
The Star Wars Gait: Rogue One Force is with us

author:Sneak peek at the fast battle

IamonewiththeForce, and theForceiswithme

This is a slogan played by Zhen Zidan in "Star Wars Story: Rogue One", the blind Force sensitive Qiru Yingwei, who keeps singing a slogan, although he is a blind man, but it is a typical "no light in the eyes, there is light in the heart," whether it is to beat the enemy with a stick or shell an airplane, it is more stable and fierce than normal people. And his strength should come from the trust and admiration of the Force, which is the power of the spirit, the strong motivation and ability brought to a blind man, when he recites this slogan in the enemy's guns and bullets, the kind of calm and calm, people are moved.

The Star Wars Gait: Rogue One Force is with us

Of course, the companion who traveled together, the weapon specialist played by Jiang Wen, The Family Baez Mabus, was scornful of this and laughed at Zhen Zidan for chanting the incantation, but later Jiang Wen was gradually realized, and when Zhen Zidan was seriously injured and dying, he left this world in jiang Wen's recitation of "I am with the Force, the Force is with me". This is like a cause and effect, and it is a cycle, but it is more of a inheritance, and what is passed on is not a slogan, but a belief, so looking back at the entire "Star Wars" series, you will find that the original "Force" is the ultimate strength and weapon, leading war, but also yearning for peace.

The Star Wars Gait: Rogue One Force is with us

In the "previous" Star Wars series, there is no shortage of Force figures, that is, the so-called "Force", which is sometimes translated as force, power or prime mover, which is the core concept of the "Star Wars" series of works. The Force is a supernatural and ubiquitous mysterious force, an energy field created by all living things, and the key to the pursuit and reliance of both the Jedi Knight and sith Lord (SithLord), after all, the professional explanation says so. Of course, if we jump off the big screen, the Force has long become the cohesion of Star Wars fans, because when we also say " I am with the Force, the Force is with me "we have given ourselves to that mysterious faith power" with our hearts.

The Star Wars Gait: Rogue One Force is with us

In fact, when we think about the deep reasons why the "Star Wars" series has swept the world for so many years, we will find that those magical things that once flew out of the sky and extended in the vast future universe, and those forces of good and evil, although people are brain-opening and deeply fascinated, but more importantly, it is a force that cannot be seen or touched but can be felt. For many years, a variety of cosmic series of science fiction works are also emerging, but there is no one that can surpass the influence and popularity of the "Star Wars" series, including the "Star Trek" series that has started with it, etc. In the film and television world, "StarWars" is simply the existence of the only cosmic worldview that is difficult to change.

The Star Wars Gait: Rogue One Force is with us

Of course, Star Wars Story: Rogue One does a great job of action and war scenes. The vast space, the confrontation between the interstellar forces, the nuclear power of the "Death Star", the small gunfire, the gunfire, the gunfire and the rain of bullets, these super long war action scenes in the excellent 3D effect of the presentation, to give people a different kind of visual impact and inner shock. Whether it is loyal fans or passers-by, they can get the excitement they expect from the film, which is also a kind of entertainment force.

The Star Wars Gait: Rogue One Force is with us

Perhaps, that legendary Force, also put into the works related to "Star Wars", can guide "Star Wars" fans to go crazy for this series, even ten times or even a hundred times to brush this series of works, if there is no "Force" support, there will not be such a persistent motivation. It is gratifying that in "Star Wars Gaiden: Rogue One", we can see the in-depth participation of Zhen Zidan and Jiang Wen, two major Chinese male gods, who not only interpret the application and inheritance of the Force, but also interpret the calm and introvertedness of the Chinese power in the world's top science fiction blockbusters, perhaps, the Force is not only in the distant era of the Galactic Empire, but also in the era in which we live, it has always been with us.

The Star Wars Gait: Rogue One Force is with us