
い is gradually disappearing from the Japanese pronunciation

author:Hujiang Japanese

Even if you know in your head that words are living things and things that change with the times, it is lonely that familiar words change.

Although we understand that language is "alive" and will change with the times, when we really feel that the familiar language is slowly moving away from our lives, we will still feel as if we can't keep up with the times, and it is inevitable that there will be some sadness.

By the way, I think that there are many people who feel the decline of facial muscles by masks, but if you can't see your mouth with a mask, you can't understand the words that the other person uttered well, and communication is difficult to communicate with each other.

Presumably, many people now feel that their facial muscles have become weakened because they need to wear masks for a long time, and everyone wears masks when speaking, cannot see each other's mouth shape, and cannot accurately distinguish what the other party is saying, and it will be difficult to communicate.

It is a function of human beings that declines if you do not use it, but it is also true that you do not want to do troublesome things to keep it. It's the same pronunciation.

Many functions of the human body will be weakened after a long time without use, but to be honest, people also feel that it is troublesome not to bother to maintain these skills. Pronunciation is in the same situation.

い is gradually disappearing from the Japanese pronunciation

Would you be surprised to say that "I" is disappearing from Japanese? For instance, the sound falls off in the way that "It is unpleasant" is "It is" or "Good" is "Um", and the ending of a word changes. So why does this happen? In fact, it is from "energy saving" of pronunciation.

Wouldn't you be surprised if the Japanese word い is disappearing? For example, the word "いやだ" becomes "やだ" misses the pronunciation of "い", or "うまい" becomes "うまっ". Why is this happening? In fact, it is because of the pronunciation of "energy saving".

A vowel that raises the tongue forward upwards in the mouth, pulls the corners of the mouth left and right, and utters a voice with the larynx slightly tightened. Writing in letters makes it somewhat difficult, but how to pronounce "i" looks like this. We usually move our muscles unconsciously and utter. Naturally, the movement of the mouth is limited by the mask, making it difficult for the other party to hear.

The tongue pushes forward and upward in the mouth while the corners of the mouth are pulled to the sides, and the vowels made when the larynx is slightly tightened ——。 The method of pronouncing い is a bit difficult to interpret in words, but it is exactly that. We usually use our facial muscles unconsciously to speak. When we wear a mask, the mask will restrict the movement of the mouth, and it will be difficult for the other party to hear the content of the speech.

い is gradually disappearing from the Japanese pronunciation

In addition, even if there is no mask, you will notice that there are examples where "Yabai" has changed from "Yabe" and "Yaba" to "Yabe" and "Difficult" has changed from "Muz" to "Muzzu". This is also a sign of energy saving.

Even without the distraction of masks, some pronunciations change, with "やばい" becoming "やべー" or "やば", "難しい" first becoming "ムズい" and then simplified to "ムズッ", and there are many words like this. These are also the embodiment of energy saving of pronunciation.

The pronunciation of "I" is called an anthelectual vowel, and the position of the tongue is much higher than other vowels, and it is a pronunciation method that requires energy to tighten the larynx with vocal cords. That's how we changed this "troublesome" pronunciation to an easier and easier person.

い is a pre-tongue vowel, and the position of the tongue is much higher than that of other vowels when pronounced, and the larynx where the vocal cords are located is tightened when pronounced. Therefore, after the pronunciation is no longer "い", the pronunciation is no longer troublesome and tiring, and it becomes much easier.

Accents disappear by saving energy

Pronunciation energy saving is also manifested in the disappearance of stress

The change in words also extends to the change in accent. The pronunciation of the guitar, the motorcycle, the carreshi, etc. is the one with the accent. This is called flat plateization of the accent.

With the change of vocabulary, the accent also changed slightly. Originally, words such as ギター、バイク、カレシ had accents, but now they have all become a tone. We call it "tone flattening".

The flat plate of the accent is also a result of energy saving. First of all, you don't have to memorize the accent position, so you can save energy in your brain. Also, as you can see when you actually pronounce it, you don't have to use abs for flat pronunciation.

The flattening of the tone is also facilitated by the energy saving of pronunciation. The most obvious thing is that we don't need to remember the position of the accent, which is equivalent to saving brain power. Also, flattened pronunciation can be pronounced without abdominal muscle movement support.

Compare the pronunciation of "guitar" on a flat plate with an accent on "ghi". Place your hands around the navel and try alternating slabs with pronounced accents on your head. If you have an accent, you can see that your tumacy moves tightly.

Please put your hands on your navel and try pronouncing the word "ギター" in a flat and accented tone. You will find that when the accent is pronounced, the stomach will vibrate with it.

い is gradually disappearing from the Japanese pronunciation

It is also convincing that when you make a loud voice, you are told to speak out from your belly. The abs are also very involved in speaking out.

This also explains why the "Dantian Qi" is used when speaking loudly. The abdominal muscles play a large role in the pronunciation process.

Life with masks is not likely to end yet. In order to communicate face-to-face or online, it is important not only to have facial expressions, but also to pronounce properly. It is necessary to speak carefully word by word without hassle, especially when you are online, slow down to about 80% more than you usually talk. When it tends to decline in the mask life, "Iwiu gymnastics" is recommended.

We can't take off our masks yet. Whether you're talking face-to-face or through online voice, correct pronunciation and facial expressions are important. Go out of your way to say it word for word, especially when talking online, and slow down to about 80% of the normal speaking speed. If your facial muscles are tired from wearing a mask for a long time, it is recommended to try "イウイウ Gymnastics".

い is gradually disappearing from the Japanese pronunciation

Pronounce "I" and "U" continuously and slightly faster. "I" trains muscles such as lower lip control muscles, laughing muscles, large cheekbones muscles, and "U" trains the muzzle muscles.

Recite the two tones of "い" and "う" in a row and rapidly. The pronunciation of い can exercise muscles such as the lower lip square muscle, laughing muscle, and zygomatic muscle, and "う" can exercise the orbicularis orbicularis muscles.

When "I", pull the corners of your mouth directly to the side and say "Yes" so that you can see the upper and lower teeth. "U" makes the upper and lower lips round and sticks out firmly toward the front. Together, we say "Er." This is 20 times in a row, and the mouth is moved a little fast about one second per set. I think it will heal corona fatigue.

When you say "い", pull the corners of your mouth apart and make a "いー" sound with your upper and lower teeth exposed. When you chant "う", your mouth protrudes forward and makes a sound of "うー". Do it 20 times in a row, 1 time per second, and speak faster. "イウイウ gymnastics" should have a certain healing effect on "コロナ fatigue" (in order not to be infected with the new type of pneumonia, every day is careful, continuous tension leads to autonomic disorders, and the body has symptoms of discomfort).

This content is an original translation of Hujiang Japanese and is strictly prohibited from reproduction.