
Too careless! The 4-month-old baby burned to 39 degrees, and the parents who became severely ill with pneumonia did not know? Click "Learn More", pay attention to [Hunan Medical Chat], get more health information!

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Too careless! The 4-month-old baby burned to 39 degrees, and the parents who became severely ill with pneumonia did not know? Click "Learn More", pay attention to [Hunan Medical Chat], get more health information!

#Hunan Medical Talk Super Group#Qingfeng Plan ##长沙头条 #

After the birth of the child, it is the treasure that parents hold in the palm of their hands all the time, and as soon as there is a wind and grass, the parents are anxious.

However, Changsha actually has such a pair of parents, the family's 4-month-old baby burned to 39 degrees, and even the heart is not the same thing.

Burned into pneumonia parents do not know, the hospital emergency treatment!

Jia jia (pseudonym), a baby girl who was 4 months and 24 days old, coughed five days ago after catching a cold at home, and although there was nasal congestion, the number of coughs was not much, and there were no symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

Mom and Dad didn't pay attention, thinking that the baby was just a common cold or a cough caused by choking milk, and the situation would get better in a few days.

After five days of coughing, Jiajia's condition suddenly worsened, the cough was accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath, the spirit was very poor, and even moaning, Jiajia's mother considered taking the child to Hunan Women and Children's Hospital for medical treatment.

"When the child was sent over, it had burned to 39.0 degrees, the heart rate was 198 times / min, the breathing was 70 times / min, accompanied by moaning, the face was very bad, normally speaking, such a large child should breathe 30 times / min, and after the examination, it was found that the baby's lungs could hear a large number of fine wet rales, the liver was enlarged, and the diagnosis was severe pneumonia and heart failure, exhalation."

Dr. Zhong Yipeng, deputy chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital, first diagnosed and treated Jiajia, because Jiajia was in a critical condition, immediately sent to the intensive care unit, after emergency treatment, medical staff monitored and nursed the whole process, after one night, Jiajia has been out of danger, and the indicators of the body have improved significantly.

Too careless! The 4-month-old baby burned to 39 degrees, and the parents who became severely ill with pneumonia did not know? Click "Learn More", pay attention to [Hunan Medical Chat], get more health information!

Among all the diseases that haunt children, pneumonia is the most frightening to parents, especially this year when it comes to pneumonia.

And Jiajia's mother talked about the child's "critical illness" this time is still afraid, "blame yourself for being too careless, if you don't drag it, come to the hospital early, the child doesn't have to suffer such a big crime." ”

Coughing is not a minor problem, beware of developing pneumonia

In fact, there are not a few parents who are as careless as Jiajia's mother.

Dr. Zhong Yipeng reminded parents not to think that a few coughs of children are small problems, and coughing is not just caused by colds and choking milk, and this view of parents is incorrect.

Pediatric pneumonia is mostly accompanied by fever, and most of them are above 38 ° C, and the duration is long, even if the use of cooling drugs can only be temporarily withdrawn, and then repeated.

Children also have fever in colds, but they last for a shorter time, and the effect of using cooling drugs to control body temperature is more obvious.

The smaller the baby, the less obvious the performance of pneumonia, due to the baby's small lung capacity, small cough sound, cough reflex is not strong, may cough twice, or even no cough symptoms, may have developed into pneumonia, parents can not find in time.

Sometimes, the child's performance may be poor spirits, loss of appetite, drowsiness, crying and restlessness, etc., or like Jiajia, shortness of breath, moaning, these may be manifestations of pneumonia.

Therefore, parents must carefully observe the changes in their children, young babies can not be expressed in words, for the abnormal performance of children, parents must be attentive!

Due to the immature respiratory organs and functions of newborn babies, the disease progresses rapidly after the disease, and it is easy to develop into severe disease, which may lead to respiratory failure, heart failure, sepsis and even death if not treated in time.

Therefore, early detection and early treatment are the most critical!

Too careless! The 4-month-old baby burned to 39 degrees, and the parents who became severely ill with pneumonia did not know? Click "Learn More", pay attention to [Hunan Medical Chat], get more health information!

However, some parents are afraid of excessive medical treatment in the hospital, and mild illness is said to be serious illness, which delays the best treatment time for the child's condition.

In fact, many of the child's symptoms are "calling for help" to the parents, but the inexperienced novice parents are easy to ignore.

Dr. Zhong Yipeng said that our doctors will treat the child according to the priority of the condition, and will not be as some parents worry, they will be isolated at the hospital and will arrange to do a lot of examination and treatment.

Pneumonia will be infected with pathogenic bacteria, the severity of the disease, whether there are other symptoms, diagnosis and treatment is different, the doctor will carry out targeted diagnosis and treatment according to the degree of the disease, the child is sick, parents must not delay, timely medical treatment, in order to solve the problem.

The high incidence of pneumonia in children in spring and winter is more important than treatment

Pneumonia is the most common respiratory disease in childhood, especially in infants under 3 years of age, and occurs in all four seasons, mainly in spring and winter.

According to the WHO, pneumonia is the first disease to cause child deaths worldwide.

If you suffer from pneumonia, the child will feel very uncomfortable, fever, cough, shortness of breath and other symptoms, if the treatment is not timely, it will seriously endanger the child's health.

Winter and spring temperatures are relatively low, the virus is easy to spread in the air, Dr. Zhong Yipeng recommended that parents pay attention to prevention.

Promote breastfeeding, vaccination, timely addition and subtraction of clothing for children, too much and too little is not enough, after wearing too much sweating, it is more likely to get sick.

Do a good job of personal and environmental hygiene, and maintain air circulation in the living room.

If someone in the family is sick, we must strengthen the protection of the child and avoid transmission to the children.

Expert introduction

Too careless! The 4-month-old baby burned to 39 degrees, and the parents who became severely ill with pneumonia did not know? Click "Learn More", pay attention to [Hunan Medical Chat], get more health information!

(Editing Rainbow.) Some of the image sources of the network, invasion and deletion)

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Yi Ting, Hunan Women's and Children's Hospital

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