very thoughtfully, he considered all aspects, which led to his repeated failures.

At the same time, Jia Xu was also very clear about the situation, and he understood that he should act differently in different situations. It was because of Jia Xu's foresight that he became the founding hero of Cao Wei.

Jia Xu is a very smooth person, everything is based on himself, he not only planned the country's military policy, but also planned himself very carefully, he tried his best to do a good job in every step of the planning, which allowed him to save his life in the era of war. However, Jia Xu's sleekness hurt other innocent people, and many people died tragically under Jia Xu's strategy, which also allowed Jia Xu to obtain the title of a "poisoner".

Why is Jia Xu, a famous strategist of Cao Wei, called "poisoner"? Jia Xu, a wise man who did not talk much, proposed to take Chang'an and Jia Xu proposed that Zhang Xiu defect to Cao Cao and Zhang Xiu had a tragic end

From Jia Xu's story, we should know that although being a person can be very smooth, it should not be too smooth and not care about the safety of others, which is a very unkind act. Being a person should be friendly, not just for their own selfish interests, which will also be criticized by the people around them.

Although there is nothing wrong with thinking that you are alive, you should take into account the feelings of others and not disregard the safety of others in order to achieve your own goals, which is a very wrong behavior.


Jia Xu's act of seeking self-preservation also made him a rare strategist during the Three Kingdoms period who could save himself. The times are developing, we have left the era of war, and now we should be more kind and create a beautiful living environment, which is what modern citizens should do.

Welcome friends to discuss and leave a message in the comment area, although Jia Xu is a famous strategist of Cao Wei and has made a lot of hard work for the establishment of the country, because of his vicious heart and too much consideration for himself, he is also called "poisoner" by posterity. Like friends will like and forward Oh, we will see you next time.

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