
When will "Sherlock Holmes and Watson" be released The hilarious comedy movie is coming

author:Minnan Net

[Minnan Net]

Two years have passed since the summer of 2016, when The film "Sherlock Holmes and Watson", which presents the story of Sherlock Holmes in a purely comedic way, has finally revealed its true face and released a full-length trailer: this is a comedy movie that subverts the imagination, and the two major Hollywood comedies "Paris" Will Farrell and John C. Reilly do their best to play the queen. The style of the film is very different from Robert Downey Jr.'s "Sherlock Holmes".

Will Farrell and John C. Reilly have worked together on "Talladega Nights: Ricky Bobby's Ballad" and "Brothers Not Brothers" in 2006 and 2008, and have performed together at the Oscars, making them a golden duo. In Sherlock Holmes and Watson, Farrell will play Holmes and Reilly will play Dr. Watson.

Sherlock Holmes and Watson is a hilarious comedy directed by Itan Cohen, who has directed Tropical Thunder, Madagascar 2, and Men in Black 3. The director, who is good at comedy, has been doing well at the box office for many years, and he has worked with Will Farrell on the comedy "Pre-Prison Education". The story of Sherlock Holmes and Watson is still from The original conan-Doyle novel, but it will be more "unorthodox" than the version starring Robert Downey Jr., and will be made into a PG-13 comedy. Sasha Byron Cohen originally planned to star in the film, but gave up for various reasons.

"Sherlock Holmes and Watson" will land in North American theaters on December 21 this year. (Text/Stern)

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