
(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

author:Liu Chengyin LCY

Text/Willow Shade

(xii) Taizhou

There are 8 taizhous, and I have the privilege of tasting 8 sets, namely: Qixiang family portrait, fragrant lotus taro roasted meat, Qinhu Eight Fresh, Jiang Duo pork head meat, Jingjiang Titang mutton, Diaopu braised lamb, Shagou fish balls, Taizhou dried silk. Taizhou's landmark dishes were not reproached, but Jingjiang and Quxia's crab yellow soup buns were not selected, which was a bit confusing. Perhaps the number of places allocated by the jury is limited, or perhaps the soup bun is used as a snack category, which is not within the scope of selection. This selection evaluated the true level of Taizhou landmark dishes, such as: Taixing, Xinghua, Jiangyan pig head meat are famous, only select Jiang 3 Yan Jiang Duo pork head meat; for example, Taixing fragrant lotus taro, JiangYan purple lotus taro, Xinghua dragon taro, Jingjiang fragrant potato are famous, are "landmarks", only choose Taixing fragrant lotus taro. This ensures that each region has a landmark dish selected, increasing coverage.

Diners have always believed that the large boiled dried silk belongs to Yangzhou cuisine, I do not know that when the Yangtai family, this dish belongs to the folk cuisine in Taizhou, Taixing, Xinghua, and even Nantong's Rugao, soy products have developed to the peak, and the return of large boiled dried silk to Taizhou is also a real name. The method of boiling dry silk is very delicate, first the dried tofu slices into uniform thin slices, then cut into thin wires, and then with chicken shreds, bamboo shoot slices and other accessories, add chicken soup to cook. Fire and martial arts are used together to taste. When serving, cooked shrimp, pea sprouts, shredded ham, etc. are covered, and the condiments for large boiled dried silk are also required to be adjusted according to the seasons. The dried silk is soft, smooth and tender in the mouth, and the soup is rich and fresh.

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Taixing large boiled dried shreds

In the previous articles, 7 of these 8 dishes have been described, so I will not describe them one by one, and introduce the family portraits of Taixing Qi Lane. Qi Xiang Family Portrait is based on local river prawns, fish glue, egg dumplings, small meat balls, fried pork skin, quail eggs as the main ingredients, and ginkgo biloba, vegetable hearts, green onions and ginger as accessories. The finished product is pleasing to the eye, the soup is delicious, and all ages are happy. To Qijia Lane, don't forget to enjoy the scenery of Xiaonanhu Lake, taste the eight bowls of Xiaonanhu Lake, and bring some fragrant lotus taro back to roast pork belly.

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Taixing Qi Lane family portrait

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Jingjiang ti soup lamb

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Taixing fragrant lotus taro roast meat

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Jiang Yan Jiang Duo pork head meat

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Diaopu braised lamb

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Xinghua Shagou fish balls

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Qinhu Lake eight fresh

(13) Suqian

There are 6 in Suqian, and the author has the privilege of tasting 2 courses, namely: Hongze Lake hairy crab and Siyang chicken. In particular, these two dishes were not tasted in Suqian, but brought to me by Suqian friends, the hairy crabs of Hongze Lake were steamed at home, and the chickens were roasted by themselves. This is some netizens who do not stay and move. The next time you have a chance to go to Suqian, you will taste the other 4 dishes one by one and share them with your friends.

Siyang chicken is not chicken, but is made with pork fat, yam, pork hind leg meat, sesame oil and other ingredients. Chicken is one of the special snacks of Siyang, red and white, flexible texture, fragrant meat, sandwich and eat, not fat and not greasy, the taste is fresh and tender. The farmer's wedding and funeral celebrations are mostly served with chicken as the "first dish", and guests comment on the chef's craftsmanship, which is also based on the production of chicken. Use lean pork paste, egg yolk, steamed bun crumbs, starch, stir well with salt, green onion, ginger, pepper, monosodium glutamate and other condiments, and then spread on the louvers, about an inch thick, and then use fat pork paste and peeled potato paste, egg white, green onion white, starch and other stirring evenly spread on it, about half an inch thick. After making it, it is placed in a steamer basket, and after steaming, the upper layer is as white as jade, and the lower layer is as red as agate. Generally, the knife is changed into pieces, with spinach, ginger and other condiments, green, red and white, which is very beautiful.

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu

Siyang chicken

In summary, the author believes that the most successful tasting of this selection is the four cities of Nanjing, Wuxi, Changzhou and Taizhou, and at least the traditional classic dishes have been shortlisted, representing the true level of local cuisine. Xuzhou and Zhenjiang have a little regret, choose sesame seeds, and miss watermelon. The most regrettable thing is that in Yangzhou, sesame seeds are leaking, and watermelons are also leaking, which should not be.

So-called landmarks, iconic areas or locations of places. Landmark dishes, geographical landmark dishes, landmark cuisines also have the origin of the original cuisine culture, can represent the local food flavor characteristics and food culture customs connotation. The direction is wrong, and the result is chaotic...

(4) Jiangsu 100 landmark dishes, tasted 87 dishes, can not reflect the food culture of Jiangsu