
Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

author:Headline Rookie 9527
Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the "918 Incident" and recalling the anti-Japanese struggle of the xinshao people

History Collation /Ai Qinli

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression lasted until 1944, when the Japanese and The Japanese Empire were desperate and struggling to survive, the defeat was already decided, and they still wanted to struggle to the death. In the spring of that year, he launched the "No. 1 Operation" of "opening up the mainland communication line" and continued to attack the south after capturing a number of important towns in Henan. On June 18, Changsha fell, on August 8, Hengyang fell, in mid-September (august 14 of the lunar calendar) invaded Jiuxi, on October 3 (midnight on the 16th day of the eighth lunar month), the county seat of Shaoyang (now Shaoyang City) fell, and the people of our land fell into the clutches of the devil and were devastated.

In order to contain the Japanese and Kou Western invasions and endanger the southwestern half of the country, the military authorities of the Nationalist government adjusted the command system and military deployment so that the camera could organize a counteroffensive. On January 29, 1945, the enemy chieftain Okamura Ningci (commander-in-chief of the Japanese army invading China) decided to preemptively convene the "Nanjing Conference" to launch the "Zhijiang Operation" (we call it the "Battle of Xiangxi" or the "Battle of Xuefeng Mountain"). Although the outcome of this battle was a great victory for our army and a crushing defeat for the Japanese Kou, the disaster suffered by li min was tragic. The dedication of the military and the people of our county to fight against the japanese, to rise up against Japan, and to defend their homeland runs through Changhong, and it is a song and a cry that will never be annihilated.

Japanese atrocities

On the fourteenth day of the eighth lunar month in 1944, the Japanese army invaded The river, the county town of Shaoyang fell into the hands of the enemy at midnight on the sixteenth, and in the seventh month of the lunar calendar in 1945, Japan surrendered. During the Japanese occupation of the Shaoyang area for about a year, the people suffered a lot. The following is recorded, but only scaly claws.

★After the Japanese invaded Shaoyang in August 1944, there was no peace in Changtai Township's Jiangcun Tiantai (now part of Chenjiafang). The devils set up a stronghold in the Xiyang River ten miles away from the village, and from time to time came to Jiangcun to "fight" (loot). One day, a team of more than 20 ghosts came again, and Yang Zhusheng, who was in his fifties, could not avoid it, was arrested as a "servant", and after being severely beaten, he was ordered to pick up a burden and never return.

In September, a stronghold was established in Gangchon. The houses of the people were arbitrarily chiseled open or burned to the ground. Doors and windows, floor pillows, tables and chairs, furniture are used as firewood, water tanks are used as bathtubs and dung tanks, coffins are used to feed horses, livestock are caught, and grain particles are not stored. When they see men, they are arrested, when they see women, they are ravaged, and the whole village is destroyed, and ten rooms and nine are empty.

One day in September, a group of devils returned to the village, carrying more than ten quintals of grain, chickens, ducks, and debris, picked up by squirrels caught from other places. Two of them carried too much burden, coupled with hunger and fatigue, faltering, the devils kept whipping with leather whips, they could not walk, fell to the ground, the devils grabbed their feet and fell to the ground, ordered the other porters to dig two pits, and buried them alive.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

★ Gantang Pass was an earlier stronghold of the Japanese army. The devils sneaked into the courtyard several times, raped women, young and old, and killed dozens of people, shooting, stabbing, burning, drowning, dissecting the abdomen, cutting ears, cutting breasts, knocking brain pulp, boiling water, burning iron, all kinds of methods, very cruel.

★On the sixteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar in 1944, seven or eight hundred devils came from the Shuangtianpu stronghold to Jinji Village in Chenjiafang, and when they entered the village, they broke the doors and picked locks, split tables and chairs, beat doors and windows, caught chickens and killed pigs, and raped women. Dai Dicheng, his father and a dozen villagers were captured and locked up in a hall house (Dai's father escaped that night). The next day, the devils took them to Luo Ziping to fight the captives. When you get there, you will break the door when you see it, and you will smash it when you see something. Dai Dicheng couldn't bear it and was beaten by the devil. The things that were snatched that day included grain, chickens and ducks, clothes, etc., and the devils asked them to pick them back; deliberately teasing people: eighty years old picked eighty pounds, sixty years old picked sixty pounds ... . Eighty-year-old Yang Kentang could not move, and was shot under the bridge. Walking to Ma Mian Mountain, she met a morning glory woman, who knelt down and begged not to rob her cow, and the devil laughed fiercely, stabbed her chest with a knife, and the blood flowed out, and she died immediately. The devil made a fire to cook rice, and burned all the furniture. When cooking, a cow is tied tightly to a tree, and a knife is used to "chew" a large piece of meat on the cow's butt, chop it and cook it. The devils had enough to eat and drink before letting the porter eat the leftovers. The next day he was escorted into captivity. The devil saw that Dai Dicheng only smashed old things, scolded him a few times, "Eight Ge Ya Lu", and beat him again. On the third day of captivity, Dai Guangru picked up a very heavy burden of grain, fell down, and the grain spilled on the ground, he immediately held it with his hands, and the devil raised the butt of his gun and hit it. Later, someone told me: In this situation, don't go to the grain, pretend to fall very heavily, pick up the empty basket and leave, the devils will not fight. Sure enough, after doing this, the devil still laughed. On the fifth day, Dai Dicheng and others escaped. Ten days later, he and his mother and wife met a crooked hat-wearing ghost, who did not carry a gun, but only a wooden stick, and reached out to grab his wife. He pushed the devil under the circle with one kick and escaped.

★On the fourteenth day of the eighth lunar month in 1944, more than fifty ghosts were heavily armed and drove from Chenjiafang to Hongfu Bridge (then belonging to Shaoyang County and the Second Bao of Anxiang). The devils had just stepped into Gaotangyuan (in present-day Shiban Village, Tanfu Township), sneaked into a courtyard, and seized a female student who had come to take refuge here from other places and ruined it. After entering the Hongfu Bridge, he grabbed a woman who was nearly fifty years old, saw that she was ugly, and stabbed her in the abdomen with a bayonet. Wu Chunsong, a 62-year-old man, was fleeing to the back mountain when he was shot in the chest by a ghost and died. Another 4 people were killed, more than a dozen women were raped, 8 young and middle-aged people were arrested, thousands of catties of grain were robbed, and more than 30 pigs and cattle were robbed.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

The devils set up lookout posts on the surrounding hills. A girl surnamed Jiang passed down the hill and was pulled into the sentry gang rape. Chen Dongsheng, a 22-year-old villager, passed by the foot of the sentry and was shot in the tibia of his left leg by a ghost, and died alive.

★ There is a quan si niang in Zhangshu Pavilion in Xintianpu Township, blind in both eyes, nearly ancient, childless, childless, helpless, poor, completely deprived of the ability to take care of themselves, and it is impossible to beg along the door. The masses donated money to make her a wooden palanquin (or crazy palanquin, a caravan) to settle down, and the masses carried her to various courtyards to beg for food. On November 1, 1944, a ghost who had been kidnapped in the village of Kuriyama threw her into a pile of firewood and burned her into coke. In 1974, the Kuriyama Brigade erected a stone stele in the place where Quan Siniang was burned to death, inscribing the bloody crimes of the Japanese Kou.

In April 1945, Liu Douyuan, a 40-year-old farmer in Lishan Village, was captured by the devils and used as a porter. During the day, he carried heavy burdens, often suffered from the devil's leather whip butt, ate the devil's leftovers, and at night was locked up with shackles and handcuffs. After suffering for more than fifty days and nights, it was not easy to escape from a warehouse in Shaoyang, and once again fell into the clutches of the original group of devils in the burning area. The devils tied him up with flowers, split his head and covered his face with a leather whip butt, escorted him to the edge of HuangjuYan in the village of Maolichong in Xiangjiangdu, and ordered him to dig a pit himself. When he dug more than two feet deep, he pressed him into the pit with a bayonet and the barrel of a gun, and covered him with dirt headlessly. The soil filled the pit, and the devils left; when I looked back, I found that the people in the pit were still moving, and they stabbed them to death with 9 stabs. On the 27th of the same month, Liu Shouqi, another farmer in Lishan Village, was captured as a porter by a ghost who came from Yan'erpu to beat him up. Insisted that the 70-year-old man pick up more than 70 pounds of burden, and as soon as he started, he fell on his back and provoked a severe beating. His waist pole could not be straightened, he could not take a step, and the devil asked him to lift a chicken and three liters of rice, and followed him step by step, and then drew a whip on him one after another. Walking to the mountain behind the courtyard of the Zeng family in Chishui Village, Tuqiao Township, he stepped on the air with one foot, fell into the small ravine on the side of the road, and could no longer get up, and the devil killed him with a bayonet and stabbed 7 times. More than ten days later, the relatives were informed and rushed away, and the body had been decomposed, and the knife wounds were all over the body, and the face was completely unrecognizable.

★In August 1944, a large force of the Japanese army was stationed in the area of Qingjiang, Cross Road, and Huangyatang for tens of miles, killing people, setting fires, committing adultery and plunder, and doing everything. As he passed through the village of Baishan, he captured eight unarmed civilians and killed them all. Seventeen-year-old Gao Lida was caught in front of the rock gate, thrown into deep rock, and burned into coke with grass fire. In Zhao Jialang, three young people were found running away a mile away, and the devils rushed to kill two. Stepping on the mountain grabbed a woman in her thirties, stripped naked, and poked her lower body with a stick.

★Shortly after the Japanese army invaded Shaoyang in September 1944, they came to Guanyin Village (now Part of Xiaotang Township, Xinshao County), and when they saw that people had fled, they smashed doors and windows, smashed altar jars and cans, destroyed granaries, snatched chickens and ducks, and littered everywhere. Pigs are slaughtered and only take away the pork, and the pig's head and internal organs are discarded on the ground. In March of the following year, the spring ploughing was busy, and the devils came and snatched the cattle of Chen Zan'an's family. Li Mingxuan's son was plowing the field, and when he saw the devil coming, he ran away with his legs, killed by a shot, and the cattle were robbed. Li Fuchen's son-in-law Yang Bozhong was watching the cattle on the hillside, and when he saw the devils coming, he threw away the cow rope and drew a whip, and the cattle ran away on their own, and the devils shot Yang Bozhong to death. In September of the following year, the devils were defeated and retreated, and the villagers were arrested to dig trenches to grab things, dried sweet potatoes and dried beans were also robbed, and the rags were robbed to pad the trenches.

★At the beginning of november 1944, a group of ghosts abducted from Chen Jiafang to Hongfu Bridge and walked to the courtyard of Huang Yuanjia, where the family had fled to Xinhua, leaving the long-term worker Huang Sixiang to guard the house, the devils asked him for salt, he could not understand, and took out a handful of dry smoke. The devil was furious and stabbed him in the stomach, and his intestines flowed out, and he died alive.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival of 1944, the devils came to Jingkang Township Fourteen Bao San Tang Chong (now San Tang Chong Village, Jiuxi Town). Everyone helped the old and the young and ran into the mountains and forests. At dawn, the devils searched the mountains and drove the people to a flat in front of the village with bayonets. The traitor's translation said that "Sino-Japanese goodwill" and "the promised land of the king". But surrounded by ghost soldiers with live ammunition and glaring at them, how can they be "friendly"? The headquarters of the Japanese army stationed in the village was located in the courtyard of Liang Peiyuan. The large courtyard is used as a barracks. Yang Shaofu's family hall house and box house were made stables, and three generations of eight families lived in the neighbor's cow pen and ash house. When my mother was about to give birth, she had to build a thatched hut under a large tree. Households were thrown away with miscellaneous goods, killing pigs and cattle, snatching grain, burning door furniture, and cutting down large trees for firewood. Maintenance people who would find themselves to do hard work were often beaten by the devils, eating the meals left over from the devils or discarded. When the grain, pigs, and cattle in the garrison ran out, they went to Yantang, Gaoqiao, Tuqiao, and other places in Sanmin Township to fight and kidnap them. The lives of ordinary people are becoming more and more difficult, they have fled the wilderness, and many people have never returned, and they have died in foreign lands. Maintenance will require everyone to produce, where are the conditions? Young and middle-aged people were caught as laborers and had no agricultural tools, cattle, seeds, or fertilizer

material. The countryside is barren and overgrown with artemisia grass. Some have to dig up soil by hand to plant sweet potatoes and turnips, and use human back ploughs to plant rice. The teenage Yang Shaofu was also arrested as a porter, from Changchong Pu all the way to the west of Longhui. The devils killed and set fires all the way, raped and plundered. At night, when the porter was locked up, on a night when there was no moonlight, the devils went to war, and the devils who were guarding fell asleep, and then they escaped and begged all the way home.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

★One day in 1945, a group of ghosts came to the cedar tree pit in Guanchong, and a Japanese officer broke into a house and tried to rape a woman, but was killed by the father and daughter with a kitchen knife. The Japanese army was informed that hundreds of people were gathered to take revenge on Guanchong, killing people when they saw them, robbing things when they saw them, and burning some houses. The devils returned to the garrison and passed through Jinji Village to capture Yang Laogeng and Dai Yuanqing, two villagers, because one of them was wearing a yellow dress and the other was tied with a belt around his waist, saying that they were spies of the Nationalist Army, and they were taken back to the Shuangtianpu stronghold and tortured, Dai's rectum was beaten out, and Yang was forced to dig a pit and bury himself alive. The ghost passed through the bridge and rushed to the village and met Yang Qingyi, the "master" of Yanglin Village, shot him in the abdomen, and died three days later.

★ During the Japanese occupation of Shaoyang, there were three groups of Japanese troops stationed in Liushan Village, Simenmen Township, and five more Japanese raids. Grain, salt, pigs, cattle, chickens and ducks were almost robbed of their lives, furniture, door panels, floor pillows, beds, tables and chairs benches were basically burned out, seedlings, wheat seedlings, ginger, sugar cane, sweet potatoes and other young seedlings were almost cut and fed to the horses, and pots, pots, pots, and bowls were beaten to pieces. The devil is still pulling and peeing in the pot. The whole village was arrested and five people were taken as servants, and none of them survived. One day in April 1945, the Japanese troops stationed in the Courtyard of the Li Family in Majia Village went to the Courtyard of the Wu Family in Liujia Village to plunder, grabbed two young people surnamed Wu, tied them upside down to a tree in the mountains behind the courtyard, and stabbed and scraped with a chaotic knife, and only stopped breathing after a few hours. One day in March, the devils went to the oil squeezing bay to abduct and snatched a woman surnamed Liu on the street in front of the temple gate, tied her hands and feet to four wooden stakes and gang-raped her, the lady resisted vigorously, and was stabbed to death by a bayonet. One day in April, several elderly women were caught raped, and a sick old woman died a few days after rape.

★In December 1944, the Japanese troops entrenched in Daping crossed the river to Jiaoxi and plundered, capturing Sun Xiaoyi, Sun Deqing and Sun Ruqing of Lishan on Xiaohe Street to the Daping stronghold, and after a few days of imprisonment, they dug a pit in Heji Chong and buried them alive. Also buried alive that day were 9 people captured from the north of the Shaoyang River. In the same month, the devils killed one of the refugees on the caitang field of Quetangpu and drowned one person each in Changtang and Zaozitang. Luo Hongsheng, a farmer in Fenghuang Village, grabbed a gun and rebelled and was buried alive in Miaohuang Village, and a group of peasants were buried alive in Zhongjia'ao. Liao Yuxuan, a farmer in Fengguang Bay, was captured and stabbed to death on the road, Liao's wife went out to beg for rice, and was shot by the devil, and the child froze and starved to death.

According to incomplete statistics, in one year, the Japanese Kou killed more than 600 civilians in Xinshao, burned nearly 3,000 houses, and snatched more than 80,000 cartons of grain.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

Jiangxi Chong was robbed: On the morning of the eighteenth day of the 18th lunar month, the vanguard troops arrived at Jiangxi Chong (now Jiangxi Village, Tanfu Township), and the villagers dragged their children and daughters, helped the old and the young, and ran in panic to the depths of the mountains behind the village. In the evening, the brigade of Japanese troops arrived one after another, and the sound of slaughtering pigs and sheep came from time to time. A small group of ghosts had sneaked into the Morning Grass Ridge, which was only half a mile away from the people's hiding place. The two hunters, Zhang Yuhou and Zhang Lianxi, picked up shotguns, first fired a few shots at the sour jujube pass, and then fired a few shots on shuangniuling. The two hunters brought the food made by the ghost soldiers there into the jungle for everyone to share. At night, there was a deafening crashing sound everywhere in the village, and the ghost soldiers knocked on the windows, took the window pages, hit the walls of the boards, pried the floor slabs, and lit a raging fire in the field ridge, emitting bursts of laughter. The fire illuminated half the sky, and Zhang Chunlin's courtyard was on fire! From midnight to the next morning, the fire lasted for four or five hours, and dozens of houses of several courtyards and sizes burned down, and rice and debris were gone. Zhang Chunlin came to the house in the morning and fainted in the rubble. The devil woke him up with cold water, arrested him as a porter, and escaped from Maxi after nine deaths. After the Japanese army passed, the refugees returned, but they saw that the walls were broken, the rubble was everywhere, the remnants of the goods were looted, horizontal and vertical, the poultry and corrals were empty, the blood was left; the well water was muddy, and the well was stained with blood; the pond was full of fish, the granary was empty; the cellar sweet potatoes were sprinkled with urine and manure, and there was nothing left of vegetables; the Banqiao bridge was broken, and the road collapsed...

Sheping Disaster:

At noon on the 29th day of the second lunar month, the head of the Baojia sent an urgent message: the Japanese devils have approached Wuqiao, Shuangxi and other places, and this afternoon or evening, they will definitely cross the Meizhai Pass and come to Sheping (now Sheping Village, Pingshang Town), and everyone will quickly hide.

Sheping is located on the mountainside of Langjie Mountain on Pingshang, and there were more than 100 households and about 500 people living in that year. That night, the Japanese brigade came and slaughtered pigs and sheep when they entered the village, smashed things, broke furniture and burned firewood, and brought rice and rice to feed the horses. Another group camped at Lion Rock, about a mile away from Zhangjiachong, and came to Sheping to meet the next day. After breakfast, go door-to-door to check. Zhou Shuxiang, an elderly woman who was blind in both eyes, Xie Shaogu, an elderly woman with crippled feet, and Zhong Caixian, an old man, hid in the cellar and were searched out, and the devils stabbed each of the three of them with bayonets and threw them in the pond, and the blood stained the pond water red. The old man Zhong Caitong secretly came back from the mountain, took the glass wine bottle and was drinking tea, the ghost came in, thinking he was drinking, snatched a drink that was not wine, picked up the wine bottle, aimed at Zhong Caitong's head and slammed it, hitting the temple, and the old man fell to the ground and bleeded to death. Zhong Xitang, a man in his twenties, was arrested and burdened, carrying more than a hundred pounds to increase the weight, he resisted, was stabbed in the heart by a knife, and fell to the ground and died. Zhong Xiaochu and his wife, both blind in both eyes, were dragged from their homes by ghosts and thrown into the pond and drowned alive. The barber Zhong Xiaochang returned home from abroad in the evening, not knowing that there were ghosts in the village, and had just walked to the edge of the Ganjia village and was shot dead by the ghosts. Zhong Caishao, an old man in his sixties, was arrested and burdened, and he did not know where he died. A woman surnamed Xie hid in the mountains with a child in her arms, was found to be raped, she resisted, and the child was thrown to death. Zhong Xiaogong and Zhong Xiaowang were also found and killed by Sozan. The next night the house was set on fire, and the light of the fire illuminated half the sky. Rikou stayed in Sheping for three days and three nights, implemented the "three lights" policy, burned a total of 196 houses and pig and cattle pens, killed 13 villagers, left more than 40 families without food and clothing, left homeless, and ate countless things that were looted.

Since the Japanese had lost their air superiority, they vainly tried to eliminate our Zhijiang airfield, which posed a great threat to them, and the commander of the 20th Army, Ichiro Banxi, sat in Shaoyang, and his troops were divided into three routes, with the 47th Division as the main force on the right wing, attacking in the direction of Xinhua, Chenxi, and Pupu, and cooperating with the main force to attack the 116th Division, in an attempt to annihilate the Chinese army and capture the Zhijiang River in the area east of Yuanshui and west of Zishui.

On April 9, about 1,500 men of the 131st Regiment of the 47th Division set out from Heitianpu (now part of Shaodong City) and divided into two routes: one way from the Dam Pond of Dun'an Township, Shaoyang, across the Meizhai Pass at the boundary between Shaoyang and Xinhua, into the Mountain Pass, and through Sheping to the Hongxixia Mountain Bridge, because it was blocked by the 15th Division of the Nationalist Liang Qiliu, it turned into Dashan Chong and dipped into ping on the morning of the 13th (the second day of the third lunar month); the other route crossed the Flower Arrangement Ridge at Wuqiao, passed through the mud, and arrived at Pingshang on the same day. The two enemy armies converged and burned the fields. The enemy from The Flower Arrangement Ridge, along the Great Wall Chong and Yan Jia Ling, through the Daishui Bridge, ChishuiYuan, and Huang Po Chong, crossed the Humpback Pass, crossed the river from Xia Nan Xi to Li Tan, took Tangjia Creek and Longyuan to The Four Capitals; the enemy from Hongxi, through Maple Mountain, crossed the Xi Chong Bridge, and attacked Xiaoxi in two ways: one toward Baining, over heimu ridge, and over He Jia Ling; one running east ridge, over He Jia Ling. At dusk, the two roads will gather in Xiaoxi, lurking on the east bank of the Zi River, waiting for an opportunity to cross the Zi River.

The 109th Regiment of the 116th Division passed through Liping, Chejiaqiao and Jukoupu, and on April 5, it reached Shunshui Bridge, with more than 2,000 troops.

Everywhere the Two Japanese Armies went, they had to implement the "three lights" policy of burning, killing, and robbing the light. It's not over

According to statistics, the Japanese troops on both roads set fire to 256 places along the way, burned 15,475 houses, killed 4,251 innocent civilians, and raped 862 women. Countless possessions and grains were burned.

Shinoki Havoc:

Xiaoxi was a bustling town on the east bank of the XinshaoNanzi River, which was then part of Xinhua County. On 13 April, the Japanese wanted to cross the river from here to attack the county seat of Xinhua County, but they were unexpectedly stopped by the Nationalist army, killing and wounding many people, and became angry; in order to rush the zi river overnight, they set fire to the three main streets of Shioki, adjacent to the old house ping, the Zhou family in Tianli, and a magnificent house bridge (Jukui Bridge) across the tributaries of the Zijiang River. In an instant, more than 200 shops and houses were burned, more than 100 miscellaneous items, more than 500 cubic meters of wood, more than 8,000 quintals of rice, and economic losses amounted to more than 20 million yuan. More than five hundred people were homeless. Within three days, nearly 100 villagers were killed or injured, dozens of women were raped, and four people were killed by gang rape. Chen's wife was carrying a four-year-old child, and the ghost first stabbed the child to death and then raped her mother to death. Zhou Shu was stabbed 7 times, and his brother died tragically when he was shot for help. Zhou Shuzong's father, father-in-law, and uncle were all killed. The ferry boat surnamed Ai was burned down, and the old man Ai Zuosheng, the boatman, was killed... More than a hundred cattle were slaughtered, the livestock could not be counted, and the plundered property was immeasurable.

Rikou hid for a day in Chishuiyuan, about 4 kilometers south of Shinoki, and two villagers who had no time to escape and Zhang Youzi, a primary school teacher, were brutally killed. A woman is captured by a ghost officer and forced to "marry". The devils shouted and shouted, and the officers were drunk. The next morning, the Japanese were afraid of our plane bombing, and rushed west, and the woman survived. The manager of a company in Shaoyang had two girls who were raided and ravaged by the stone rock behind the courtyard of this remote village from Pingshang.

Provincial Sixth Middle School has been relocated from Shaoyang to the Baining Gong Ancestral Hall. On the afternoon of April 11, Yang Kechen, a school worker who guarded the school, went to lock the school door and was shot in the chest by passing Japanese troops, and died immediately. Teacher Su Jinru met a Japanese army in an alley in the Gong family courtyard, the Japanese army raised a gun and shot, fortunately the alley was on the side of the mountain, he turned and fled into the mountain, dodging a difficulty. In the evening, he went home to see his relatives, and in the early morning he wanted to hide in Yizi Mountain, and when he walked to the courtyard, he was discovered by the enemy and almost killed.

The enemy who invaded Xiaoxi set fire all the way, the houses of the five brothers Xie Baran and Xie Chuliang on the ShanmuQiao and more than 100 quintals of rice were reduced to ashes, the houses of Zhang Huli on Maple Hill and the paving of Zhang Caizhou, the head of Dapi (pi), were burned to ruins, and the houses in the fields were burned to the ground. Not far from the road, a roadside pig pen or house was burned as a marching target, killing many elderly people and people who were sick and could not walk and did not flee, burning livestock and burning countless grains.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

At about 4 p.m. on April 13, Rikou passed by Pingshang and burned Xie Zhesi, a primary school teacher, alive at the mouth of the Sanjiang River with a lamp oil and wooden basin, and captured Xie Jianan's father. The Japanese army set fire to the house all the way, poured it to the horses to eat when they saw the grain, arrested people when they saw it, and beat them with the butt of their guns. Go to the Zhangjia shop in the Loess Plateau and throw a basket of eggs on the ground for the captives to eat and feed the animals. When Xie Jianan's father was picking up eggs, the devil burned his gray beard with fire. On 16 April, when he fled home, he saw that the grain of grass seeds had been poured down, a piglet had been cut in two and thrown into the field, his clothes had been burned to ashes in the cattle pen, the altar jars had been broken, and the doors and windows of the tables and stools had been burned to pieces. Some of those arrested did not survive.

That night, the lights of a house caught the attention of the devils, and it turned out that Xie Renhui, a villager in Shengli Village, was hiding food in the house with his 15-year-old son Xie Zhengli and his 26-year-old nephew Xie Zhengqi. The devil broke through the door, Xie Zhengli escaped, and Xie Renhui and Xie Zhengqi were captured. The devil ransacked the house grain and took the two away as porters. Xie Zhengqi escaped from heqing shexue, but Xie Renhui did not escape and was stabbed to death by a knife.

Because of the information obtained in advance, most of the villagers in pingshang avoided the mountains and forests, and the enemy only passed by, with the goal of capturing the county seat of Xinhua and approaching the Zhijiang River, so it did not cause comprehensive and extraordinary losses. At that time, the mountains were deep and densely forested, which was easy to hide. He fled in a hurry, without dry food, and did not dare to raise a fire for cooking. Fortunately, the spring shoots are unearthed, and they can be eaten raw and talk about suppressing hunger fire. The children couldn't stand it and wanted to cry and were reprimanded by the adults. There are milk dolls who have died because they have been suffocated by crying.

According to statistics at that time, 3243 households were affected in the Pingshang area, 111 people were killed, 38 people were disabled, 58 people were captured, 710 houses were burned, 4460 quintals of grain were robbed, 342 cattle and 746 pigs were killed.

The military and civilians rose up

The atrocities committed by the Japanese and Kosovars provoked our soldiers and civilians to rise up in resistance, and 5,265 people in the county signed up to join the 101st, 73rd, 18th, 17th, and 15th Divisions of the Nationalist Army, expanding the anti-Japanese contingent.

Yanglin Ambush: In September 1944, a Japanese army of about 200 people came from the Shuangtianpu stronghold to the Area of Tanfu to "fight" (grab things). A unit of the Nationalist 100th Army and the local contingent of Kuang Mazi were informed of the information and ambushed on the hills on both sides of Yanglin, where the enemy had to pass. When the enemy enters the ambush circle, both sides open fire. The arrogant Japanese army did not expect that a team would emerge from their occupied area to ambush them, and they immediately panicked, fled east and west, lost their command, and rushed indiscriminately. In this ambush, the Japanese suffered dozens of casualties, and our army suffered only a small number of casualties. This battle greatly frustrated the japanese army. Dai Qingsheng of Yanagigo killed a Japanese officer who had escaped from the Shimizu Bridge and captured a pistol. Villagers killed and wounded ghosts from time to time, forcing the Japanese army to withdraw to the Hongqiao stronghold.

Battle of Shinoki:

On the night of April 13, the 189th Regiment of the Nationalist 63rd Division stationed in Quy Nhon Garden, stationed in the village of Shinoda (at the foot of the Dacheng Mountains, on the west bank of the Zi River, opposite The Shinigi River), did not know that there were Already Japanese troops lurking in the opposite Shinigami, and sent a platoon of 42 people across the river by boat to block the enemy. When the boat reached the center of the river, it found that there was a difference, and did not answer the password, but there was a dense gunshot, and the bullets flew like raindrops. The platoon commander immediately made a decision, ordered the boat to rush forward, fought back with all his might, and killed more than a dozen enemy people. About 30 nationalist soldiers were also killed or wounded, and the remaining 12 warriors jumped into the river, swam to the opposite bank, threw grenades at the enemy, hit the enemy machine guns on the street of The Dumb Shinkei, took the opportunity to rush into the street, engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, and stabbed more than 10 enemy soldiers to death. The 11 soldiers of our army died with the enemy, and only one soldier jumped into the dry well behind the street, was rescued by the masses, and survived. His surname is He, a Xinhuan, who hid in the mountains with the masses after being rescued.

Ai Xiezhen, the mayor of Dagong Township, sent trainer Xie Xiangsong to lead the third class of township police and the district police led by Captain Xie Muyuan to garrison pingping, encountered the Japanese Kou in the mud, and withdrew from the resistance for a while or so overnight. The district police did not know where to go. The next morning, the township chief Ai led the township police to move to Huangpi Chong Liu Baochang's home. Before the meal was half over, the Japanese came and hurriedly seized the favorable terrain of the hill. Captain Zhang was about to shoot, but because the enemy was outnumbered, he was afraid of hurting the people and stopped. I saw more than 200 Japanese people

Along the path to the direction of Xia Nanxi, he led the township police along the foothill trail through the Xiaoxi River to the west bank of the Zi river to join the 189th Regiment of the Nationalist Army to resist the enemy.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

Invading the enemy of Shinoki, three ghosts entered The Minamigata Mountain, tried to rape the women, were surrounded by the masses, chased and beaten with sticks, stones, and hoes as weapons, and fled in a panic, never daring to enter the mountain again to harass.

Two miles east of Shinokei, there is a "cross alley" formed by the intersection of two roads with dense trees and shading the sky, and the Japanese Kou hides a lot of soldiers, horses, ammunition and other military supplies. Allied planes circled over Shinoki and Cross Lane, finding no target. Soldiers surnamed He tore several pieces of white cloth into strips of cloth and placed them in crosses to show the direction of the plane. The Japanese panicked and raised their guns to shoot Xiao He. The allies found that the target dropped bombs and strafed, killing many ghosts and horses, and blowing up a large number of supplies. After the war, the nearby masses picked up many copper shell shells, steel helmets and other items on the battlefield, and cut off a lot of horse meat. Children sing "Heroes Hunger Eat Hokkien Meat". A live horse was handed over to the township chief, to be taken by the guerrillas.

The bodies of the Japanese troops left in Cross Lane rotted and stinked, and no one wanted to bury them. Villager Zhou Weiman hit a three-claw hook in the blacksmith's shop, pierced it with a long rope, did not go near the body, and threw the hook hook to be dragged into the pit by the Detang side to bury. This pit is called the "100 Devil's Pit".

On this road, the Japanese army camped in the small village of Lion Mountain, slaughtered pigs and sheep to eat, and slept in Zhong Xiaoqi's hall house. Liu Changyang, a scout of the Datong Town Self-Defense Force, took advantage of the cover of night to spy on the enemy, avoided the sentries and infiltrated the village, heard the snoring of the devils, hurriedly pulled the strings of two grenades, and threw them into the hall house from the window. More than twenty ghosts were killed by 6 and several injured. He rolled down the hill down the creek and walked along the creek. After 1949, this anti-Japanese warrior worked as a "furnace master" (pot maker) in the countryside, going from village to village to make a living.

Jinzhu Mountain Harassment Battle: At about 3 p.m. on April 11, mortars and machine guns suddenly sounded from Jinzhu Mountain, aiming at Rake Bay between Shijia Bridge and Shirong Bridge. At this time, the Japanese horse team entered no man's land and attacked the Sanxi Bridge, but when they were suddenly attacked, they inexplicably hid behind the Shi Clan Ancestral Hall. When the reaction was generated, the small hillside was used as cover, the trench was dug, and the preparation was ready to stop, and immediately opened fire violently in the direction of Jinzhu Mountain. But the other side only returned fire by chance, and the firepower was not fierce. It turned out to be the commander of the Yu battalion under Liang Qiliu of the 15th Division of the Nationalist Army, a native of Changpuzi (now part of Lengshuijiang City), who, in order to defend his hometown, asked the division commander to allow him to take a battalion from Jinzhu Mountain to block the enemy. After giving the enemy a surprise attack, he left only one company to defend Jinzhu Mountain, and the other two companies surrounded from behind the enemy and launched a sudden attack at night. The enemy found that he was deceived, and desperately broke through to the small stream, and suffered many casualties

Liuduzhai Blockade Battle: At 2 p.m. on April 5, the enemy sneaked to Shunshui Bridge and launched a fierce charge against the Sixth Regiment of the 63rd Division and the 3rd Regiment of the 17th Division of our army stationed on the east side of Shunshui Bridge, in an attempt to seize the Three-Five Heights and open the road to Zhijiang. The second company of the three battalions of the sixth regiment, which served as the outpost, braved the fierce artillery fire to detour to the enemy's right flank, and when approaching the enemy position 150 meters away, the company commander gave an order, light and heavy machine guns and mortars, and opened fire fiercely, and the Japanese army shrank and did not dare to look up before the powerful offensive of our side. At dusk, the enemy launched another charge at the second company with the strength of two companies, under the cover of dense artillery fire. The second company insisted on counterattacking, and the company commander and more than 30 soldiers were sacrificed, and the position was lost. At dawn the next day, 4 of our fighters entered the battle, and the fighters fought back bravely and recaptured their positions. In this battle, the enemy had more than 200 corpses, and the Japanese army did not dare to advance lightly.

At 5 p.m., two scattered ghosts were lured into the mud by three village girls and beaten to death with flat shoulders.

In the evening, the scouts sneaked into the enemy camp to Jinkui (Sichuan) and the recruit Zhou Shuyuan (筱溪人), killed several ghosts and were found, and died while covering the retreat to Jinkui, and Zhou Shuyuan escaped by chance. The news that the "lone hero" broke into the enemy's camp at night was praised by the people.

Our army persisted in fighting in Liuduzhai for seven days and seven nights, repelled countless enemy attacks, killed and wounded more than 500 devils, captured 5 cannons, more than 20 light and heavy machine guns, and more than 100 rifles, and won brilliant victories, forcing the enemy to change its marching route, detour through Yangxi, and enter our army's ambush circle.

Shicheng Boundary Blockade Battle: On April 15, more than 1,000 soldiers of the 15th Division of the 73rd Army (division commander Liang Qiliu, Lantian Sanjiaren) ran from Lantian (present-day Lianyuan) through Xinhua Muqiao Pass to the boundary of Shicheng, the capital, to intercept and annihilate the Japanese army. At 7 p.m. the next day, the second column of the Japanese 131st Wing arrived in Sidu. Taking advantage of the fact that the enemy was unstable, our army launched an attack. After several hours of fierce fighting, more than 100 enemy were killed and 2 light machine guns and other military supplies were captured. At dawn the next day, the Japanese army attacked the fifth company of the second battalion of the 412th regiment on the south side of the boundary of Shicheng, where we were stationed, and the artillery fire was fierce, and the five companies suffered heavy sacrifices and abandoned their positions. At noon on the 17th, four planes of our side went to the Shicheng boundary to take cover, and the second, third, and sixth companies of the 418th Regiment threw themselves into a counter-offensive, and the positions of the five companies were recovered in just over 20 minutes. On the 18th, the two sides confronted each other. On the 20th, a company of the enemy launched an attack on the position of our company, and the first platoon suffered heavy sacrifices, leaving only Li Hongzhao, Wang Youjian, and 8 others. They jumped into the cow dung to hide, 7 enemies chased after them without finding them but were destroyed by them, seized the enemy's weapons, launched a counter-charge, and defeated the enemy to win the blockade battle. In this battle, the enemy repelled 12 charge, annihilated more than 700 enemies, captured more than 50 warhorses, and more than 100 rifles. Forcing the enemy not to dare to advance west from the original route.

On the 18th, Zhou Shuwei and Zhou Shuwei, two soldiers of the sixth company of the second battalion of the 418th Regiment, grabbed a Japanese soldier who was trapped by a beast's sleeve when they were erecting wires, and this Japanese soldier surrendered.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

Wang Platoon Leader Resisted the Enemy: On the eighth day of the ninth lunar month in 1944, a platoon of nationalist troops came from Hongfu Bridge in Anxiang (present-day Hongfu Village, Tanfu Township). Wang Platoon commander is tall and handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, bright and bright, and neatly dressed. After the troops settled down, they did not lav, did not disturb the people, and strict military discipline. Some young adults demanded to cooperate with them in the anti-Japanese resistance. On October 18, more than 200 devils rode their dogs to the Stone Slab Temple. The wang platoon leader prepared to ambush the enemy, but the devils changed direction. The wang platoon leader adjusted the battle plan and fought with the ghosts for about an hour. The devils did not dare to plunder here, and withdrew with five dead bodies. More than a dozen young people from the village took part in the battle. After being attacked this time, the ghosts did not dare to come again for several months. People will always miss this wang platoon leader.

Xie Yusong insisted: In August 1944, the Japanese army invaded the Shaoyang area, and the authorities ordered the Nationalist 100th Army to stick to the throat point of Yankoupu, but the surrounding area had been occupied by the enemy, and the 100th Army could not enter the position after receiving the order, leaving only one platoon of troops, and 24 athletes guarding three hills. Xie Yusong, who had only been in the army for three months, was resourceful and brave, was like a god, and was a local who was familiar with the terrain and was appointed platoon leader. Under his leadership, he repeatedly thwarted the Japanese offensive until April of the following year, eight months before and after, dozens of large and small battles, killing and wounding more than 200 Japanese soldiers. Only after the bullets were exhausted did they break through.

People kill the enemy

★ Emurata spent three hundred days and nights under the iron hooves of the Japanese Kou, and the villagers were not willing to give in, and rebelled against the devils at every opportunity:

One day at the end of September 1944, a ghost carried the "Three-Eight Big Cover" on his shoulder and rampaged through the long charge. Yang Shouyi happened to meet him at a bend. The devil pulled the bolt of the gun and made him stand. He was a martial arts practitioner and had an idea. Stand still and pretend to be scared. When the devils approached, their eyes were fast, and they grabbed the devil's gun with one hand, and the legs of the sweeping hall, and the devils fell on their backs and faced the sky, followed by a pad of elbows, and the devils only had to breathe. He pulled his leg and went into the woods.

The turtle dam xie surnamed butcher couple went to the mountain edge soil to get some food, was met by a ghost, and pounced on it with a smiley face" "flower girl, flower girl". Xie Butcher jumped forward, a pair of iron pincer-like hands clamped the devil, his wife was in a hurry, grabbed a nearby altar and broke it, picked up a knife-shaped tile and slashed at the devil's head, the devil's breath was dying, and they both burrowed into the woods.

One day in October, martial artist Yang Lishan took Gan Liuye back to the village and encountered two devils with live ammunition in Shaojitang. Master Yang greeted him with a smiling face, transported enough internal qi, grabbed a devil's "second barrel" (at the brachial artery) with one hand, lifted it up, fell in the fields on both sides, pulled his leg and ran...

There was a "second devil" who was born tall and tall, and knew martial arts, usually wore a Japanese military hat, raped and plundered, did everything, and was no less ferocious than a devil. He often pretended to be a Japanese soldier and robbed around with a "long man" and hid what he had stolen in a secluded house. One day in September 1945, he came to get ill-gotten gains, and the blacksmith and martial artist Li Kunyu made an appointment with more than a dozen "handles", hiding instruments and ambushing around the house. The "second devil" came and sat in the doorway basking in the sun. Li Kunyu took the lead, quietly approached, pulled out the "iron ruler" (Xi Wu Instrument) hidden in his body, and smashed it down with one foot, and the "second devil" immediately lost the ability to resist. The crowd rushed up, fists and feet, and the "two devils" shouted to their fathers and mothers, begging for their lives.

★ Zeng Huiqing, a famous boxer in Zhao Jiatang, led three generations of his family to fight tenaciously with the devils who entered the village several times and won, unfortunately one day he was shot and caught, and on the way he also struggled to kill three devils. Annoyed and angry, Riko first boiled it with boiling water, then rolled it up with a sun and burned him alive with kerosene.

Luo Xiwu, a well-known lawyer of Tangzi Mountain, instructed the flesh-and-blood young Luo Mingqing to pretend to participate in the maintenance meeting, understand the enemy's situation, contact the Self-Defense Forces, and successfully intercept the Japanese troops who had entered the village and plundered them several times. Once in Tianxin, he encountered a ghost who had taken grain back to the stronghold and searched him, and found a note prepared for Zeng Changqing, the captain of the Self-Defense Forces. The Japanese army asked him to hand over the intelligence of the national army to save his life, but Luo resolutely refused, pointing at the nose of the ghost officer and saying: "The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and it is better to die than to be a slave to the country!" The enemy buried him alive, stabbed him with a knife, cut off his head, cut off two ears, and placed his head on a long stone slab at Liujiaqiao for "display."

Around September 1944, a ghost caught Zou Zhenyu in Changchong and asked him to pick up more than 100 pounds of burden and hang the gun on the burden. Zou was strong and strong, wearing straw shoes and walking like a fly. Devils can't catch up with them in big leather shoes,

In the back, he yelled and told him to stand still, and the faster he walked, the ghost could not catch up. As soon as he dropped the burden, he raised his gun and hit it, pulled the trigger three times in a row, and without bullets, he turned and threw the gun into the pond. The devils lost their guns and could not return to the camp, and set fire to a courtyard in Zou's hometown. Another time, at the Sun family in Yantang near the Qingjiang River, the ghost met a martial arts master Sun Zilin, who was in his fifties at the time, with a large body and strong martial arts. One morning, he sat

Smoking on a single stool with a hookah, four devils hang their guns on the bullpen to grab him to pick up the burden. He pulled out his stool and knocked the four devils to the ground, escaping without a trace.

Remember history, do not forget the national shame, remember the anti-Japanese struggle of the Xinshao people, and angrily behead the Wokou to protect the homeland

★On the morning of the 28th day of the 28th lunar month in the 1944 lunar calendar, seven or eight devils carrying guns rushed from Yangjiaba to Sixi. Walking to the bottom of the pavilion of the Spades Pass, five or six township policemen guarding He'an Township in the Spades Pass fired a row of guns at the devils, and the devils turned around and ran, not daring to come again.

★ The "Youth Volunteer Anti-Japanese Teaching Team" spontaneously organized by the masses of Taizhi Temple killed more than 20 Japanese troops at one time at Liurentang (where the present-day Yaoyutang Reservoir is located).

★ Zeng Cuixuan, a farmer in Sanmin Township, shot the Japanese soldiers into the Zijiang River and drowned. Yang Tongchun and Zeng Zhisong, villagers of Yangjia Village in Quetang, captured a japanese soldier alive, packed it in sacks, and suffocated to death on the way to Yantang.

★ Liu Liangyi, the mayor of Renyi Township, contacted the peasants who were not willing to be humiliated and practiced martial arts and dared to fight, and based on the seven Hanyang rifles of the original township self-defense force, formed a tough anti-war team to fight for the defense of their hometown. Once, he led more than 20 self-defense forces to Liujiaba and found that in the large temple ridge a mile away, three ghosts walked from Yejiating to the temple gate and fought with them. The members of the Self-Defense Forces fought bravely, and the battle process was tense and dangerous. As enemy reinforcements arrived, small steel cannons were fired, and the Yuxi River was forcibly crossed, and the Self-Defense Forces withdrew to Gonggongling on the two-headed mountain, and the two sides continued to fight fiercely. Dozens of people watched the battle. One of our wounded and one of our enemies were captured. The scale of the battle was small and the impact was great, and the newspapers in Guizhou reported it. One evening in the early autumn of 1944, Liu Yiliang received a secret message: "Tomorrow at dawn, the Gantang Pass stronghold will dispatch dozens of Japanese troops and servants to the area around Maxi and Steep Ridge to abduct grain." He decided to set up an ambush on the loess slope to fight the enemy. Due to the accident, the devil did not enter the ambush circle and withdrew halfway, intending to pour out the nest and go out, bleeding

Wash Ma Creek. On the one hand, the Self-Defense Forces evacuated the masses and fought on the mountain, and on the other hand, they sent people to the Nationalist army for help. The commander of the Nationalist section led a company to support it. In the battle of Loess Slope, we held each other for more than three hours, killed six enemy (including one officer), seriously wounded two members of our team, and the commander of Duan Company was heroically sacrificed.


Compared with the anti-Japanese struggles in other parts of our country that have persisted for fourteen or eight years, the war of resistance in our county is inferior in terms of time and scale, and the people's anti-Japanese struggle is still in the "primary stage" of spontaneity, but the spirit of not being willing to yield and heroically resisting the enemy is equally singable and weeping. Due to historical reasons, at that time, it was impossible to collect records of the heroic deeds and heroic figures of the military and the people who resisted Japan and saved the country, and to do this decades later, many participants have left this world, and the surviving people have been extremely incomplete because they are old or have forgotten. It is a pity that a great defensive battle in which the people of the whole county are strong enough to protect the border and save themselves is difficult to win. Our evil neighbor is still not willing to fail, relying on the hegemon, and sometimes provoking, we still need not to forget the national shame of the past years, and we must wait for the rest of us.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1995), people of insight published more than 20 reminiscences in a special column in the "New Shao WenShi" (eighth series), so that future generations can get a glimpse of the heroic struggle of their predecessors and talk better than nothing. Those words are out of hand, real and vivid, but slightly chaotic, today taking advantage of the 90th anniversary of the September 18 Incident, I summarized and sorted out the information into this article, less vivid, but some organized, talking about the remembrance of the anti-Japanese warriors of that year.

Author: Ai Qinli, Xinshaoren.

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