
Short Story: Mrs. Snowy (Original

author:Li Ligang
Short Story: Mrs. Snowy (Original

(Image from the Internet)

Text/Li Ligang

Mrs. Xue Ni is not a foreigner, nor is she a Chinese person with a passport from a certain country; Mrs. Xue Ni is a Chinese and an authentic Chongqing girl.

In her words, the name "Xue Ni" was given to her current husband, a Hong Kong businessman who came to Chongqing to engage in real estate development, and these two words were the affectionate names of his husband's former favorite wife who had eloped with a Yankee. She said that when she transferred her affection to the Hong Kong businessman, the children were almost 10 years old; she said that when she broke up with her husband and son, she was out of the house, generous enough to ask for nothing...

When she talked to me about the above, she was very calm, very calm, as if she was talking about another person.

She was my former colleague. In 1965, she and I did not get into the university of our dreams for one reason or another, and we proudly sang a blood-boiling "Song of Construction Workers" and plunged into the third-line construction site deep in the mountains.

At that time, she was pure and lovely, as cute as a transparent trickle of streams. At that time, she did not have a gorgeous face after processing, nor did she have a plump and sexy waist today, nor did she have the pearlescent treasure of today,and she did not have a "snort" taste when she spoke...

That day, I was hurrying down a pedestrian bridge in the beautiful city where I lived and worked, and someone was shouting my nickname, and the voice was excited and affectionate. I raised my head in surprise to follow the prestige, but it was a beautiful woman I did not know. It is not self-reported, it can be said that I will never recognize her in my lifetime.

She said that although she had been gone for more than twenty years, she recognized me at a glance in the endless crowd, and she said that of course she recognized the "mark" first. After looking at me for a while, she said that I hadn't changed much, just a little fat and bald; she also quipped that the "mark" she left on my face was something she would never forget!

It was late at night during the Cultural Revolution, and her organization had broken through the office building where my organization was dead. She and her "death squad" forced us to a corner of the roof of the building with semi-automatic rifles, and murderously asked us to make a choice between life and death: either jump from the top of the building, or surrender our weapons and surrender to the cross with ink engraved on our faces...

At a time of life and death, the young people of my organization and I both chose to be born. It's better to be alive than dead! So we gritted our teeth and let them use bayonets to dip thick ink in the thick ink and engrave a mark of shame on our youthful faces!

After that, due to job transfers and unit changes, she and I never saw each other again.

After a long time apart, we leaned on the railing on the overpass and talked. It was an early autumn afternoon, the sun was shining, the bridge was bustling with traffic, and pedestrians were weaving. The two of us talked a lot, and there were many sighs!

While we were talking, there was a pure white and cute pet dog that I couldn't name running around at her feet. She hugged her for a moment and kissed her, and then she put it down and snorted, as if she were treating a child of her own. I said that this dog was very pretty, very docile and cute, and his eyes were big and dark. Listening, she exaggerated and clapped her hands with joy: You said the same thing. My husband said that these advantages of the puppy are my strengths, and I am the embodiment of this puppy! Her demeanor, some narcissism, some pampering, and some forgetfulness! In this instant, my mind somehow superimposed on this set of pictures: a pure and beautiful girl / a masculine and murderous Red Guard female general / a sexy graceful and luxurious woman!

This fickle woman who keeps pace with the times Oh, I said in my heart.

Seeing that the sun was tilting in the west, I said that I still had to go to the nearby Xinhua Bookstore to buy some textbooks and talk about it later. She talked about Xingzhengwang and said: Why are you being the child king! I said that the efficiency of our factory was not good, and it was very difficult for two people to provide a self-funded college student in one unit, and a family composition class was held to teach several students to earn some extra money.

She said "Oh" and asked me how much I could earn in a month? I said four or five hundred. She laughed and said, simply threw the job into my house. I know you're good at talking, and when I was younger I loved listening to you. Talk with me one day a week, and I'll give you a thousand. She raised a jade shoot-like white finger at me. And said: I know no, I used to like you back then!

I didn't expect her to say such a thing and ask such a question, and I was embarrassed and blushed. Seeing me like this, she laughed and laughed wildly! It's not hard for you, it's not difficult for you, think about it and call me again. It wasn't easy for her to stop laughing. Then, he pulled out a business card from her exquisite brand-named little Kun bag and gave it to me.

When we broke up, she gave me a rather sexy and foreign flying kiss... After that, I didn't see her again, nor did I call her. Later, I met a friend who knew her and somehow talked about her. Friends said that her husband's business in Chongqing was done, and she had engaged in real estate development in a large area of land in The Guangxi Beihai Circle, and she flew to beihai with her husband...:

The story doesn't end there. A year later, she suddenly sent me a text message: XX: What is the family's financial situation? It's really difficult, come to me, and I'll give you a good job. Kiss you!

Afraid that my wife would see it, I quickly deleted the text message.

The next day, I replied to her with a text message: I'm fine. Thank you!

2021-10-27 in Shuntong Garden, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

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