
What children need most is respect

author:Really Chen Laoyu
What children need most is respect

Old Yu's old text: The past of the eldest friend Shi Weijian

——What children need most is respect-

  A few days ago, the leaders of the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission invited Chen Laoyu to participate in their "2009 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala". Although Chen Laoyu did not have much contact with friends of the National Development and Reform Commission in the past, he was invited to visit. When I got there, I found that there were as many as two hundred Chinese and foreign guests, although there were also people who knew them, but there were not many. It's like a mountain!

  After a while, the host took the stage, as usual, one red and one blue, a beautiful sister and a handsome brother. Chen Laoyu sat farther away from the stage, and his eyes were poor, so naturally he couldn't see who was who. But as soon as the two of them spoke, Chen Laoyu's ears lit up, and he fixed his eyes on it again, and was surprised: it was him!

What children need most is respect

  Please take a look at the above photo of Chen Laoyu himself. Twenty meters away with a small point-and-shoot camera without flash. (Note: There were no such smartphones at that time) The effect is certainly not good, but it can be basically seen. The woman was Zou Qinghong (JoJo), a well-known variety show host of Guangdong Television who had just returned from studying in the United States; the man was Shi Weijian, a big friend of Chen Laoyu who had not met in twenty years.

  Chen Laoyu could hardly believe his eyes, and finally rushed over between the two hosts' work gap in spite of etiquette. He pressed Shi Weijian's shoulder and looked straight at him and said, "Look who I am!" Alas, Shi Weijian, he was smiling, and he was also looking at Chen Laoyu, but he didn't know what to say for a moment.

  Chen Laoyu immediately understood that in Shi Weijian's mind, there should be basically no shadow left behind when he and Chen Laoyu were in a hurry twenty years ago, and what he could save in his mind was probably Chen Xiaomo fifty years ago. And what can associate Chen Xiaomo fifty years ago with Chen Laoyu fifty years later can only be God.

  Chen Laoyu had no choice but to break the deadlock: "I am Chen Xiaomo!" "Huh...?" This time it was Shi Weijian's turn to be surprised. The two stood up at the same time, clasped their hands, and were just about to open the conversation box, but the show was about to go on again. Chen Laoyu left. It wasn't until the end of the show that Chen Laoyu pulled a child at the same table, Zhang Girl, who was in charge of the professional Chinese test (she was also the most beautiful girl in the former national women's boxing team), to act as Chen Laoyu's temporary photography assistant and take pictures of him and Shi Weijian.

  Hum, Zhang girl, punching is very good (there are countless records of punching down opponents), hosting exams is also OK (professional Chinese exams are popular throughout the country), but the photographic technology is dead so that Chen Laoyu can't see it, how she shoots Chen Laoyu looks like punching. Finally, I asked Miss Yu, president of a branch of Societe Generale, to take a cameo to take a photo of everyone. However, when Chen Laoyu looked at the photos, he found that Zhang Girl had suddenly become a fan of Shi Weijian.

What children need most is respect

  Look at the photo above, everyone said that Shi Weijian is Chen Laoyu's old friend, to the point of being like a former confidant of Zhang Girl for many years. Zhang Zhenzhen said with words, I am engaged in Chinese tests, of course, I worship "Li Bai" (one of the characters played by Shi Weijian)! This reason is also reasonable. However, Miss Zhang and Chen Laoyu have been together for ten or eight years, and they have never taken such a picture before! Alas, had to serve! Shi Lao's charm is invincible! Of course, in the end, Chen Laoyu was still very satisfied with the photo of Di and Shi Weijian's eldest brother.

What children need most is respect

  The red face is old like smoke! Half a century ago, when Chen Laoyu was still Chen Xiaomo, only thirteen or fourteen years old, he went to the dormitory of the Central Experimental Drama Theater one day to find Shi Weijian. Why go? What message, or material, should it be for the adults? If you don't get it right, it's a chicken feather letter. But all of this, including the final completion of the task? Chen Xiaomotong couldn't remember. I only remember one thing clearly, that is, Shi Weijian's eldest brother received him very seriously, talked to him like an adult, and said a lot of things. Never before had an adult said so much to him. He was also given a glass full of milk in a large glass. The milk was made with the best milk powder and a lot of sugar was put in.

  It wasn't this year, and milk powder was a very rare thing. It is estimated that it is not easy for Shi Weijian to save these milk powders and sugar. Of course, Chen Xiaomo had also drunk milk at that time, but the milk he drank that day, for some reason, was really delicious. It may be the best milk I have ever drunk in my life, because Chen Xiaomo has remembered this matter for a lifetime. But he hadn't told anyone. But if you don't say it today, you really won't have a chance to say it later.

  Why? I'm going to ask in a strange tone of little Shenyang: Why is this? The best cup of milk That Chen Xiaomo has ever drunk in his life will be drunk at Shi Weijian's big brother?

  Chen Laoyu has been thinking about this problem for the past few days, while trying to read various stories about Shi Weijian on the Internet. He suddenly understood that what he was drinking was not milk, but another thing that a boy who was growing up dreamed of: respect.

  In the face of a small chai boy (Chen Xiaomo was small, dry, black and thin at the time, so that now Shi Weijian blurted out as soon as he met: Why are you so fat? Shi Weijian's eldest brother, who was a full ten years older (he was very handsome, he was the first handsome man in Beijing's literary and art circles at that time, and he was in love with Mei Lanfang's most proud female disciple, Li Yufu, an actress who became popular in "The Flying Phoenix"), he did not ignore this little boy a little, and very seriously regarded Chen Xiaomo as a good friend of his own, and even took out the best valuable food in his collection to entertain him.

  Shi Weijian is such a person, no matter who the other party is, no matter who he becomes, he is like this to everyone. As we all know, later he changed from a Mandarin drama actor to a famous movie star, he filmed "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", "Qiu Jin", "Founding Ceremony", "Marquis Hanxin of Huaiyin", "Chinese-style divorce"... Wait, played Luo Qun, Sun Yat-sen, Li Bai, Liu Bang, Cao Xueqin... Wait a minute. He also became the director of the China Youth Art Theater. But no matter how successful, no matter how dazzling, his personality has not changed. Never think of yourself as a star, never disrespect anyone. However, for Chen Xiaomo, this was the first time that he felt that others regarded him as an adult. For Chen Xiaomo, he remembered it for a lifetime.

  Chen Laoyu suddenly realized today. He can say on behalf of all children: every child, they need to be cared for, they need to be cared for; but, more important than all this, every child, what they need most is: respect!


(Note: This article was written and published on October 3, 2009)