
Who pershing is, and why does he have a high position in the history of the US military that no one else can match

author:Zhang Shengquan's wonderful history

In the past hundred years, there have been many famous generals in The history of the United States, such as MacArthur and Eisenhower. They all have a respectable "five-star general" title.

Who pershing is, and why does he have a high position in the history of the US military that no one else can match

(Old photo by Eisenhower)

"Five-star general" is a military rank unique to the United States, equivalent to the rank of field marshal in Western countries. But all those who have obtained this rank are all figures who have made great achievements in battle and are threatening to shock the side.

However, there is a unique rank in the United States,

Its status is still above that of the "five-star general", and all American generals must look up.

The rank was called "Grand Admiral" and was originally intended for the founding father George Washington. But Washington refused to accept it at the time.

Later, the U.S. government awarded the rank of "Special Admiral" to two people, one was "Army Grand Admiral" John Pershing, and the other was "Admiral Navy Grand Admiral" George Dewey.

This means that Pershing and Dewey's ranks, the highest among generals, can no longer be surpassed.

As of now, the rank of "Army Special General" is still exclusive to Pershing.

Who pershing is, and why does he have a high position in the history of the US military that no one else can match

(Pershing old photo)

So, what merit did Pershing make to be able to enjoy the "Army Special General"?

Pershing was born in Missouri in 1860. When he was a child, Pershing was resolute and courageous, and already had the potential to become a general. In 1886, Pershing graduated from the prestigious United States Military Academy at West Point and immediately entered the cavalry unit.

As early as school, Pershing had participated in the war against Indians in the Southwest of the United States. For five years after joining the army, Pershing also dealt with The Indians in South Dakota.

Because of his rigorous style and meticulous work, Pershing was favored by the West Point Military Academy in 1897 and became a tactical instructor.

In the Spanish-American War that followed, Pershing took part in the Cuban theater.

The U.S. military felt that Pershing had a great talent in combat, so it sent him to the Philippine army to suppress the uprising of the Filipino people.

After that, wherever there is wind and grass in the world, the US military will send Pershing to observe and investigate. For example, during the Russo-Japanese War, Pershing went to Japan as a military observer. The U.S. military apparently cultivated Pershing as a future master.

In 1906, Pershing was recognized by the president and promoted to brigadier general. Over the next decade, Pershing was involved in a variety of repressive activities. The U.S. military was so pleased with his performance that it asked him to lead the team to the battlefields of World War I.

Who pershing is, and why does he have a high position in the history of the US military that no one else can match

(Russo-Japanese War)

Pershing has a nickname called "Jack of Spades" or "Jack of Horror".

The title "Jack" is the most notorious killer code name in European and American culture. In 1888, a vicious criminal in London who had brutally killed at least five prostitutes in a row was known as "Jack the Ripper". Since then, "Jack" has become synonymous with the evil people.

Pershing didn't have this nickname because he was a murderous, cruel commander. Rather, Pershing was a notorious perfectionist. His requirements for the military appearance of the army reached a point of harshness almost perverted. Fearing his subordinates, they secretly gave him this nickname behind his back, but Pershing did not care at all.

Pershing is not a man who doesn't practice. Even after he retired from the army, his image in public was still straight, neatly dressed, polished and meticulous. Pershing led by example, allowing his subordinates to learn from him. This made all the soldiers very impressed with him.

As he led the American Expeditionary Force to the battlefield of World War I, french commander Pétain and British commander Hague scratched their heads and exclaimed, "How can it be a terrible Jack?" That's a very difficult guy to deal with. ”

Who pershing is, and why does he have a high position in the history of the US military that no one else can match

(This image)

And it was exactly as they had expected. Britain and France had intended to use the U.S. military as a reinforcement force and not to give them sole command. This is a necessary measure to prevent the US military from playing a leading role in the war and robbing interests.

But at the coalition meeting, Pershing did not eat oil and salt, soft and hard. In front of British Prime Minister Georges and French Prime Minister Clemenceau, he stressed that the US military must have independent command and must have its own independent strategic direction. When he finished speaking, he left the scene directly, not giving anyone else a chance to refute it. Many British and French bigwigs looked at each other and finally had to agree to the independence of the US military on the battlefield.

In September 1917, Pershing commanded the U.S. First Army to independently conduct the Battle of Saint-Mière and the Battle of Meuse-Agone. In early November, he launched a general offensive with the German forces of the Anglo-French coalition and successfully broke through the Hindenburg Line. And this became the last straw that crushed Germany.

Pershing's forward-looking strategic vision and active pursuit of an independent command position laid a solid foundation for the military status of the United States on the world stage after World War I.

In recognition of the interests he has won for the country, the only "army special general" in the United States so far was born.

(Reference: The American General – The Biography of John Joseph Pershing)

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