
Polls show that nearly 70% of the Americans surveyed would rather resign than accept compulsory vaccinations, netizens: Americans are crazy

Source: World Wide Web

The latest opinion poll released by the United States may seriously frustrate the Biden administration. According to the "Russia Today" (RT) reported on the 7th, a latest poll showed that nearly 70% of unvaccinated Americans said they would rather resign than accept compulsory vaccination.

Polls show that nearly 70% of the Americans surveyed would rather resign than accept compulsory vaccinations, netizens: Americans are crazy

(Screenshot of RT report)

The latest statistics of the New York Times show that as of 11:23 Beijing time on September 8, the cumulative number of confirmed covid-19 cases in the United States is 40382181, and the cumulative number of deaths is 650998. In the past 24 hours, there have been 152222 new confirmed cases and 1,497 new deaths in the United States.

According to previous media reports, due to the accelerated spread of the new crown variant virus Delta strain in the United States and the slow progress of vaccination, US President Biden has repeatedly urged the public to vaccinate in recent days. On June 29, local time, Biden spoke at the White House, announcing a series of new measures to promote vaccination, including requiring federal employees to provide vaccination certificates, otherwise they must follow strict epidemic prevention regulations. On August 23, local time, Biden once again urged the unvaccinated American people to be vaccinated as soon as possible to cope with the rapid spread of the mutated new coronavirus Delta strain in the United States.

Polls show that nearly 70% of the Americans surveyed would rather resign than accept compulsory vaccinations, netizens: Americans are crazy

(Biden picture from Xinhua Net)

Now, however, biden's urging to get people vaccinated has been severely frustrated. The Washington Post and the SBC conducted a survey last week of 1,066 unvaccinated people in the United States, RT said. The survey results showed that about 35 percent of respondents said they would file for exemptions for religious or medical reasons if employers mandated vaccinations, while 42 percent said they would quit. Taking it a step further, when asked "what would I do if I couldn't get a vaccination exemption," most respondents said they would quit. Overall, about 67 percent of unvaccinated people said they would rather quit their jobs than comply with vaccination rules.

In addition, a survey of 961 companies conducted by Willis Towers Watson last week showed that more than half (52%) of U.S. companies said they plan to make at least one vaccination requirement by the fourth quarter of 2021. However, so many unvaccinated people are reluctant to be vaccinated, which is not a good thing for U.S. companies, RT said.

It is worth mentioning that the report that "nearly 70% of unvaccinated people would rather resign than be vaccinated" has aroused discussion among netizens.

Some netizens said that Americans are "crazy." ↓

Polls show that nearly 70% of the Americans surveyed would rather resign than accept compulsory vaccinations, netizens: Americans are crazy

"The Yankees are crazy."

Some netizens also quoted French writer Anatole Francis, suggesting that those who refused to be vaccinated were "stupid" and that their ideas were "dangerous". ↓

Polls show that nearly 70% of the Americans surveyed would rather resign than accept compulsory vaccinations, netizens: Americans are crazy

"Anatole Francis said that stupidity is far more dangerous than evil, because evil sometimes stops for a moment, and stupidity does not."

Another netizen compared the attitudes of the Chinese and American people to the epidemic prevention and control measures, praising China for "doing a good job" and "really showing the world the way forward.". ↓

Polls show that nearly 70% of the Americans surveyed would rather resign than accept compulsory vaccinations, netizens: Americans are crazy

"China has dealt with this epidemic very differently than the U.S., when they were ordered to stay at home, they did, and they didn't protest against the super-spread (precautions) or participate in other activities that helped the virus spread." They're doing better because the people are following strict official instructions and they're really showing the world the way forward. ”