
Garlic seedlings grow well or badly, pre-winter management grasps 2 points, farmers do not do wrong

author:Fu teacher planting team

There is nothing difficult to grow garlic, as long as you are willing to ask for someone. This is the mantra of a garlic grower.

Farmer Xiaogao planted more than ten acres of garlic in September this year, among local growers, this planting area is not large, the reason is that Xiaogao or planted Xiaobai, no experience, no technology, there is a problem to find someone else.

Garlic seedlings grow well or badly, pre-winter management grasps 2 points, farmers do not do wrong

Xiao Gao asked: "Garlic just emerged, it encountered a problem, after the emergence of seedlings, can not ignore it, in case there are yellow and dead leaves in the spring, it is too late to remedy." In terms of planting, it is also necessary to consult more experienced farmers. ”

I have to say that Xiaogao's willingness to learn is still commendable. Garlic from seedling emergence to before winter, in the management of two points, so as to promote the growth of seedlings, but also to reduce frost damage, to prevent next year after the spring after the dry tip of the yellow leaves.

Garlic seedlings grow well or badly, pre-winter management grasps 2 points, farmers do not do wrong

1. Check the seedling situation in time

After a week of sowing garlic, it begins to sprout one after another. Although the plastic film used is thin, it is also difficult for seedlings to break the film. After the garlic sprouts, the seedlings should be released in time. Pat the furrow with a broom to encourage the seedlings to grow. Some garlic seedlings are relatively slow, and it is necessary to use a hook or hand to break the film to make the seedlings grow.

Xiao Gao said: "I didn't expect that the seedlings just came out of such trouble, there is no technical content, but it is very laborious to break the film and put seedlings." "This is just the beginning, the garlic sprouts are different, so every few days to break the film and release the seedlings." When the garlic grows, it is more laborious to pluck the garlic.

Garlic seedlings grow well or badly, pre-winter management grasps 2 points, farmers do not do wrong

2. Strengthen water and fertilizer management

After the whole garlic seedlings are produced, it generally does not need to be watered and topdressed, which is in the case of sufficient bottom fertilizer. If the soil conditions are poor and there is no water retention capacity, after the emergence of seedlings, water can be watered once to promote the growth of seedlings. In good soil conditions, water the overwintering water before winter to ensure that the seedlings can safely pass the winter.

Xiao Gao said: "Water again before winter, what is the purpose of this water?" "This year's cooling is early, and when encountering cold winter weather, watering over winter water can increase the ground temperature and prevent frost damage." At the same time, watering overwintering water can also reduce the eggs in the soil, and in the spring of the next year, the number of garlic maggots will be reduced, and the case of yellow-tip dead leaves will also be reduced. Therefore, it is still necessary to water the wintering water.

Garlic seedlings grow well or badly, pre-winter management grasps 2 points, farmers do not do wrong

Overwintering water is generally watered in mid-to-late November, the amount of watering is sufficient, and the early growth of garlic mainly relies on the mother garlic to provide nutrients, and less is absorbed from the soil. When watering, you can do without fertilizer. After returning to green in the spring, the nutrients needed increase, and the watering of the green water and fertilizer are added to promote the growth of the plant.

When garlic is planted, field management is the focus, and it requires more labor, so do two aspects before winter to promote the growth of seedlings, safely overwinter, and lay the foundation for high yields. For XiaoGao, there is no more planting experience, and more attention should be paid to when managing.