
What is the chaos in the entertainment industry? Zhang Ji and other well-known actors have criticized it bitterly

author:Entertainment Nova Station

All kinds of chaos in the entertainment industry, there were too many problems at the beginning, and in the past, if they were not cured in time, it was necessary to grasp their roots and find the real problems, and the current "clear action" is enough to see the official determination and confidence in the rectification of the entertainment industry.

What is the chaos in the entertainment industry? Zhang Ji and other well-known actors have criticized it bitterly

In the implementation of the action, people who need more support must stand up, and really fight against these flooded chaos, and many people in the circle have stood up and dared to face up to the chaos of these entertainment circles and criticize them bitterly!

What is the chaos in the entertainment industry? Zhang Ji and other well-known actors have criticized it bitterly

Not long ago, Li Youbin "brightened the sword" to the chaos of the entertainment industry, advocating the correct aesthetics of young people, facing up to the basic skills and qualities that should be possessed as an actor, establishing correct values for teenagers, and more clearly what should be pursued, winning glory for the country, obscure scientists, guarding the frontier and daring to fight against foreigners, he is the real hero, is the person who should be remembered and admired.

What is the chaos in the entertainment industry? Zhang Ji and other well-known actors have criticized it bitterly

For Li Chengru is also a person who dares to speak and dare to act, he said in his recent program: "As long as capital occupies the literary and art market, big-name directors will also lose the right to choose actors!" From this, it is not difficult for us to see that behind this sentence, there are too many problems.

What is the chaos in the entertainment industry? Zhang Ji and other well-known actors have criticized it bitterly

In an interview on the 27th, the well-known director Zhang Jizhong even criticized the star chasing in the rice circle as bad money to expel good money, and in the face of various chaos in the entertainment industry, he was even more blunt: "Many people in the entertainment industry have no original intention and only want to make money. Originally a literary and artistic industry that illuminates people's hearts, young people are now trained to be a tool to make money. ”

For those blind worship and star chasing, rice circle culture and celebrity play big names and a series of other problems, some effective measures are needed for supervision and management.

He believes that the current "clear action" is a very good trend, "and we are now rectifying, we need specimens to be sorted together, first of all, the rules are very important, can not only talk about the results." ”

What is the chaos in the entertainment industry? Zhang Ji and other well-known actors have criticized it bitterly

At present, under the rectification and rectification of the Qinglang action, the entertainment industry is currently achieving initial results, but this is far from enough, and it is more necessary to have the constraints of everyone's self-cultivation, as well as the supervision and management of all links, and jointly create a good environment, which requires the joint efforts of everyone.

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