
The rhyme of the mountains, the death of man

author:Hot Blue Blade

At 10:30 p.m. on June 15, 2008, I packed my bags and embarked on my first solo journey to Mount Taishan、、、

I have always wanted to climb Mount Tai alone, and I have always thought that when I leave the noise of acquaintances, I can have a possible space to understand things and feel Tarzan. Today, the opportunity has come, no excitement, no excitement, no hesitation, only a silent rush、、、、

The road to Mount Taishan is still brightly lit, pedestrians are endless, it is more than 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the local elderly are still playing chess and entertainment, so uncomfortable、、、、

There is more tranquil beauty on the road around the mountain, it is a cicada sound that wakes me up, yes, it is the sound of cicadas, the first time I have heard it this summer, beautiful, beautiful, only suitable for this magnificent mountain, the cicadas here may be afraid of the noise of the city, extra careful, extra quiet、、、、

Then move on!

In a flash, I came to the foot of Mount Tarzan and finally had to climb. The time has pointed to 11:30; after walking for an hour, I am indeed a little tired, but since I have arrived, let's go first、、、

Stepping on the ancient stone slab, there is no sense of heavy vicissitudes, after thousands of years of baptism, Tarzan has become sleek, sleek can accept anyone's stepping on the feet, I have also become impetuous, is time to make everything lose its original? Mount Everest said no, but how many dared to say no? 、、、、

After passing the ticket gate, listening to the sound of frogs, very good, Taishan Old Forest can still hear a few frogs, hehe, there is indeed a charm, and then, someone roared, a silence, or good, this is after all the world of people, people have absolute dominance? Poor frog, floating, sinking again


There are not many climbers on the road, most of them are walking together, such as I have not seen a few people, perhaps as I am lonely and even fewer, Taishan is so charming, inheriting the essence of a thousand years, and I can not know its meaning, it is a blasphemy against the 、、、、

Unconsciously, the thousand-year-old dead tree is in the right place, pitiful for a thousand years, according to the destruction of the fire, the charcoal black body tells the tragic situation of the year, the thick branches show his indomitability, even if it falls, why bother, it can still lie for a thousand years and immortal, this is the real immortality、、、、、

The most awakening thing in the darkness is the sound, especially the sound of the water flowing on the Qingquan Stone, crisp, cheerful, generous, delicate, but unfortunately there is no bright moon Matsuma photo, even if there is a true intention, I want to say more nonsense, I have not seen the clear spring, just hearing its sound has made everyone excited, . (Walking to the fork in the eighteen-pan road, I went up the path, washed my face with a clear spring, cool and eye-catching) 、、、

There are many dangerous rocks on the way, I think if it is a landslide, what is the result? Hey hey, will not bleed for thousands of miles, only a few lives are missing, the majestic Taishan condenses the essence of the sun and the moon, transforms life into invisible,

The sword takes the side of the front, but most of the people take the Taiping Road, then I can only go up the path, there are clear springs, there are trees to cover the stars, there are unknown whether it is a domestic cat or a wild cat, (anyway, I am not clear, cold sweat has not yet reached the back), and many insects are 、、、

Meandering up, finally reaching the top of the mountain, in front of the Taishan Grandma Temple there was a big lamp, very bright, I don't know what moth bravely pounced on the light, tireless, or very obsessive、、、、

There is a very spacious place behind the Taishan Grandma Temple, the lighting is OK, I am stationed、、、、

The stars are very beautiful, this is the first time I have appreciated the beauty of the night sky so closely, the only regret is that there is a full moon missing, maybe this is the real world, "There is a tragic world" in the "Comedy of Man", there is a red xia in the distance, to be precise, it is yunxia, maybe the sea of clouds, adding a little fairy spirit to Tarzan, I think it will be more beautiful on the Zhanlu stage! The night sky, the sea of clouds, the mountains, the rhyme of the mountains, so beautiful,

I thought there would be a drizzle at night, but I had come for this summer rain, but poor heaven was not beautiful, and I was suffering from this day. The mountain does not cry for the people who come, I am not enough to shake this cultural mountain, perhaps the building wants to show me the true face, or should I be thankful、、、

Climb Mount Taishan with a heart that has been suppressed for a long time, fantasizing that a mountain and a bottle of wine will pull me back to the real society, I wanted to get drunk and rest, a drunk will be a thousand sorrows, how to nai, the endless mountain wind has already drunk me, then join a little nicotine, the more the better, the more miscellaneous the better, maybe the sky to a thunder better, blow up the mountain, blow up the whole person, should be left a few fine hairs, floating in the air, floating to the sea. I have not seen the sea, where there is a sea and a mountain, is the best destination for a person's soul, hidden in the mountains, or hidden in the sea, and then the spring blossoms, accompanied by a horse, older than a thousand miles、、、、

It's time to go back, the sunrise is coming, I think today's sunrise will be particularly dazzling, I originally wanted to unlock the heart lock, facing the sea, don't you know, the key does not know where to throw, the world is big, where to find? 、、、

Maybe a person, a horse, is the best destination,