
Man suddenly suffered a heart attack and fainted at the entrance of the community, and the civil first responder relayed the rescue

author:Northeast News Network

At 17:30 on May 8, during the evening peak, a man was suspected of having a sudden heart attack and fell to the ground, breathing or pulseless. The 120 ambulance has not yet arrived, and no onlookers dare to "touch". At the critical moment, a man squeezed through the crowd and shouted: "Please get out of the way, I am a first responder!" Subsequently, the man summoned two friends to relay cardiopulmonary resuscitation and mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, and insisted on doing it for more than 20 minutes... Until 120 ambulances arrived! This is a touching scene that happened at the entrance of the West Lake Community in Yuhong District. On May 9, Shenyang Evening News and Shen Bao Rong Media reporters learned from the interview that the rescuers were Red Cross volunteers, and Ren Aoyang, head of the 3589 Emergency Service Team of the Shenyang Sunshine Volunteer Association, who held an international first aid card and a Chinese Red Cross first aid card, and his companions.

When he came home from work, he met the man lying on the ground

On the morning of May 9, the reporter went to find Ren Aoyang, a staff member of the administrative law enforcement department in Yuhong District. He told reporters that at 17:30 on the 8th, he went home after work as usual. "I'm 40 years old, and May 3 is my birthday." He said that because of the "May Day" holiday, several friends planned to make up for his birthday that night.

Ren Aoyang just walked to the gate of the community, saw a lot of people gathered in front of the bicycle garage, and there was a panicked shout. After glancing inward along the slit, he found a man lying on the ground, motionless, and he immediately ran over.

First responders do their part to work together

I saw a man of about 50 years old lying on his back on the ground, motionless. He was face up, quadriplegic, and shouted he didn't respond. As soon as I touched him, he was cold, wet, in a cold sweat, and I couldn't feel his breathing or pulse. Ren Aoyang said that after preliminary judgment, this person may be a sudden heart attack and need emergency rescue.

Stabilizing his mind, Ren Aoyang calmed himself down. He first thought of a few first aider buddies nearby, so he opened his throat and shouted. Hearing the news, Kong Lingnan and Guo Hao quickly ran over. Ren Aoyang first asked Guo Hao to dial 120 for help, in order to receive the 120 ambulance as soon as possible, he also asked Guo Hao to wait for the car at the entrance of the community. Then, he took out the door key from his pocket and handed it to Kong Lingnan: "Go to my house to get the first aid kit!" ”

Ren Aoyang's family lived on the second floor of the nearby residential building, and Kong Lingnan quickly ran back with a first-aid kit.

The duo relayed chest compressions more than a thousand times

Ren Aoyang opened the first aid kit and took out the first aid equipment. He cleared the man's throat of the vomit, opened the airway, and then tried to perform chest compressions for the man for CPR. One, two, three... On the side, Kong Lingnan, who is also a first responder, and Ren Aoyang have a very tacit understanding, just one eye contact, and after Ren Aoyang did 30 chest compressions, Kong Lingnan fell to his knees and did two mouth-to-mouth artificial respirations for the man!

In this way, according to the ratio of 30:2, two people constantly perform chest compressions and artificial respiration. The 1,000 chest compressions that lasted for about 10 minutes made Ren Aoyang feel a little weak. Seeing the situation, Kong Lingnan immediately came up to replace him and continued to do it - the position, strength and frequency of the pressure were all accurate and consistent. "You can't squat, it's better to kneel." Ren Aoyang recalled that although the man had no life reaction for a long time, he and Kong Lingnan refueled each other and insisted on implementing first aid without interruption.

Soon, Guo Hao arrived with 120 ambulances, and the emergency personnel began to rescue them with an AED (cardiac defibrillator), and then took the man to the hospital.

The crowd recorded a video of the first aid

At this time, Ren Aoyang and Kong Lingnan were already sweating profusely. The process of rescuing the man was filmed by enthusiastic citizens with mobile phones.

In the video, next to the sick man, there is also a pink-clad woman crying incessantly. During the interview, the reporter learned that the woman was the man's family. At the time of the incident, the man went out alone, walking and feeling uncomfortable, so he wanted to return home to get a bottle of mineral water, but unexpectedly, he just walked to the door of the bicycle garage and fainted in front of his eyes.

This scene happened to be seen by the bicycle garage caretaker in the window. At first, she thought the man might be drunk, so she opened her throat and shouted whether the man had a family, and when she heard the news, a woman dressed in pink came from afar. However, no matter how she called and slapped, the man never reacted. Seeing this, the woman in pink cried out in despair, attracting some people to watch. Fortunately, at this time, he met Ren Aoyang and others, which triggered the story of saving people.

"Although we have not heard anything from the man so far, we all hope that he will turn the corner!" Ren Aoyang said.

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Myocardial infarction rescue has a "golden window" Remember "four to four do not"

According to statistics, more than half of the patients who died of sudden myocardial infarction were due to not receiving the correct rescue before arriving at the hospital.

The golden time for myocardial infarction rescue is the short hour after the onset of the disease, and some wrong rescue methods are not only unable to save lives, but will be more fatal. First aid experts remind that four "must not do" and four "must do" during a myocardial attack.

Four "don't do it"

1. Never go to the hospital alone

This may be the most common and at the same time the most wrong and dangerous way to do it, knowing that going to the hospital is a good thing to have a heart attack, but going to the hospital alone with a heart attack is a fatal thing.

2. Never take nitroglycerin without authorization

For patients with acute myocardial infarction with low blood pressure, taking nitroglycerin is a major contraindication, which can lead to a further decrease in blood pressure and increase the risk of shock. Even if the blood pressure is normal, lie down when taking nitroglycerin to prevent orthostatic hypotension, which can lead to dizziness and falls.

3. Never lift up and drink water

Legend has it that once a heart attack occurs, immediately help the patient to get up and drink some water, which can reduce the viscosity of the blood and alleviate the symptoms. Not to mention that this practice is not good for a patient with normal vital signs, and for a patient who has already experienced shock or even cardiac arrest, it will be fatal.

4. Do not blindly do CPR

CPR is not necessarily unusable, but to judge the situation first. This first aid method is suitable for patients with cardiac arrest, and patients with acute myocardial infarction do not always lose their breath and heartbeat. In people who do not have cardiac arrest, CPR increases the risk of fatal arrhythmias.

Four "Must Do"

1. Be sure to stop the activity

If a myocardial infarction attack is suspected, the patient should stop the activity immediately, and if it is any activity, immediately rest in place to avoid external interference. Myocardial infarction attack, anxiety and panic is a common human condition, but in order to stabilize the patient's condition, everyone still has to stay calm at the first time.

2. Be sure to dial 120

At the same time, family members should immediately call the emergency and wait for the arrival of medical personnel. In the process of waiting, closely observe the changes in the condition and the patient's vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc., to help the doctor understand the situation.

3. Be sure to keep your breathing flowing

After stopping activity, try to keep the patient breathing unobstructed. If the patient is indicated for hypoxia, oxygen can be given, which can quickly improve the condition of myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, and control or reduce the area of infarction. If the patient is already unconscious, tilt the patient's head to one side and remove the secretions from the mouth and nose in time.

4. Be sure to soothe your mood

Tension does not help the rescue, the family first of all do not panic too much, do not let their negative emotions affect the patient, add additional psychological burden to the patient, remember to accompany the patient, waiting for the arrival of ambulance personnel.