
Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

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Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8
Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

Today, let's talk about the British drama "Poirot Season 8".

Titled Agatha Christie's Poirot Season 8 (2001), nicknamed Detective Poirot Detective Legend.

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

This season, like the previous season, is only two short episodes, the shortest two in the entire 13 seasons.

Two of the season's stories are also based on the monograph, one is the very famous "Sin in the Sun" and the other is "Murder in Mesopotamia".

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

Two of this season's cases took place in sunny places, one is a beachfront hotel and the other is an archaeological site of ancient civilizations. There are not many of the worst that happen in the sun, and criminals spend a lot of thought and deliberate premeditation.

These seemingly perfect crimes are nowhere to be seen under the operation of Poirot's gray brain cells.

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

Compared to the previous season, the mental state of several protagonists is much better, and a group of old friends have also shown enviable friendships.

Poirot also returned to his original playful and arrogant state. As Poirot constantly emphasizes the gray brain cells, he keenly observes the clues in the case and uses this to find the murderer.

Hastings was already full of white hair, but his spirit was still good. The investment genius Hastings once again failed to invest. When Grandma created the image of Hastings' investment ghost, it is estimated that she did not expect that a few years later, China produced a fat man who will come up with a talk show, and truly achieve the investment industry lamp, pointing out where to extinguish. Fortunately, Hastings lost his own hard-earned money, not breaking the law and making people sympathetic, and the other talk showman was different.

Inspector Japp is still a workaholic and always idle at home. Miss Raymond is as capable as ever, the men are not very big children, and with Miss Raymond taking good care of them, the other rough old men will not be too bad.

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

01 Evil Under the Sun (single book)

Short Comments:

"Sins under the Sun" is a more famous work written by Grandma, which has been adapted and adapted to the big screen many times.

Poirot's body was blessed during the day, he never exercised, and he never thought about moderation. At Miss Raymond's strong request, Poirot had to travel to the Seaside Hotel in Leathercombe Bay for recuperation. Poirot easily exerts his death physique, and during his convalescence, he personally participates in the detection of a murder.

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

The beautiful Alena Marshall had a large following around him, and Poirot was keenly aware of the hidden killer. Ben wanted to stop the crime, but the crime still happened under the eyes, just like the title, it was the most evil that happened in the sun.

The murder seemed somewhat complicated, and the killer used the element of time as the main consideration to commit a crime with a very precise time. Grandma once again toyed with the audience and the reader through the hand of the murderer. The characters in the scene each have motives, but they are not in line with the time, which really makes the great detective think about it.

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

02 Murder in Mesopotamia (single book)

This is a serial murder that occurred at the site of an archaeological excavation, and the story takes place in the Mesopotamia region of ancient Babylon, the ancient country of the four civilizations.

Poirot and Hastings had a rare trip to Mesopotamia at the invitation of their old lover, only to not see the old lover, but encountered a serial murder.

Similarly, everyone present had a connection to the deceased and a reason to kill the deceased.

Sunny Crime – Poirot Season 8

Poirot has to find out the flaws in everyone's seemingly perfect alibi.

In this case, there are not many characters, but the fog is heavy, Grandma will not easily say the murderer, only careful thinking can think of criminal methods.

Similar to the general criminal grounds, the murderer is nothing more than for money. When rich people are killed, they will grope along with the beneficiaries, and when people with faces are killed, they will follow the emotional entanglement and exploration, which will generally be the same.

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